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获取 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
angle  ·  nab  ·  perception  ·  angles  ·  nabbed

pull down
更多网络例句与获取相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It describes the color characteristic of device accurately through constructing the geometric model and builds gamut mapping model in the section plane of gamut by dissecting. The improvement of image characteristic obtaining at real time satisfies the application and supports the adaptive gamut mapping. The sampling and visualization of sample set in different color space show the optic difference and give the error analysis of the color conversion between them. Based on the study of the color relation among the color spaces, the visualizing color can be created automatically with conversion formulas.


Firstly, a signalized point is stuck on a moving object to be tested, a microphone array and two video cameras are arranged, and the video cameras are demarcated to obtain a projection matrix; sound pressure signals of a sound source in the moving object to be tested are obtained by the microphone in an array mode, the dynamic video of the moving object to be tested is obtained and disassembled into an image by the video cameras; the signalized point on the moving object to be tested is identified in the video image and the matched signalized point is treated with three-dimension reconstruction to obtain the spatial location of the moving object to be tested; the sound pressure signals are treated with beam forming treatment to obtain a sound field characteristic function scattergram of the moving object to be tested, the video image is treated with spatial coordinate superposition frame by frame and restored into a dynamic video image.


Moreover , it emulated captured ability of torsional wave include component of the sine wave, the cosine wave , the exponential decrease wave, the exponential decrease seiche wave , and gained satisfied result .


The main jobs of this paper are as followed: 1 The reuse of the frame design technology for aircraft assembly fixtures is researched. a frame line part library is built with the templet driven technology, the reuse of the frame line part come true by the tools for instantiation and instance modification. The design resources are effectively used, some repeating work is cut. 2 Two methods to obtain the assembly feature are proposed: the straight way by the Enumeration method and the indirect way by project features to the assembly plane. All of the assembly features of the frame and the adjustable bearings are obtained by these two methods which makes the frame automatic assembly technology for aircraft assembly fixtures come true. 3 The frame automatic assembly technology aircraft assembly fixtures based on assembly features is researched. A binary tree assembly model is used to express the assembly information of the frame for aircraft assembly fixtures, the automatic assembly between the frame, the aircraft and the adjustable bearing is completed within the three steps: distribute, obtain and evaluate assembly feature. Finally, the efficiency of the frame assembly design is proved. 4The frame interpart modeling technology for aircraft assembly fixtures is researched, the intersection methods are concluded and the arithmetic of the single-cut, double-cut and inter-cut intersection is proposed, the interpart fast modeling of the frame design for aircraft assembly fixture come true. 5Based on the researches mentioned before, a sub-system of frame fast design for aircraft assembly fixture is developed on CATIA. The sub-system is used to design the aircraft assembly fixtures in a large aeronautics corporation and make a good- effect.

论文的主要工作如下: 1研究了飞机装配型架骨架设计重用技术,在总结归纳骨架线框结构类型的基础上,应用模板驱动的方法建立了骨架线框库,通过骨架线框零件的实例化和离线编辑实现骨架线框的重用,有效利用设计资源,减少重复劳动; 2提出穷举几何对象的装配特征直接获取方法,遍历零件模型的几何对象,从中捕捉所需装配特征,该方法简捷、高效;提出向装配面投影的装配特征间接获取方法,该方法在现有特征基础上生成装配特征,解决了部分装配特征难以直接获取的问题; 3研究了基于装配特征的飞机装配型架骨架自动装配技术,采用一种二叉树装配模型表达骨架的装配关系,并通过装配特征的分配、获取和赋值三个步骤,实现了骨架分别与飞机产品和可调支承的自动装配,避免了繁琐的人工交互操作,提高了骨架设计的效率和规范化程度; 4研究了飞机装配型架骨架零件间建模技术,在总结归纳骨架元件相贯处理方式的基础上,提出了骨架元件单剪切相贯、双剪切相贯和互剪切相贯的实现算法,简化了骨架相贯处理的过程; 5基于以上研究,在CATIA平台上开发了飞机装配型架骨架快速设计子系统,并应用于某大型航空企业的装配型架设计,提高了设计效率和设计质量。

The method comprises searching the undermost leaf node corresponding to a key word in a pre-established index tree; acquiring a block corresponding to the leaf node in the pre-stored IP address area of the virtual private network and corresponding index information, wherein the block comprises one or more consecutive IP address area and corresponding index information; acquiring the IP address area to which the key word belongs in the block; and searching the routing list corresponding to the index information according to the indexing information corresponding to the IP address area.


