英语人>词典>汉英 : 荣誉制度 的英文翻译,例句
荣誉制度 的英文翻译、例句


honor system · honour system
更多网络例句与荣誉制度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

IS CALIFORNIA'S governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, about to terminate America's venerable system of primary elections, that months-long political charivari ⑴ that brings fleeting fame to the otherwise obscure citizens of Iowa and New Hampshire?


We'll work on the honor system… if you agree to donate some money, we'll assume you'll do it.


We plan on evaluating the Honor System without penalties and moving forward from there.


We take the honor system very seriously here.


It was mentioned at BlizzCon that as arena sets fall off they would make their way to the honor system.


This will not be a feature upon initial implementation of the Honor system, but is a possible candidate for continued refinement.


What has been released thus far about the honor system sounds like a grinder's paradise.


Our country has some historical experience in the awarding of the national honor,however,some issues shall be paid attention in the legislation of the national honor:increasing its types and improving its institutions;extending its range,restricting lovat awarding of such honor;and etc.


The employment mechanism, brand building and distribution system, file management, information technology and other areas to achieve a comprehensive innovation. In 2005, companies in the real estate industry in the province, first introduced the ISO9001 quality, ISO14001 environmental, occupational health and safety GB/T28001 three management system, In April the same year as the real estate industry in Shanxi Province, Chinas only one real estate executive director of the Association unit; in May 2006, and the "integrity of Taiyuan tax law advanced units honorary title", in June 2006, 98 hours access to the outstanding achievements of the Shanxi Provincial Archives standardized management of "AAA" standard of acceptance of the first awards; September was the first batch of Chinese Real Estate Association awarded the "2006 Chinas real estate enterprises integrity," the honorary title.


The selections are sent all over the country, some to people no one at Borsheim's has ever met.(They must always have been well recommended, however.) While the number of mailings in 1990 was a record, Ike has been sending merchandise far and wide for decades. Misanthropes will be crushed to learn how well our "honor-system" works: We have yet to experience a loss from customer dishonesty.

这些产品被分送到全美各地,有些人是波仙素未谋面的,(当然他们必须要经过别人郑重的推荐),虽然这个数量在 1990 年达到高峰,但事实 Ike 在几十年以前就开始这样的创举,厌世者在得知我们所实施的荣誉制度可能会崩溃,截至目前为止我们还没有因为客户的不诚实而遭受损失。

更多网络解释与荣誉制度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

honor roll:优等生名单

Honolulu 火奴鲁鲁 | honor roll 优等生名单 | honor system 荣誉制度

honor system:荣誉制度

当然,明年四月,我必须采用荣誉制度(honor system)估算,并缴纳燃料税. 但是,比起我在附近的免税印第安人保謢区忍受的最后一次加油(耗费六十七美元),这种情况显然好多了. 我的车子是「碳平衡」的,而这是一种很棒的感觉. (本文摘录自第六、七章)


今年早些时候,英国高等教育质量保障局(QualityAssurance Agency)曾用"腐朽"(rotten)形容传统制度,并认为该学位评级标准"专横及不可靠". 去年一项检讨报告指出,现行学位系统每年向三十万毕业生颁受荣誉学位,"使此衡量学生能力的工具行之无效".

honorary scholarship:荣誉奖学金

spectrometer cliff 分光计片 | honorary scholarship 荣誉奖学金 | coedism [口]男女同校制度