英语人>词典>汉英 : 草原 的英文翻译,例句
草原 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
campo  ·  grassland  ·  lea  ·  plain  ·  veldt  ·  campos  ·  grasslands  ·  veld

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White clouds wave in the blue sky, horses run below the white clouds, this is our Chinese people's sung and impressions on the grasslands, but in my feelings, grassland and the world is a unity, in the vast grassland the pure clean river is the most breeziness and dazzling , she's like a white cincture of Earth, also like a white hada, flying in the green sea, flying in melodious melody of Matou Qin, cattle and sheep and tabernacle is like a piece of cloud , the spray, the note are telling the story of the prairie.


The Farming-pastoral Zone in North China was separated into 8 Eco-regions according to the known Eco-region. The dissertation analyzed the regional differences of land use changes from three aspects on dynamic degree , land use degree and the change direction (1)On land use dynamic degree, the dynamic degree of the cropland was the highest in North warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest and the lowest in temperate forest steppe; forest land's was the highest in alpine meadow and the lowest in warm temperate forest steppe; grassland's was the highest in temperate forest steppe-bunchgrass steppe and the lowest in alpine meadow; other land's was the highest in North warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest-the Huang-Huai-hai plain and the lowest in warm temperate bunchgrass steppe.

结合已有的自然生态区的划分,将我国北方农牧交错带划分为8 个自然生态区,选取土地利用动态度、土地利用程度以及土地利用变化方向等3 个方面的指标对研究区进行了区域分异规律的研究,结果如下:(1)耕地动态度北暖温带落叶阔叶林生态区——北部山地丘陵区最大,温带森林草原生态区最小;林地的动态度高寒草甸生态区最大,暖温带森林草原丛生禾草草原生态区——东南森林草原区最小;草地动态度温带森林草原——丛生禾草草原生态区最大,高寒草甸生态区最小;其他用地的动态度北暖温带落叶阔叶林生态区——黄淮海平原区最大,暖温带森林草原丛生禾草草原生态区—西北丛生禾草草原区最小。

This also let me make to understand why the horde of steppe's canning live on the steppe still can chase steppe conservancy for several thousand years so complete, but agriculture race once stepping into the steppe didn't lead for several years, the steppe disappears, leaves an one slice a hungriness.


In the days when everybody started fair, Best Beloved, the Leopard lived in a place called the High Veldt.


In terms of 家在草原's case, the issue at stake is not politics, but basic human rights and dignity - no one denies that Tibet is occupied at the moment.


Four typical grassland communities, Stipa klemenzii, Stipa grandis, Leymus chinensis and Leymus chinensis + forbs, had been chosen along precipitation gradients from 200, 290, 350 to 450 mm respectively in Inner Mongolia Steppe. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of grazing on plant community composition, aboveground and belowground biomass, species and functional group diversities and the relationship between diversity and productivity, the effects of grazing on soil seed bank species composition, seed density and diversity along the transect.


From 6860 to 3170 cal.yr BP,semi-desert steppeexpanded,regional montane forest steppe retreated,suggesting a prolonged warm and dryclimate.Between 3170 and 2340 cal.yr BP,regional forest steppe expanded whereassemi-desert steppe retreated,indicating the climate became cool and wet gradually and thehumidity reached the maximum at the end of this stage.During 2340~1600 cal.yr BP,Poaceae steppe dominated whereas wetland meadow expanded and the montane forest stepperetreated,suggesting a cool and wet climate prevailed,wormwood grass steppe prevailed andthe climatic instability increased after 1600 cal.a BEThe climate and environmental reconstructions by pollen were supported by the diatomrecords.A relative high lake level and moister climate prevailed between 8660 and 7230 cal.yr BP as inferred by the dominance of planktonic diatom genera and high planktonic/benthicratio (〉40).low lake level and dry climate sustained during 7230~2330 cal.yr BP assuggested by the low abundance of planktonic diatom and low planktonic/benthic ratio ~20and the lake returned to high level during 2330~930 cal.yr BP as inferred by there-dominance of the planktonic diatom and the high value of palnktonic/benthic ratio.The pollen-based climate reconstruction was also consolidated by the grain size andPediastrum concentration records.

Ugii Nuur湖周围现代孢粉研究表明:松属为空气传播的外来花粉,其含量变化可能指示了远山森林草原发育状况;禾本科具显著低代表性,母体植物建群时含量通常在10%以下:藜科花粉含量可以指示区域气候干旱程度。2、以现代孢粉研究为基础、可靠AMS~(14)C年代为框架,Ugii Nuur孢粉记录高分辨率地重建了蒙古国中部地区过去8660 cal.yr BP以来的植被和气候变化。8660~7800 cal.yr BP研究区植被为禾草草原,湖畔及河谷低地发育苔草草甸,远山发育松属针叶林和森林草原,气候温和略湿润;其中8350~8250 cal.yr BP湿生草甸扩张,旱生植物成分减少,气候凉湿。7800~6860 cal.yr BP旱生成分增加,气候转向暖干。6860~3170 cal.yrBP半荒漠草原扩张,远山森林草原退缩,山地草原和河谷及湖畔湿生草甸退缩,气候持续暖干。3170~2340 cal.yr BP半荒漠草原退缩,远山森林草原扩张,气候转凉变湿,末期湿度条件达最佳。2340~1600 cal.yr BP禾草草原发育,湖畔及河谷低地湿生草甸扩张,远山森林草原略有退缩,气候总体较凉湿。1600 cal.yr BP以来研究区发育禾草-冷蒿草原,气候波动较大。

