英语人>词典>汉英 : 藤蔓 的英文翻译,例句
藤蔓 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Saltwater it is as if bank sort tearfully right flow no stop, Ping the sad of psychical bitter, Like precipitate Wan abysm,Chueh cirri can climb rock.


One day, I found surprising, Alocasia leaves droop a few vines, the top is a small bud, I finally made the effort to return.


The window seemed to be made for the purpose of forbidden love, with Andalusian grillwork from top to bottom and a frame of climbing vines that even had its breath of jasmine in the torpor of the night.


Old World vine with lobed evergreen leaves and black berrylike fruits.


Any of several South American ornamental woody vines of the genus Bougainvillea having ''.


Any of several South American ornamental woody vines of the genus Bougainvillea having brilliant red or purple flower bracts; widely grown in warm regions.


This observation raises many intriguing questions that are addressed within the framework of elastic filamentary structures by modeling the stem close to the apex as a growing elastic rod.


The world's heaviest flower, a species of rafflesia, is a parasite that flourishes among, and lives off of, the roots of jungle vines.


The analysis shows that vertical growth is achieved thanks to discrete contact points and regions with continuous contact, that the contact pressure creates tension in the stem as observed experimentally, and that there is a maximal radius of the pole around which a twiner can climb.


The starch, sugar and cellulose can be used for producing biological fuels or medicine.


更多网络解释与藤蔓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To Cirrus:致藤蔓

07.远去的日子 The Day Faraway | 08.致藤蔓 To Cirrus | 09.梦蝶 Dream of the Butterfly

Clinging Vines:黏附藤蔓, 发射一个黏在敌人身上的藤蔓,让敌人一定时间内持续掉血 主动

Stone Storm:岩石风暴, 下石头雨给敌人造成伤害 主动 | Clinging Vines:黏附藤蔓, 发射一个黏在敌人身上的藤蔓,让敌人一定时间内持续掉血 主动 | Breath of the North:北方之息,冻结敌人,并有一定几率秒杀被冻敌人 ...


坑谷中有藤蔓植物(CREEPER),TIM试着爬上去,可是掉了下来. 从地上捡起了藤蔓绳(LIANA),一头套在树上,另一头套在石头上,做成一个发射架. 爬上树发射!由于高度不够,TIM重重的砸在了对面山壁上(惨). 重新拿回藤蔓,再次做发射架,

Solar Creeper:太阳藤蔓)(太陽藤

Summon Dire Wolf--召唤恶狼--召喚狂狼; | Solar Creeper--太阳藤蔓)(太陽藤; | Spirit of Barbs--精神倒刺--棘靈;

Solar Creeper:太阳藤蔓)(太??藤

Summon Dire Wolf--召唤恶狼--召?究窭牵? | Solar Creeper--太阳藤蔓)(太??藤; | Spirit of Barbs--精神倒刺--棘?';

Grapes grow on:葡萄是長在? A: Vines 葡萄藤蔓

Granny smith apples are? 青蘋果是? A: Green 綠色 | Grapes grow on? 葡萄是長在? A: Vines 葡萄藤蔓 | Honey comes from? 蜂蜜從哪來的? A: Bees 蜜蜂

Haines:来自有藤蔓的农舍 男性 未知

Haile 英雄 男性 | Haines 来自有藤蔓的农舍 男性 未知 | Hakan 贵族,皇帝 男性 挪威、土耳其

Haines:海恩斯 来自有藤蔓的农舍 男性 未知

Haile 海尔塞拉 英雄 男性?? | Haines 海恩斯 来自有藤蔓的农舍 男性 未知? | Hakan 哈坎 贵族,皇帝 男性 挪威、土耳其?

Haines:来自有藤蔓的农舍 男性

Haile 英雄 男性 | Haines 来自有藤蔓的农舍 男性 | Hakan 贵族, 皇帝 男性 挪威、 土耳其


hoptoad 蟾蜍 | hopvine 蛇麻草藤蔓 | hora 传统圆舞