英语人>词典>汉英 : 菌髓 的英文翻译,例句
菌髓 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The examination of many infected roots canal and LPS of oral anaerobe in apical cyst shows that LPS is closely related with the occurrence and clinic symptoms of endodontical disease and periapical disease.


Trama The inner tissue of the gills in basidiomycete fungi that is made up of loosely packed hyphae.


The tartar is a gums various tooth week the harmful germ stirs up a ratio can not little"carry a body", because the gum atrophies, but be disgusted with making oxygen germ can stir up, spread under the gums, hit gum and tooth over a long period of time the week organizes of health;In the meantime such as front say of because of the malnutrition of gum, this eliminates that long under, then cause the adult mouth cavity resist the disease violate of ability, along with age growth but significantly decadent result, thus cause various gum burning, tooth week burning, tooth Sui burning symptom.


The primary survival structure of S. sclerotiorum is the sclerotium. A sclerotium is a hard resting structure consisting of a light colored interior portion called a medulla and an exterior black protective covering called the rind. The rind contains melanin pigments which are highly resistant to degradation, while the medulla consists of fungal cells rich in β-glucans and proteins.


The mice were sacrificed on 7, 10, 14, 21 and 28 days post-inoculation and then the hearts were aseptically removed. Pathological changes in the myocardium were observed by light microscopy and the expression of the CD4+ T lymphocyte in the myocardium was determined by immunohistochemistry. ResultsThe CD4+ T lymphocyte was found in the myocardium in the CVB3 infection group.

分别于接种病毒后第7、10、14、21、28d随机取正常对照组小鼠3只、病毒感染组小鼠8只断髓处死,无菌条件下取心脏,光镜下观察心肌组织的病理变化并计算心肌病理组织学积分,应用免疫组化方法检测CD4+ T细胞在心肌中的表达,并与心肌病理组织学积分作相关性分析。

METHODS: Bone of limbs were obtained under sterile condition, washed by PBS, centrifugalization, and dropwise into centrifuge tube containing 1.073 g/mL Percoll separating medium, centrifugalization, and then adding L-DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, benzylpenicillin sodium and phytomycin, cultured in a incubator at 37 ℃ with 5% saturated humidity. The culture medium was renewed after 48 hours, and non-adhesive cells were removed.

无菌条件下截取流产胎儿双侧四肢骨,PBS冲洗髓腔,离心去脂肪及上清液,L-DMEM重悬细胞,沿管壁缓慢滴加至底部有等量1.073 g/mL Percoll分离液的离心管中,离心后吸取中间界面白膜层,加入含体积分数为10%的胎牛血清、青霉素钠、链霉素的L-DMEM完全培养基,接种后置于37 ℃、体积分数为5%的CO2饱和湿度孵箱内培养。48 h后换液,去除未贴壁细胞,以后每2 d换液一次。

The puerperant and her relatives all signed informed consents. METHODS: Bone of limbs were obtained under sterile condition, washed by PBS, centrifugalization, and dropwise into centrifuge tube containing 1.073 g/mL Percoll separating medium, centrifugalization, and then adding L-DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, benzylpenicillin sodium and phytomycin, cultured in a incubator at 37 ℃ with 5% saturated humidity.

无菌条件下截取流产胎儿双侧四肢骨,PBS冲洗髓腔,离心去脂肪及上清液,L-DMEM重悬细胞,沿管壁缓慢滴加至底部有等量1.073 g/mL Percoll分离液的离心管中,离心后吸取中间界面白膜层,加入含体积分数为10%的胎牛血清、青霉素钠、链霉素的L-DMEM完全培养基,接种后置于37 ℃、体积分数为5%的CO2饱和湿度孵箱内培养。48 h后换液,去除未贴壁细胞,以后每2 d换液一次。

Results The clinical observation of 180 patients with entirely developed root apex of acute and chronic apical periodontitis shown that there was no significant difference comparing erythromycin ethylsuccinate-metronidazole-CP with FC in root canal sterilization, therefore, the irritability and poisonousness of the paste can be reduced by using erythromycin ethylsuccinate-metronidazole-CP instead of FC.


Objective. To determine if viral vectors carrying the gene for brain-derived neurotrophic factor could be used to promote an axonal regenerative response in rubrospinal neurons after an acute cervical spinal cord injury.


The Plant tissue raise is the plant sterile culture technology, has the totipotency theory according to the vegetable cell, the use plant body exsomatize organ (for example root, stem, leaf, stem point, flower, fruit and so on), the organization (for example cambium, epidermis, cerebral cortex, marrow department cell, endosperm and so on) or the cell (for example big spore, small spore, somatic cell and so on) as well as the protoplast, in aseptic and suitable artificial culture medium and illumination, temperature and so on under artificial condition, can induce injuries the organization, not to decide the bud, the adventitious root, finally forms the complete adult plant the discipline.


更多网络解释与菌髓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aseptic necrosis:无菌性坏死

骨坏死(osteonecrosis)是由于骨细胞、骨质细胞、髓质细胞(血管和神经)等缺乏血液供应而使局部骨组织失去营养进而发生了坏死. 骨坏死常见名称有:无菌性坏死(aseptic necrosis),骨缺血性坏死(ischemic necrosis of bone)和缺血性坏死(avascular necrosis).

Klebsiella pneumoniae:肺炎克雷伯氏菌

论文采用临床分离的具有国内肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)血清型流行特征的Kp CGMCC No.1000株,对其荚膜免疫活性物质CIA的微生物高效表达条件,制备工艺以及生物活性进行了系统研究,分离纯化了荚膜多糖CPS,以慢性髓系红白血病K562细胞为模型,


子实层分布在菌髓(trama)的两侧,菌髓和子实层构成子实层体(hymenophore). 子实层体有片状、疣状、管状、针状、褶状等多种形式. 因种类不同,子实层中夹杂有侧丝、刚毛(seta)、囊状体(cystidium)和胶囊体(gleocysti- dium)等. 本纲已知有15000余种,


orchiococcus 睾丸炎球菌 | orchiomyeloma 睾丸髓样瘤 | orchioncus 睾丸瘤 睾丸肿瘤


菌褶由子实层、子实层基(subhymenium)和菌髓(trama)三部分组成(图10-21). 菌褶的两面均为子实层,主要由无隔担子、侧丝和囊状体(cystidium)(隔胞)组成. 无隔担子由双核细胞形成,其发育过程是:首先进行核配,随之进行减数分裂产生4核,


性状 trait;character | (担子器果二膜层间的)支持构造;菌髓 trama | 松庆病菌属 Trametes

菌髓 trama 菌藻植物; 菌藻类:thallophyte

菌丝 hypha 菌丝体 mycelium | 菌髓 trama 菌藻植物; 菌藻类 thallophyte | 菌藻植物门 Thallophyta

tramal plate:髓板

06.315 [腹菌]产孢组织基板 trabecula | 06.316 髓板 tramal plate | 06.317 菌裙 indusium

generative hyphae:生殖菌絲

侧耳属菌株的子实体之菌柄为侧生或偏生,有时无柄,菌褶垂生,孢子印为白色至淡紫色,担孢子为圆柱形、椭圆形或杏仁形,菌髓(trama)是由单一生殖菌丝(generative hyphae)组成(monomitic),或由生殖菌丝与骨骼菌丝(skelatal hyphae)共同组成(dimitic),


1003. malaisen.不适感,欠爽 | 1004. malarian.疟疾,瘴气 | 1033. medullan.骨髓n.菌髓,髓部