英语人>词典>汉英 : 蛋 的英文翻译,例句
蛋 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
egg  ·  eggs  ·  egging  ·  ovi  ·  ballocks

an egg-shaped thing
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People cook the eggs in the hot sand of the camp-fire, and they prefer them when they are almost ready to hatch, believing, quite correctly, that they are much more satisfying in this state than when they are newly laid.


Symptoms less daily stool frequency of more than 10 times below the yellow green stool with mucus and was蛋花汤kind, and accompanied by a slight abdominal distension, hyper sound肠鸣; severe diarrhea when the performance of frequent dozens of times daily defecation, were water samples, volume, and acid odor, or vomiting accompanied by galactorrhea.


Miso soup, cooked Nostoc can also be boiled tofu or seaweed soup蛋花汤, these are all Chinese people are familiar with the soup.


A simple way of saving the memory space is using the 256 ASCII codesby functions such as ACHAR(I and IACHAR in Fortran Compiler to represent 28 egg patterns (or less than 256 patterns). For examples: 00000000 to 11111111 has 256 egg patterns for yes/no data of eight days; 00000 to 22222 (system of no egg, one egg and two eggs) has 35 patterns for egg production of five days; and 0000 to 3333 has 44 patterns for system of no egg, one egg, two eggs and abnormal eggs in four days…etc.

利用诸如 Fortran Compiler提供的 ACHAR 与 IACHAR 对应函数与自建的转换对照表,可以256 (=28)个ASCII字元储存各类变化的产记录;如28 (00000000→11111111):八天的&有生、没生&的资料或是35 (56):五天的&没生、一个、两个&的资料或是 44(0000→3333):四天的&没生、一个正常、两个正常、异常&的资料EEE等。

The products that we have been developed are: intermediate include Protoporphyrin,, protein peptone, plant peptone; Flavor material include hydrolyzed vegetable protein, meat flavor protein powder; food material include compound amino acid powder, soybean peptide,soybean polypeptide,blood peptide, collagen polypeptide, fish protein powder and hydrolyzed animal protein; protein powder include hydrolyzed soybean protein, hemoglobin,hemocrystallin and food-grade whey protein.


Can now give him the吃蛋, but also calcium, I used the pure milk of calcium, calcium lactate can also be easy to absorb these small baby calcium to make up, a child is breast-fed it?


It should be noted: 1, without a doctors permission not to scribble pediatric medicine, such as improper use will increase eczema. 2, eczema parts washing is unavailable, in particular, should not use hot water and soap can be used to disinfect the vegetable oil or paraffin oil cloth. 3, to avoid the baby scratch, may be wearing gloves. 4, to avoid contact with chemical fiber, silk, wool and other clothing. 5, diet, try and get "allergy source", if the suspected milk allergy, milk can be cooked some more time; if it is on protein allergy can be a single fresh egg yolk; breast-feeding mothers do not吃蛋, shrimp, crab and other food; but have to eat with vegetable oil (sesame oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil) rich in food, due to unsaturated fatty acids reach the baby through the milk of the body to prevent capillary fragility and permeability-increasing, and this is is the infant occurred in the pathological basis of eczema. 6, if necessary, intravenous 10% calcium gluconate.


Studies on digestible methionine requirement of fattening egg-type cockerels Experiment with corn-soybean meal type ration was conducted to study methioninerequirement of fattening egg-type cockerels. Methionine level of basic diet were 0.34% during former period (0~6 week) and 0.28% during latter period (7~10 week).


Sets of kingbirds' eggs, eight sets of house wrens'eggs, four sets of mockingbirds' eggs, etc.; sets ofeggs taken in low trees, high trees, medium trees;spotted sets, dark sets, plain sets, and light setsof the same species of bird. Many collections aremade on this latter plan.


Half months later the baby will suck, but I have less and less milk, it is not possible to feed the baby once, eat without leaving any formula containing Wang line, Qualcomm grass, pangolins and other drug-fat milk and eating milk, carp炖蛋, stewed pig soybeans, donkeys plastic and so on, but that effect.


更多网络解释与蛋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boiled egg:煮蛋

有时也会吃一些类食品,如煮(boiled egg)、煎(fried egg). 煮又分熟透的(hard)和半熟的(soft)两种. 而煎则分全熟、半熟和太阳(sun egg),也就是只煎一面,黄未凝固,而且透明,西方人一般都食用后者.

boiled egg:水煮蛋

有时也会吃一些类食品,如水煮(boiled egg)、煎(fried egg). 煮有分熟透的和半熟的两种. 而煎则分全熟(hard)、半熟(soft)和太阳(sun egg),也就是只煎一面,黄未凝固,而且透明,西方人一般都食用后者.

fried egg:煎蛋

有时也会吃一些类食品,如煮(boiled egg)、煎(fried egg). 煮又分熟透的(hard)和半熟的(soft)两种. 而煎则分全熟、半熟和太阳(sun egg),也就是只煎一面,黄未凝固,而且透明,西方人一般都食用后者.


egg-white protein 卵清白;卵白白 | egged 蘸液的;浸液的 | egging 在烹调中将混入或敷在食品表面

eggnog; egg-flip:蛋酒,浓缩蛋饮料

[调理],捡 egging | 酒,浓缩饮料 eggnog, egg-flip | 茄[子] eggplant, aubergine, brinjal, gardenegg

egg-flip, eggnog:蛋酒,浓缩蛋饮料

杯 eggcup | 酒,浓缩饮料 egg-flip, eggnog | 黄果 eggfruit, canistel


而在看顺口溜的儿歌时,头先生坐在猩猩旁边,头先生(Humpty Dumpty)是>里著名的角色,童谣中说:"头先生墙上坐,头先生跌下墙. 所有国王的马和士兵,都没办法把他拼回去. "因此画中的头先生一副害怕的样子,


最常见的是只煎单面的太阳(sunny-side-up);若你想吃煎卷(omelet),贴心的厨师还会问你要加些什麼料,一般人喜爱在煎卷里加入火腿、磨菇和洋葱;炒(scrambled egg)是将白和黄一同搅拌,加入奶油或鲜奶,之后再入锅拌炒,

Egg Tart:蛋挞

挞,(Egg Tart)台湾称为塔,挞为英文"tart"之音译,意指馅料外露的馅饼(相对表面被饼皮覆盖馅料密封之批[派]馅饼pie);挞即以浆为馅料"tart". 做法是把饼皮放进小圆盆状的饼模中,倒入由砂糖及鸡混合而成之浆,然后放入烤炉;

DO you like your egg soft-boiled, hard-boiled or fried:你要煮嫩蛋,老蛋还是煎蛋

Do you prefer black tea, jasmine tea, or coffee? 你喜欢红茶... | Do you take sugar with your milk(tea, coffee)? 你的奶... | DO you like your egg soft-boiled, hard-boiled or fried? 你要煮嫩,老还是煎?