英语人>词典>汉英 : 获利的 的英文翻译,例句
获利的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与获利的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you can supply that information, you will begin to accrue readers and profit from that web traffic.


He's buttering both sides of his bread-he works for us during the day and has a job with another company during the evening.


Originally located in nearby Covington, where he lived, Reams had moved the operation in April, hoping to profit from the lucrative young market provided by the nearby Tulane and Loyola University campuses.


Knowing how to buy and sell stocks is a good way to make a fast buck.


Stationmaster net has his many stationmaster resource, these stationmaster resource you are to want a service to persuade to stay, 2 it is to want development to gain profit, system of statistic of undoubted mount a horse is the best way that you develop what stationmaster resource gains profit.


In addition, while adopting the strategies of stop-profit and stop-loss, the profit could be enlarged, since investor could keep profit by using stop-loss strategy in order to prevent enlarge loss due to not using stop-loss strategy.


Wind is cast entering a website should gain profit, and this gains profit is not termless await.


The contribution that prime brokerage, structured credit and private-equity activities made to profits in wholesale banking rose from approximately 20% in 2000 to around 35% in 2006, according to estimates by Oliver Wyman. These sources of revenue will not easily be replaced.


This administration can be carried out legally through government intervention (until recently, this category included pricing for truckers and deposit costs for financial institutions), illegally through collusion, or "extra-legally" through OPEC-style foreign cartelization (with tag-along benefits for domestic non-cartel operators).

要了解崮中差异,我们必须探究几项影响企业获利的重要因素,一般来说若企业处在产业面临供给过剩且为一般商品化的产品时(在整体表现、外观、售后服务等都无差异化),便极有可能发生获利警讯,当然若价格或成本在某些情况下(例如透过政府立法干预、非法勾结或国际性联合垄断如 OPEC)能获得控制或可稍微免除自由市场的竞争压力。

Claim that entering the Chinese market offers foreign companies an immediate grossly road to profits are grossly misstated and have been proven wrong time and again .


更多网络解释与获利的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capitalise on:利用,将某事转化为自己的优势;获利

3-08 core 核心 | 3-08 capitalise on 利用,将某事转化为自己的优势;获利 | 3-08 revamp 修补,翻新,整修,修改,部分再制,重修,重建

captive finance company:专属金融公司

38%的受访者认为专属金融公司(captive finance company)的获利潜力最大,较上年的54%骤减. 受访者对供应商获利的看法居中,29%的人对一级供应商表示乐观,而21%对二、三级供应商态度积极. 近期,美国审计、税务及咨询公司毕马威针对汽车业领袖进行的年度全球调查结果显示,

ludicrous X:荒谬的、可笑的

lucrative X---获利的、合算的、有利益的 | ludicrous X---荒谬的、可笑的 | malicious X---恶毒的、恶意的

make a profit:获利

另一调查显示男人比女人更可能说一些更为严重的谎言. 政客和商人尤其擅长(be skilled at)的这类谎言;说谎者希望可以从中获利(make a profit)的谎言. ...

Profit Taking:获利完成

翻转过山车的走势仍在继续,只是斜坡更高更陡峭,特别是下降趋势(downside),正如大豆在今天早盘冲击到了历史新高,但随着基金买入的枯竭以及美国和SA的农场主加速(pick up)卖出,大豆在中盘进入绿盘(turn negative),然而随着尾盘的获利完成(profit taking)收于红盘.

Profit Taking:名词性词组,获利了结的行为

take profit 动词+名词,获利了结 | profit taking 名词性词组,获利了结的行为 | stop loss 动词+名词, 停止损失(止损)


并搬进大厂房或大办公室,而是希望获利能增长;也就是公司今年获利比去年好,去年获利比前年好. 当投资人提到"增长"(Growth),并不是说公司或工厂的规模扩大、而是指"获利能力"(Profitability),也就是所谓的"盈余"(Earnings)

Profitability ratios:获利能力比率

通常这个过程只能提供从哪里着重进行随后的分析的线索.财务比率的分类方法有很多种,但是通常可以分为两大类:一类是财务结构比率(Financial Structue Ratios),另一类是获利能力比率(Profitability Ratios).其中,财务结构比率主要涉及资产负债表项目,


502litigationn. 诉讼,起诉 | 503lucida. 明白易懂的,清晰的,头脑清楚的 | 504lucrativea. 有利益的,获利的,合算的

Ask the two men who profited most from the assassination:请两位从暗杀中获利最大的人

然而有个判断我是否为偏执狂的简单方法: There's a simpl... | 请两位从暗杀中获利最大的人-- Ask the two men who profited most from the assassination... | 前总统詹森及新总统尼克逊 ...former President Johnso...