英语人>词典>汉英 : 荣誉奖 的英文翻译,例句
荣誉奖 的英文翻译、例句


honorable mention · prize of honor
更多网络例句与荣誉奖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1996, he endowed the Greenwood-Emeritus Faculty Prize for Excellence in Writing, which is awarded annually to a master's student whose course work exhibits clear and concise prose.


The American president is attending the national prize of honor that an university hold to make awards the on the way situation of the rites Trump card that kills the .....conduct and actions with gun to be responsible for protecting the American importance to leader the safety exclusively especially work,beats to feel deeply self-reproach for own malpractice,with the result that anaesthetize the oneself with the alcohol all day long;A girl reporter that is responsible for reporting a this case especially discovers to look for the true fierce clues by chance,however,seem to total someone at keep watch on her movements,each provide the clues for her of all odd death of persons.


The project was awarded an honorable mention by a panel of judges chosen by the Architectural Association .


Squid Suckers, winner of Honorable Mention in the 2008 International Science and Engineering Visualization Awards.


Russia was second, with 3 gold onesilver one other *******1 honorable mention .


Tudio Shift received an honorable mention for their design of the Taiwan Center for Disease Control.


Creative Labels, a narrow web flexographic printer in Gilroy, California was awarded an honorable mention for Technical Innovation.


Ms. Hall-Tompkins has won numerous awards, including the 2003 Naumburg International Violin Competition Honorarium Prize.


One for "The Color of Money" in 1987, and two other honorary awards.


Or an Honorary Award may take the form of a Life Membership, a scroll, a medal or any other design chosen by the Board of Governors.


更多网络解释与荣誉奖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cacique Crown of Honour:酋长荣誉奖

Friends of the Secretary-General for Guinea-Bissau,"几内亚比绍问题秘书长之友",, | Cacique Crown of Honour,酋长荣誉奖,, | Golden Arrow of Achievement,成就金箭奖,,

Caltech Signature Award:加州理工荣誉奖

Principal's Honor Roll-校长荣誉获得者 | Caltech Signature Award-加州理工荣誉奖 | Quest Scholar-Quest 学者奖

Emmy Award:艾美奖(美国电视最高荣誉奖)

Emmy Award:艾美奖(美国电视最高荣誉奖) | celebrating:高兴 | congressman:美国国会议员(尤指众议院议员)


>ShowGirls, Provincetown, MA | >Tales from the Script | 荣誉奖得主AWARDS GALA

Hayden Panettiere:海顿.派娜提瑞

琳赛和同她一起获卡布里电影节荣誉奖的>(英雄吧)(英雄吧)(Heores)美女海顿-派娜提瑞(Hayden Panettiere)一起出席某电影首映式时,和Di Nunzio相识.

Principal's Honor Roll:校长荣誉获得者

Math Club President 数学俱乐部总裁 | Principal's Honor Roll-校长荣誉获得者 | Caltech Signature Award-加州理工荣誉奖

honorable mention:荣誉奖

其实这还是一次偶然的失误造成的. 在拍摄此照片之前,安德鲁过分旋转了棉线纤维,在2秒的时间内,棉线转动了 10-20圈,突然展现在面前的就是这幅精妙的图象. 该图获得了"科学与工程视觉挑战 "荣誉奖(honorable mention).

over there:那里

伊朗影片>(Over There)获得本届影展的最佳影片"金亚历山大"奖. 该片的主创人员将获得47000美元的奖金. 日本导演北野武获得了象征终身成就的"金亚历山大荣誉奖",他也是该电影节历史上第一位获此殊荣的日本影人.

Sidney Poitier's Honoray Award Receiving Speech:奥斯卡荣誉奖获得者西德尼.波蒂埃获奖致辞

演讲 Speech | Jiang's Speech on Sino-U.S.Relations 江主席关于中美关系的讲话 | Sidney Poitier's Honoray Award Receiving Speech 奥斯卡荣誉奖获得者西德尼.波蒂埃获奖致辞

clonal selection:无性繁殖系选择

这张图片刊登在非交互媒体 (Noninteractive Media)"抵抗由无性繁殖系选择(clonal selection)带来的感 染"一文中,最终获得了"科学与工程视觉挑战"的荣誉奖