英语人>词典>汉英 : 药剂 的英文翻译,例句
药剂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
agent  ·  medicament  ·  pharmaceutic  ·  pharmaceutical  ·  agentia

更多网络例句与药剂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Three kinds of reagents were chitosan, H2O2 and bactericide, with H2O2 and bactericide being as reference groups.


All results showed that three kinds of medicament on controlling sweetpotato black rot is effective, the control effect of 70% thiophanate-methyl and 50% carbendazim were above 90%, 50% amobam was above 80%. The four kinds of medicament on controlling sweetpotato stem nematode with 40% isofenphos-methyl, 50% phoxim, 5% aldicarb and 5% ethoprophos in the field showed obvious effect, the control effect were 88.81%, 83.29%, 93.63% and 90.35%.


The anti-jamming ability of igniter depends on the charge in the igniter. The combustion of the igniter charged with barium nitrate and those charged with magnesium powder and PTFE is stable, while the igniter charged with zirconium hydride and lead oxide is unstable. The standard error of duration of the third kind of igniter flame is 523 ms ,and also its nozzle hole is blocked seriously.

不同药剂的点火具抗干扰性能不同,其中以硝酸钡为药剂主成分的点火具和以镁粉+PTFE为药剂主成分的点火具燃烧性能稳定,以氢化锆、二氧化铅为药剂主成分的点火具工作稳定性较差,火焰持续时间标准差为523 ms,点火具喷孔堵塞严重。

The results show that the antiblock agent KF - 862 has good antiblock ability and anti - recrystallizing ability. It can be used directly under the existing process conditions and only the preparing tank of the agent and transporKey words: antiblock agent ; potassium chloride ; surfactant


The maximal reaction rate of pyrotechnical reagent with potassium nitrate added with CuO by mixing method is 7.38 min-1, which is 1.30 times of that without catalyst. The time to maximal rate is 53.55 min, which is lower than that without catalyst by 66.3%.

氧化铜对含硝酸钾的烟火药剂具有催化作用,混合法添加的催化效果最佳;此药剂最大反应速率为7.38 min-1,是不含催化剂药剂的1.30倍;到达最大反应速率时间为53.55 min,比不含催化剂的药剂降低了66.3%。

The maximal reaction rate of pyrotechnical reagent with potassium perchlorate added with Fe2O3 by crystallization method is 8.10 min-1, which is 4.09 times of that without catalyst. The time to maximal rate is 8.52 min, which is lower than that without catalyst by 92.8%. It was also found that CuO can catalyze pyrotechnical reagent with potassium nitrate, and the addition is better with mixing method.

结果表明,氧化铁对含高氯酸钾的烟火药剂具有催化作用,以结晶添加法催化效果最佳;此药剂的最大反应速率为8.10 min-1,是不含催化剂药剂的4.09倍;到达最大反应速率时间为8.52 min,比不含催化剂的药剂降低了92.8%。

Refers to all medical staff and workers employed by medical institutions, including doctors of Chinese and Western medicine, senior doctors who integrate traditional Chinese therapeutics with Western therapeutics in practice, senior nurses, pharmacists of Chinese and Western medicine, laboratory specialists, other specialists, paramedics of Chinese and Western medicine, nurses, midwives, druggists in Chinese and Western medicine, laboratory technicians, other technicians, other practitioners of Chinese medicine, nursing attendants, pharmacological workers of Chinese and Western medicine, laboratory workers, and other primary medical personnel.


Iraq's procurement efforts include equipment that can filter and separate micro-organisms and toxins involved in biological weapons, equipment that can be used to concentrate the agent, growth media that can be used to continue producing anthrax and botulinum toxin, sterilization equipment for laboratories, glass-lined reactors and specialty pumps that can handle corrosive chemical weapons agents and precursors, large amounts of ''.


Iraq's procurement efforts include equipment that can filter and separate micro-organisms and toxins involved in biological weapons, equipment that can be used to concentrate the agent, growth media that can be used to continue producing anthrax and botulinum toxin, sterilization equipment for laboratories, glass-lined reactors and specialty pumps that can handle corrosive chemical weapons agents and precursors, large amounts of vinyl chloride, a precursor for nerve and blister agents, and other chemicals such as sodium sulfide, an important mustard agent precursor.


And the lesion number of severest diseased stem is over 100, the percentage of disease in Brown Spot is around 60%. From the result of fungicide test, we know the Difolatan, Benlate and Orthocide are the more effective for controlling Stem Blight, but the percentage of prevention don't reach the perfect effect. The effect of other fungicides is not good. So we must continue to work to search for safe, and ideal fungicides as the index of prevention.


更多网络解释与药剂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antiparasitic preparation 除寄生虫制剂 | antiparasitic 抗寄生物药剂 | antipasmodic 解痉药


antiresonance 反共振 | antirheumatic 治疗风湿药剂 | antiroman 反传统小说

antirheumatic:治疗风湿药剂 治疗风湿病的, 防风湿病的

antiresonant type | 反谐振式 并联谐振式 | antirheumatic | 治疗风湿药剂 治疗风湿病的, 防风湿病的 | antiroll | 抗摇晃 抗侧倾 防滚


antisymmetric 反对称的 | antisyphilitic 治疗梅毒药剂 | antitank 对抗战车用的

antiviral agent:抗病毒药剂

rational design 合理设计 | antiviral agent 抗病毒药剂 | structure-activity relationship 构效关系

Master Apothecary:药剂专家

26 Karmic Justice 业报 5 | 32 Master Apothecary 药剂专家 5 | 61 Amugaba 阿穆卡巴 5

blotter press:制药剂专用板框压滤机(不包括化工通用的板框压滤机)

C070163 制丸机 making pill tool | C070168 制药剂专用板框压滤机(不包括化工通用的板框压滤机) blotter press | C070167 制药剂专用离心机(不包括化工通用的离心机) centrifugal machine

Assistant Pharmacist:药剂医士

Pharmacist药剂医师 | Assistant pharmacist药剂医士 | X-ray techmicianX光技师

Find potion:寻找药剂--找寻药剂; Taunt--辱骂--嘲弄

Howl--怒吼--狂嚎; | Find potion--寻找药剂--找寻药剂; Taunt--辱骂--嘲弄; | Shout--咆哮--大叫;

sulfa:磺胺类药剂 磺胺基的, 磺胺药剂的

main entry door 主入口 | sulfa 磺胺类药剂 磺胺基的, 磺胺药剂的 | ICFTU 国际自由劳工联盟