It also suggested that the climate and environment in the area are characterized by changeability, sensitivity, instability, its general changes are the positive process of desertification correspondingly to the dry-cold steppe or desert steppe and desert, while the reverse process correspondingly to warm semi-humid forest steppe and temperate-humid shrub steppe.


Analysis of sedimentary facies and the multiple proxy indexes indicate that climate have many times dry-cold and warm-wet changes in the desert-loess transition belt since the last interglacial, and environment undergone alternations from warm semi-humid forest steppe, temperate-humid shrub steppe, semi-arid steppe and dry-cold steppe, desert steppe to desert.


P in Shule River Alluvial Fan Oasis in Gansu subsidized by CNSF. Through field geological and environmental observations and sampling, quartz OSL dating, organic carbon ~(14)C dating, as well as analysis of TOC,grain size and Pollen assemblage of the samples from ten sediment profiles in front fine grain sediment zone of the Shule River Fan, the results obtained as follows:(1)The vegetation evolution history on Shule River Alluvial Fan and circumjacent since about 13 ka B.P. could be divided into 6 phases: about 12.1-13.1ka, a sparse coniferous and broadleaf trees - shrub grassland, cold and wet climate; 9.2-12.1ka, shrub grassland, temperature rising but precipitation and humidity getting down; 5.8-9.2ka, sparse forest with the most flourish shrub grassland under the optimal climate; 4.3-5.8ka, coniferous and broadleaf mixed forests -shrub grassland, temperature rising slightly and getting dry; 4.3-2.8ka, grass vegetation and climate became more dry; 2.8-2.3ka, coniferous forests -shrub grassland, precipitation and temperature getting down, but a higher relative humidity.


更多网络解释与草原相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Campo:巴西草原 旱性草原(巴西的)

campestral 田间的,田野的,先于田野的,野栖的 野棲的 Y | campo 巴西草原 旱性草原(巴西的) Y | campo cerrado 巴西疏林草原 疏林草原(巴西的) Y

campo sujo:巴西稀树草原 疏木草原(巴西的)

campo cerrado 巴西疏林草原 疏林草原(巴西的) Y | campo sujo 巴西稀树草原 疏木草原(巴西的) Y | cane 细长的茎,藤条 木質性禾木; 實心杆; 結果母枝 Y

campo cerrado:巴西疏林草原 疏林草原(巴西的)

campo 巴西草原 旱性草原(巴西的) Y | campo cerrado 巴西疏林草原 疏林草原(巴西的) Y | campo sujo 巴西稀树草原 疏木草原(巴西的) Y


温带草原是陆地主要生态系统之-,分布于内陆干旱到半湿润气候区,主要有欧亚大陆草原(steppe)、北美草原(Prairie)和南美草原(Pampas)等. 草原区具大陆性气候,四季分明,夏季温暖,冬季严寒、年均降水量约250~500 mm,多集中夏季,

Marginal rangeland:边际草原, 边缘草原

Marginal range 边际草原, 边缘草原 | Marginal rangeland 边际草原, 边缘草原 | Maine prairie 海洋普列里, 海洋草原

savanna climate:热稀稀树(干)草原气候

savanna 热带稀树(干)草原;疏林草原 | savanna climate 热稀稀树(干)草原气候 | savanna woodland 热带稀树(干)草原林地


第二章至第七章为原则篇或基础篇,以草地...鄂尔多斯草原(ORDOS GRASSLND)从植被地理学和植被生态学来划分,它包含着:典型草原(Steppe)、荒漠草原(Desert Steppe)和草原化荒漠(Steppe Desert)三种草原类型,是覆盖鄂尔多斯高原地带性植被的总...

forest steppe:森林草原

森林草原(Forest Steppe)是温带落叶阔叶林与草原之间的过渡带,也就是这两个地带间的群落交错区(或称生态过渡带). 它是一种较均匀的植被类型,而是落叶林和草甸草原的大型镶嵌体. 在这个过渡带上,最初落叶林占优势,草原呈分散的岛屿,

steppe soil:草原土,草原土壤

steppe plant 草原植物 | steppe soil 草原土,草原土壤 | steppe type of soil formation 草原成土作用

Campine:刚果稀树草原, 非洲稀树草原

California steppe 加利福利亚草原 | Campine 刚果稀树草原, 非洲稀树草原 | Campo limpo 巴西无树高草地