英语人>词典>汉英 : 蒙特哥贝 的英文翻译,例句
蒙特哥贝 的英文翻译、例句


Montego Bay
更多网络例句与蒙特哥贝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is also a popular bank located 15 miles off the coast of Montego Bay called the Buckner bank.


Spot whales from Eden on the Sapphire Coast, see native and exotic animals at Mogo Zoo and explore the wildlife haven of Montague Island, near Narooma. Go kayaking through the Kangaroo Valley and cruise down the pristine Clyde River in Bateman's Bay.


Professor Gary Strobel, from Montana State University in the US, has found a tree-living fungus that produces a substance similar to diesel fuel during an investigation in the rainforests of Patagonia.


Mr Coke could escalate the conflict by calling on armed backers elsewhere in the country, like the Stone Crusher gang in Montego Bay, a tourist haven, to stage further attacks.


The crowded towns of Kingston and Montego Bay are alive with myriad activities .


Montego Bay is home to No Problem Fishing Charters .


Families will enjoy using Salty Angler Fishing Charters of Montego Bay, because children are welcomed and beginner s lessons are readily available.


At about half a mile off the coast of Montego Bay, the drop off begins, starting at about 400 feet and gradually sloping down to 3000 feet further offshore.


Suzie-Q Deep Sea Fishing Charters operates out of Falmouth, which is close to Montego Bay, offers both 8-hour and 4-hour charters for up to 12 people.


Also in Montego Bay are Pier One Marina, where chartered fishing excursions can be arranged, and North Coast Marine Charters, which operates out of Half Moon Hotel and Wynham Rose Hall Hotel.


更多网络解释与蒙特哥贝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

HAVANA, Cuba:哈瓦那.......古巴

MONTEGO BAY,Jamaica 蒙特哥贝. | HAVANA, Cuba 哈瓦那.......古巴 | PT CALDERA, Chile 卡尔德拉......智利


到牙买加一定要到蒙特哥贝去,而且要下榻"半月"(Half Moon)度假酒店. "半月"度假酒店依海而建,面积广达1万6188公亩,有客房250间,每间都面对着湛蓝的加勒比海,有50个游泳池,还有高尔夫球场、网球场、跑马场、购物村,有牙买加、意大利、日本和法国餐馆.

KINGSTON, Jamaica:金斯敦........牙买加

CASTRIES,West Indies 卡斯特里 | KINGSTON, Jamaica 金斯敦........牙买加 | MONTEGO BAY,Jamaica 蒙特哥贝.

Air Jamaica:牙买加航空公司

金斯敦和蒙特哥贝市分别建有国际机场,牙买加航空公司(Air Jamaica)开辟了美、加、欧洲等20条航线,年运送旅客约450万人次. 全境拥有6,521公里的道路网,公路运输四通八达.

Magarita ville:珍珠城

Key Largo/基拉戈 | Magarita ville/珍珠城 | Montego Bay/蒙特哥贝

Montego Bay:蒙特哥贝

蒙特哥贝(Montego Bay)是牙买加北部一个著名的旅游城市,梁实轩说,到牙买加一定要到蒙特哥贝去,而且要下榻「半月」(Half Moon)度假酒店. 朗姆酒(rum)是牙买加名产. 离蒙特哥贝约1个小时车程的Appleton庄园,自1749年就开始生产朗姆酒,

MONTEGO BAY,Jamaica:蒙特哥贝

KINGSTON, Jamaica 金斯敦........牙买加 | MONTEGO BAY,Jamaica 蒙特哥贝. | HAVANA, Cuba 哈瓦那.......古巴

MONTEGO BAY,Jamaica:蒙特哥贝............................牙买加

KINGSTON, Jamaica 金斯敦...............................牙买加 | MONTEGO BAY,Jamaica 蒙特哥贝............................牙买加 | PT CALDERA, Chile 卡尔德拉................................智利


MBI MBEYA 姆贝亚 坦桑尼亚 | MBJ MONTEGO BAY 蒙特哥贝 牙买加 | MBL MABUSTEE MI 马尼斯蒂 美国(密执安州)

MBJ Montego Bay,Jamaica:牙买加,蒙特哥湾

MBI Mbeya,Tanzania 坦桑尼亚,姆贝亚 | MBJ Montego Bay,Jamaica 牙买加,蒙特哥湾 | MBM Mambone,Mozambique 莫桑比克,曼博内