英语人>词典>汉英 : 荒野生存 的英文翻译,例句
荒野生存 的英文翻译、例句


Into The Wild
更多网络例句与荒野生存相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Steve Norbert of the National Wildlife Federation,"They are not the bad guy. They are not the savior of the wilderness. They are just an animal trying to figure out how to make a living."

Steve Norbert 在国家野生动物联盟工作,他说:"它们并不是什么坏动物,它们不是荒野中的救世主,它们只不过是一种想要生存下去的动物。"

This is one of the reasons why certain animals have a much better chance of survival in the wild than man does.


The wilderness of Roon is populated by banthas, mogos, kalaks, huge shamunaar lizards, rockhoppers and semisentient mudmen.


One of the most decisive pieces of polar bear information is that these animals are an imperiled species , and a combination of education about bears combined with a national conservation policy is needed to ensure that these magnificent ambassadors of arctic wildlife continue to survive , notwithstanding the continuing trespass into their habitat and the endless search for resources , which fouls and despoils the pristine wilderness which these animals call home .

其中的最具有决定性的件北极熊的消息是,这些动物是一种危害的物种,并结合教育负有结合国家自然保育政策需要,以确保这些宏伟大使北极野生动物保护继续生存下去,尽管继续侵入到他们的栖息地和无休止的搜索资源,犯规和 despoils 原始的荒野,这些动物的家里打电话。



Wilderness survival knowledge can help you reduce weight, but it also lets you travel the wilds more safely.


A new two-hour program shows us a leopard''s struggle for survival in the wilds of Africa.


You may recognize her from the movies,"Panic Room" and "Into The Wild"...


更多网络解释与荒野生存相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Into the Wild:《荒野生存>

影片"荒野生存"(Into the wild)讲述的是一个真实的故事. 理想主义青年埃里克斯因为厌倦人类文明与人情冷漠,毅然背离亲情,离群寡居,走进阿拉斯加茫茫荒原,最后客死于斯.

Its a lonelier place:人间岂不成了荒野一片

When the dream is gone当梦想远离了人间 | Its a lonelier place人间岂不成了荒野一片 | I kiss the morning goodbye就好比人告别了生命、放弃自己唯一应当坚持的生存信念

Into the Wild:Guaranteed:最佳歌曲:《荒野生存>

<<荒野生存>> Into the Wild | 最佳歌曲:<<荒野生存>> Into the Wild:Guaranteed | 提名:<<霍乱时期的爱情>> Love in the Time of Cholera:Despedida

Into the Wild:Guaranteed:《荒野生存>

<<格雷斯走了>> Grace Is Gone:Grace Is Gone | <<荒野生存>> Into the Wild:Guaranteed | <<魔法奇缘>> Enchanted:That's How You Know

Hal Holbrook, Into the Wild:哈尔.胡尔伯克《荒野生存>

菲利普.西摩尔.霍夫曼<<查理.威尔逊的战争>>/ Philip Seymour Hoffman, Charlie Wilson... | 哈尔.胡尔伯克<<荒野生存>>/ Hal Holbrook, Into the Wild | 汤姆.威尔金森<<迈克尔.克莱顿>>/ Tom Wilkinson, Michael Cl...

Hal Holbrook, Into the Wild:哈尔.胡尔勃克《荒野生存>

贾维尔.巴爾登<<老无所依>>/ Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men | 哈尔.胡尔勃克<<荒野生存>>/ Hal Holbrook, Into the Wild | 汤姆.威尔金森<<迈克尔.克莱顿>>/ Tom Wilkinson, Michael Clayton

Sean Penn, Into the Wild:肖恩.潘《荒野生存>

悉尼.卢梅特<<在魔鬼知道你死之前>>/ Sidney Lumet, Before the Devil Knows Yo... | 肖恩.潘<<荒野生存>>/ Sean Penn, Into the Wild | 朱利安.施纳贝尔<<潜水钟与蝴蝶>>/ Julian Schnabel, The Diving Bell and the...

Emile Hirsch, Into the Wild:埃米尔.赫斯基《荒野生存>

瑞恩.高斯林<<拉尔斯和"真实"女孩>>/ Ryan Gosling, Lars and the Real Girl | 埃米尔.赫斯基<<荒野生存>>/ Emile Hirsch, Into the Wild | 维果.莫特森<<东方的承诺>>/ Viggo Mortensen, Eastern Promises

Emile Hirsch, Into the Wild:最佳突破男演员:埃米尔.赫斯基《荒野生存>

最佳女配角:阿米.瑞恩<<失踪宝贝>>/ Amy Ryan, Gone Baby Gone | 最佳突破男演员:埃米尔.赫斯基<<荒野生存>>/ Emile Hirsch, Into the Wild | 最佳突破女演员:艾伦.佩姬<<朱诺>>/ Ellen Page, Juno

catherine keener, into the wild:凯瑟琳.基纳《荒野生存>

西尔莎.罗南<<赎罪>>/ saiorse ronan, atonement | 凯瑟琳.基纳<<荒野生存>>/ catherine keener, into the wild | 珍娜.马龙<<荒野生存>>/ jena malone, into the wild