英语人>词典>汉英 : 葡萄牙人 的英文翻译,例句
葡萄牙人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The Pan Europeanism form of white supremacism accepts all native Europeans--though, of course, there can always be dispute as to who counts as native--as White, a population that ranges from fair skinned Swedes, Britons and Germans to darker complexioned Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and Greeks.


Egoism and exclusionism of the English nation-state drives the English protest all the other powers that bind and restrict and threaten it. The English regards the activities of their colonial expansion abroad as a right, by which they might settle in some other abroad places unoccupied by other countries like Spain and Portugal etc. Beating the Spanish not only raises the English national confidence, but also clears the biggest obstacle hindering the English to expand their power abroad, and prepares favorable conditions for the construction and development of the British Empire in the Dynasty of the Stuart.


Of or relating to or characteristic of Portugal or the people of Portugal .


The first chapter introduced Portugals Padroado and the foundation of Macao Bishop zones , analysed the three major sources of Society of Jesus's outlay: the gain of the Macao-based maritime trade, Portuguese Macao's grants and the salary and reward of the Chinese governments, and evaluated the commercial activities of Society of Jesus, affirmed that Jesuits are not simply missionaries.


Chapter One presents the western yearning and the imagination of China, the motivation of Portuguese navigation as well as the formation of the Portuguese social psychology; these were the elements that construct the differences in the shaping of the Chinese image. Chapter Two outlines the images of China for the Portuguese in the 16th century and how these images were used or manipulated. Chapter Three identifies the reasons for Fernao Mendes Pintos excessive praise for China. Chapter Four discusses the attitude held towards China by poets and missionaries, and the European misinterpretations of the Chinese image. Chapter Five reviews the Chinese image portrayed by Eca de Queiroz, a Portuguese novelist, and the translations of Chinese poems by certain poets. Chapter Six investigates how poets, especially those who had once stayed in Macao, viewed and perceived China.

第一章概述西方对中国的向往和想象、葡萄牙海外扩张的动机以及民族心理的构成,这决定了他们在塑造中国形象时的某些相异性;第二章论述16世纪葡萄牙人眼中的中国形象,以及对这一形象的利用;第三章集中讨论费尔南·门德斯·平托狂想式赞颂中国的原因;第四章评述诗人和教士对中国的态度以及欧洲对中国形象的&误读&;第五章论及小说家埃萨(Eca de Queiróz)笔下的中国形象以及一些诗人对中国诗歌的翻译;最后一章聚焦澳门,考察在澳门生活过的葡萄牙作家是如何描述中国的。

Reconquered by the Portuguese in 1147, it flourished in the 16th century during the heyday of colonial expansion in Africa and India.

公元前 205年被罗马人占领,并于公元 714年被摩尔人征服,1147年葡萄牙人重新征服该城。

The Portuguese are among the glummest people in Europe. According to a Eurobarometer poll, 92% 1.__see__ the economic situation as bad; fully 95% are 2.__depressed__ about their job prospects; and over half are "dissatisfied with the life they 3._lead___". Within the European Union, only easterners from Hungary and Bulgaria are similarly 4.__morose__. Why the pessimism?


Rutters that revealed the seaways to the New World or unraveled the mysteries of the Pass of Magellan and the Cape of Good Hope—both Portuguese discoveries—and thence the seaways to Asia were guarded as national treasures by the Portuguese and Spanish, and sought after with equal ferocity by their Dutch and English enemies.


Broadly, the newly independent Angolans, too, did not lament the departure of the Portuguese, who were notorious as among the more repressive and mean-spirited colonists.


The British founded a settlement on Singapore Island in 1819, and by 1867 they had established the Straits Settlements, including Malacca, Singapore, and Penang. During the late 19th century, Chinese began to migrate to Malaya. Japan invaded Malaya in 1941 and captured Singapore in 1942. After Japan's defeat in 1945, opposition to British rule led to the creation of the United Malaya National Organization in 1946, and in 1948 the peninsula was federated with Penang.


更多网络解释与葡萄牙人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


管形熔线 cartridge fuse | [西班牙,葡萄牙人的]轻快帆船 carvel | 平铺法(小艇壳板) carvel built


mean load 平均载荷[负荷] | Feringhee 欧洲人(尤指在印度出生的葡萄牙人) | microphony trouble 颤噪效应, 颤噪故障


菲罗扎巴德(地名)Firuzabad | 弗林基人(葡萄牙人)Feringhi,Feringi | 菲朗基人 Firangi


1760年左右,中国南方的葡萄牙人(Portugal)为葡语创造了两个和中国桔子有关的单词,第一个是Mandarim(英文演变为Mandarin)即满清官员(满大人)、中国官话、官僚作风、柑橘等意 ;第二个单词是将风味独特的胡柚称为葡萄牙人的柚"葡萄柚"(Grapefruit).


公元1498年 葡萄牙人(Portuguese)来到卡利卡特(Calicut),成为第一批来到印度次大陆的欧洲人. 公元1526年 巴布尔(Babur)建立了莫卧儿王朝,并打算统一印度. 公元1538年 锡克教的创始人古鲁那纳克(Guru Nanak)逝世之年.


caster 投手 | castice 东印葡萄牙人 | castigate 严惩


caster | 投手, (家具的)轮脚, 调味瓶 | castice | 在东印度群岛出生和居住的葡萄牙人 | castigate | 严惩


佩鲁济公司 Peruzzi | 葡萄牙人 Portugais | 乔底利耶 Kautilya



ese Japanese:(日本人) Portuguese (葡萄牙人)

-ar scholar (学者) beggar (乞丐) | -ese Japanese (日本人) Portuguese (葡萄牙人) | -ess actress (女演员) hostess (女主人)