Just under this background, studying on the flight mechanism of flapping-wing MAV and sample fabrication from the bionics are conducted in this dissertation. The kinematics equations of insect wings can be acquired by the observation and measurement on the natural insect in researching paper. The geometry model of insect is established by UG technology. The three dimensional grid during the insect moving in the flow field is achieved which adopted grid generation method. The characteristic of lift and drag are attained by simulation the surround flow field during the locomotion of wings, and the flight mechanism of insect is discussed. Based on this study, the physical flapping-wing MAV is fabricated by the acquirable materials and parts of apparatus in existence.


To gain an ideal algorithm, based on the theories of rough set and granular computing, the basic algorithms of indiscernibility relation and computing positive region were designed, in which dynamic SQL was used to directly get the sorted object sets so that the sort algorithm was left out.

摘 要:为获取高效算法,结合Rough集和粒计算理论,基于知识颗粒设计出获取等价类的算法及计算正区域的等价算法,使用动态SQL语句直接获取已排序的对象集,省略类似算法必需的排序算法,降低了实现的复杂度。

At the early 1980s, is an effective mathematic tool to deal with the uncertain or fuzzy knowledge. Rough rule theory has been widely used in information retrieval, digital library, software engineering and knowledge discovery. Its main idea includes acquisition of rough decision rules by reduction of data under the condition of keeping an invariability of classification capacity. And it basically represents a concept by a pair of approximation sets according to the partition on the given data based on the indiscernibility relation. Rough sets theory is well suited to deal with inconsistency of the rough approximations. So it is a new mathematical tool dealing with vagueness and uncertainty, and has found its applications in many areas such as AI, KDD, pattern recognition and classification and fault diagnosis.


This paper aimed at the shortage of the knowledge representation and acquisition methods at present,and proposed a new KRA method based on decision tree.


To obtain sufficient profits is premised for the survival and development of enterprises, and the most direct and effective way to get profits is to reduce costs, therefore enterprises through better cost management to enhance their competitive edge..


更多网络解释与获取相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"获取"(acquisition)一词在这一定义中含义较为模糊. 例如,当执法人员的监听设备记录下通讯内容时,对于通讯内容的"获取"就可以从三个不同的角度来理解:第一,当监听设备记录下通讯内容时即为"获取";第二,当执法人员在后来获得该录音时即为"获取";


acquisitive society 贪得的社会 | acquisitiveness 获取获取性 | acragnosis 肢体感觉缺失

clip clip:设置或获取定位对象的哪个部分可见

bottom bottom 设置或获取对象相对于文档层次中下个定位对象的底部的位置. | clip clip 设置或获取定位对象的哪个部分可见. | cursor cursor 设置或获取当鼠标指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针.

clip clip:配置或获取定位对象的哪个部分可见

bottom bottom 配置或获取对象相对于文档层次中下个定位对象的底部的位置. | clip clip 配置或获取定位对象的哪个部分可见. | cursor cursor 配置或获取当鼠标指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针.

clip clip:设置或获取定位对象的那个部分可见

bottom bottom 设置或获取对象相对于文档层次中下个定位对象的底部的位置. | clip clip 设置或获取定位对象的那个部分可见. | cursor cursor 设置或获取当鼠标指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针.

cursor cursor:设置或获取当鼠标指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针

clip clip 设置或获取定位对象的哪个部分可见. | cursor cursor 设置或获取当鼠标指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针. | display display 设置或获取对象是否要渲染.

cursor cursor:配置或获取当鼠标指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针

clip clip 配置或获取定位对象的哪个部分可见. | cursor cursor 配置或获取当鼠标指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针. | display display 配置或获取对象是否要渲染.

cursor cursor:设置或获取当鼠标指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针. 新教程网

bottom bottom 设置或获取对象相对于文档层次中下个定位对象的底部的... | cursor cursor 设置或获取当鼠标指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针. 新教程网_www.newcss.Cn | display display 设置或获取对象是否要渲染. 新...

cursor cursor:设置或获取当指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针

clip clip 设置或获取定位对象的哪个部分可见. | cursor cursor 设置或获取当指针指向对象时所使用的鼠标指针. | display display 设置或获取对象是否要渲染.

screenY:设置或获取鼠标指针位置相对于用户屏幕的 y 坐标

screenX设置或获取获取鼠标指针位置相对于用户屏幕的x坐标. | screenY设置或获取鼠标指针位置相对于用户屏幕的y坐标. | scroll设置或获取滚动是否关闭.