英语人>词典>汉英 : 虹鳟 的英文翻译,例句
虹鳟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Tube flies can be used for everything from stream trout and surface steelhead to billfish.


The proportion of conjugated CPs increases with the number of chlorine atoms in each compound, nevertheless, the proportion of conjugated CPs in PCP is less than that of TCP.


Behind the dorsal fin , rainbows have an adipose fin that is commonly clipped from fish raised in a hatchery.

虹鳟和刚头常出现在溶氧充沛的湖泊或溪流中,这些地方夏季的水温通常不超过12°C ,在虹鳟背鳍的后面有一个脂肪鳍,人工孵育放流的鱼通常会把它剪掉。

Comparison study on performance among albino rainbow trout and Donaldson rainbow trout and their filial generation were studied.


The relationship between Discocotyle sagittata intensities and host length, weight and specific anti-parasite antibody titres was studied in 3 year-classes of farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout Salmo trutta at the end of the annual transmission cycle.

对一年一度洄游季节末期的三周龄养殖虹鳟和褐鳟进行寄生虫检测,研究Discocotyle sagittata感染强度与宿主的体长、体重、特异性抗寄生虫抗体滴度之间的关系。

The medium level of overall genetic diversity and medium Fixation Index (Fst=0.193) indicated that the Oncorhynchus mykis reared in Gansu had relatively medium genetic variation.


The Vg-negative reaction of the triploid female rainbow trout could not provide full evidence for the impossibility of liver to synthesize Vg. That Vg was not synthesized resulted from insufficient estradiol due to the retardation of ovaries development, the un-differentiation of follicular cells and the lost interaction of germ cell and somatic cells. It could be concluded from yolk genesis that the shortage of female triploid rainbow trout's Vg resulted from the abortive ooecium, but did not result in sterility.


However, Cutthroat Trout do not get as large as rainbow or Brown Trout, and generally lack the aerial abilities that other trout display when hooked.


Cutthroat trout:a large trout found in western North american waters that resembles the rainbow trout and is distinguished by red or orange markings on the lower jaw.


Due to the cold waters and the fact that Brook Trout live a shorter life generally than rainbow and Brown Trout, Brook Trout usually do not grow nearly as big.


更多网络解释与虹鳟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(2)541 鯷鱼(Anchovy) 是属於何类? 淡水鱼类海水鱼类两栖类甲壳类. (1)542 下列何者为淡水鱼?虹鳟(Rainbow Trout) 鳕鱼(Rock Cod)板鱼(Lemon Sole)(2)543 玉蜀黍(Maize) 属於下列何类食物?蔬菜类五谷类水果类豆荚类.


(2)541 鯷鱼(Anchovy) 是属於何类? 淡水鱼类海水鱼类两栖类甲壳类. (1)542 下列何者为淡水鱼?虹鳟(Rainbow Trout) 鳕鱼(Rock Cod)板鱼(Lemon Sole)(2)543 玉蜀黍(Maize) 属於下列何类食物?蔬菜类五谷类水果类豆荚类.

rainbow trout:虹鳟

至于台湾溪流的拟饵钓法,虹鳟(Rainbow trout)算得上是最常见的鱼种. 虹鳟被引进台湾,大约在60年代左右. 目前虹鳟在台湾的分布情形,大致有分为"野放"与"人工养殖"等两类.

Oncorhynchus mykiss:虹鳟

而且可能对大多数生物还很安全,因为根据 Sanod 等人於 2005 年针对三种水生生物发表的戊二醛研究报告显示:模糊网纹蚤(Ceriodaphnia dubia)的无毒害浓度(NOEC )为 2.4 ppm,虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)的无毒害浓度为 1 ppm,

O. mykiss:虹鳟

樱花钩吻鲑 O. masou formosanum | 虹鳟 O. mykiss | ば文 Cyprinodontiformes

Oncorhynchus masau:樱花钩吻鲑

器官体积计测器 oncometer | 樱花钩吻鲑 Oncorhynchus masau | 虹鳟 Oncorhynchus mykiss


虹鳟 Oncorhynchus mykiss | 麝田鼠(属) Ondatra | 麝田鼠 Ondatra zibethicus

radiolaria ooze:放射虫软泥

raceway 流水路 | radiolaria ooze 放射虫软泥 | raindow trout 虹鳟

Salmo gairdneri:虹鳟

文章摘要:用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法分离了麦穗鱼(pseudorasbora parva),金鱼(Carassius auratus),尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapja nilotica),食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis),虹鳟(Salmo gairdneri)等五种鱼的肝脏酯酶的同工酶,以乙酸α-萘酯为底物测定了它们的活性,


......南郊国营第四渔场位于北京市大兴区红星双汔子,钓场鱼类:鲤鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼、鲶鱼、虹鳟等. 虹鳟: 鲑科(Salmonidae)鱼类,学名Oncorhynchus mykiss. 善于跳跃,上钩後激烈拚......