英语人>词典>汉英 : 蒸汽加热 的英文翻译,例句
蒸汽加热 的英文翻译、例句


steam heating
更多网络例句与蒸汽加热相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has steam heating and electric heating two heating methods for your choose.


Heating the form of electric heating and steam heating two.


The aircraft shape and structure of 4-plate frame, heating the form of electric heating and steam heating two.


Traps the steam heating system in a blocking air drainage, select the appropriate traps, steam heating device can achieve maximum efficiency.


Traps in the steam heating system in a waste air drainage, select the appropriate traps, steam heating equipment can reach the highest efficiency.


Traps in the steam heating system in a waste air drainage, select the appropriate traps, steam heating equipment can reach the highest efficiency.


Bedsides,it improves its safety even in the high drying temperature. 5.The fixed scraper device makes the cleaning quickly and easily.


The mathematical model of direct steam heater control loop based on mechanism analytical method was built.


The process calculation of the shell and tube steam heater was carried out with the method of numerical analysis method.


By the experiment of using steam trap of the steam heater,considering the steadiness of control process ,gave a suggestion for the choice for steam trap.


更多网络解释与蒸汽加热相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Steam heating pipe:蒸汽加热管

steam heating coil 蒸汽加热盘管 | steam heating pipe 蒸汽加热管 | steam lighter 蒸汽动力驳船

steam heating coil:蒸汽加热盘管

steam heater 蒸汽加热器 | steam heating coil 蒸汽加热盘管 | steam hoist 蒸汽吊车

steam heating system:蒸汽加热系统

steam heating pipe 蒸汽加热管 | steam heating system 蒸汽加热系统 | steam heating tank 蒸汽加热蒸汽加热货油舱

steam calorifier:蒸汽加热器,蒸汽热水器

steam cabinet (消毒用的)蒸汽室 | steam calorifier 蒸汽加热器,蒸汽热水器 | steam calorimeter 蒸汽干度测量器,蒸汽量热器

steam-heated drier:蒸汽加热干燥机

steam-heated concentrator 蒸汽加热浓缩器 | steam-heated drier 蒸汽加热干燥机 | steam-heated evaporator 蒸汽加热蒸发器

steam-heated evaporator:蒸汽加热蒸发器

steam-heated drier 蒸汽加热干燥机 | steam-heated evaporator 蒸汽加热蒸发器 | steam-injector-type burner 蒸汽喷射式燃烧器

steam-heated evaporator:蒸汽加热的蒸发器

steam heated airheater ==> 蒸汽加热空气预热器 | steam-heated evaporator ==> 蒸汽加热的蒸发器 | steam heater ==> 蒸汽加热

steam-heated circle:蒸汽加热圈

steam-haulage engineer ==> 蒸汽机车司机 | steam-heated circle ==> 蒸汽加热圈 | steam-heated concentrator ==> 蒸汽加热浓缩器

steam heater:蒸汽加热器

steam heat-exchanger 蒸汽热交换器 | steam heater 蒸汽加热器 | steam heating coil 蒸汽加热盘管

steam heater:蒸汽加热器,蒸汽暖炉

蒸气产生器 steam generator | 蒸汽加热器,蒸汽暖炉 steam heater | 蒸汽再热器 steam reheater