英语人>词典>汉英 : 荧荧的 的英文翻译,例句
荧荧的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与荧荧的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am experiencing this kind of feeling now: Another name for Guangdong Province of Mu of channel of admonish show off is planted the flame that? of armour of Xin Chun Tuo cannot find outlet; to discover far has a very small amount from beginning to end however, running over to look is the wildfire on animal body however there is a few dazzled to glimmering all round; green light, the whoop that accompanying loud and jarring ignore far ignore close... good, too good to avoid you moral nature takes a phone to dial 110, I must admit, I did not search savage in divine clothes tree, never also track Hua Nahu; in Shaanxi town level ground I am to sit before computer merely, cudgel one's brains for, think hard, pray god can save me from inside inspirational and dried up lair come out, good let me write to still calculate pretty good column.


Glowing-hot carbon nanotubes form an expanding orange ball in this image by Paul Marshall of Canada's Institute for Microstructural Sciences, a winner in the 2008 Small World photomicrography competition.

照片中橘红色球状膨胀的荧荧发热的碳纳米管是获得了2008微小世界显微镜摄影竞赛的一名获奖者——加拿大微观结构科学研究院的Paul Marshall拍摄的。

When this strain was grown in pyrene and fluoranthene of 50 mg/L for 7 days, 47.2%and 84.5% of which was degraded respectively.

同时, 该菌株对四环的芘和荧蒽也具有较好的降解能力,培养7 d后芘和荧蒽的降解率分别达到47.2%和84.5%。

As far as maaref in March of 1982 's philatelic Medica narration: emiting stamp refers to the following is issued by cyclometalated or fluorescent substances business card printing and membership card production, covering or flat-coated stamp for e-curatiue machine or stamp-cancelling machines used stamps are collectively known as cyclometalated stamps.


In the water culture experiments,we found that FLT could inhibit the growth of maize.


The effects of some operational parameters on PAH removal were investigated, and the results showed that ozone has the ability to oxidize PAH in plant oil, and its oxidizability to anthracene/fluoranthene is higher than to phenanthrene.


The biggest fluorescence peaks of phenanthrene, anthracene, pyrene and fluoranthene are 250/364 nm, 250/402 nm, 240/372 nm and 286/462 nm, respectively.

菲、蒽、芘和荧蒽的最大荧光峰分别位于250/364 nm、250/402 nm、240/372 nm及286/462 nm。

The flittering candle light lights up a new landmark of your life journey, and the sincere greeting endows your life with a profound meaning.


For a time the fluorescent green cast moving shadows on the walls of the darkened room, then they nickered and died out, walking along the corridor to upstairs, shouting loudly familiar names, noresponse, just my own words spreading in hollow air, that makes you timid, but I can not stop walking stright, still moving a little and a little, moving my body, moving my soul.


As he stood up a passageway appeared, illuminated by a cold pale blue light from the deck right in front of him.


更多网络解释与荧荧的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当单击一个外观为荧光笔(highlighter)的图标时,当前选择的计数器会显示为高亮并凸显出来. 这样,如果需要在一张图表中访问某一条特定的曲线时,Highlight特性可以大大地降低查找的难度.

highlighter pen:荧光笔,标记笔

high-calibre 高的,高质量的,高小准的 | highlighter pen 荧光笔,标记笔 | high-occupancy vehicke 多座客车,简称 HOV

highlighter pen:荧光笔,标识笔

high-calibre 高的,高质量的,高小准的 | highlighter pen 荧光笔,标识笔 | high-occupancy vehicke 多座客车,简称 HOV

iron pyrites:黄铁矿

4、黄铁矿 (Iron Pyrites)会形成深色系列的琥珀 (Dark Amber),例如罗马尼亚琥珀. 6、火山附近的琥珀,受到土壤中的硫化物成份影响,带有荧旋旋光性质. 例如西西里岛靠近埃特纳火山 (Mount Etna)的琥珀,即含有荧光的特性,最具有代表性.

newspaper office:报社

目前,这条街拥有20多家报社(newspaper office). 石桥街: 意大利(Italy)威尼斯的阿托大理石桥,桥面有13个拱(arch),上盖屋面,遮风挡作者:王锐双色荧光笔: 香港(Hong Kong)市场最近出售一种双色荧光笔. 这种笔是由两支颜色各异(different colours)的荧光笔配套组成的.


PAH 多环芳烃(PAH)多环芳烃主(PAHs)要的十八种化合物为:萘、苊烯、苊、芴、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并(a)蒽、屈、苯并(b)荧蒽、苯并(k)荧蒽、苯并(a)芘、茚并(1,2,3-cd)芘、二苯并(a,h)蒽和苯并(g,h,i)苝、1-甲基奈、2-甲基奈


perplexed /困惑的/不知所措的/荧/ | perplexedly /窘困地/为难地/ | perplexing /复杂的/令人困惑的/

rare earth elements:稀土元素

当前市场上出现的夜明珠主要是荧石夜明珠,笔者对荧石夜明珠作了一些初步研究和探讨. 发光的原因主要是含稀土元素(rare earth elements)所致,含量可以低至万分数. 本文的资料希望能促进对夜明珠问题的深入认识.


而中国包头佩璋工贸有限公司成立之初,即投入大量的资金用于引进先进的生产设备和组建优秀的经营 团队,通过与国内多所大学的化工研究学院开展技术交流与合作,芘(pyrene)和荧蒽(fluoranthene)已经拥有了完整的自主生产工艺.


chemluminescent 化学发光的,化学荧化的 | chemosphere 化学层 | chest 箱,柜,盒