英语人>词典>汉英 : 苦痛 的英文翻译,例句
苦痛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pungency  ·  torment  ·  woe  ·  tormented  ·  torments

更多网络例句与苦痛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The self-approval which such a resolution might bring him was hardly worth the inevitable pain of the abnegation.


You dare not, you cannot deny that you have been the principal, if not the ssbbww.com means of dividing them from each other, of exposing one to the censure of the world for caprice instability, the other to its derision for disappointed hopes, involving them both in misery of the acutest kind.

说起他们俩的分离,即使不是你一个人造成的,也是8tt t 8。 com 你主使的,这你可不敢否认,也不能否认。你使得男方被大家指责为朝三暮四,使女方被大家嘲笑为奢望空想,你叫他们俩受尽了苦痛

All the time they agonize and pray .


Pain at the time of study is temporary, the agony not learnt is all one's life.


The pain at the time of study is temporary, the agony not learnt is all one's life.


Some have such a vast appetite for the former commodity, that is, the news, and such sound digestive organs, that they can sit forever in public avenues without stirring, and let it simmer and whisper through them like the Etesian winds, or as if inhaling ether, it only producing numbness and insensibility to pain —— otherwise it would often be painful to bear —— without affecting the consciousness.


Then another devata exclaimed in the Blessed One's presence: See a concentration well-developed, a mind well-released — neither pressed down nor forced back, nor with mental fabrication kept blocked or suppressed.

& 接著另一位天人来到世尊面前说:&我今天见到了一位善修禅定且内心善解脱者-祂既不是压抑也不是逼退身体的苦痛、更不是用一种内心虚幻的想法或假像转移身体的苦痛而得以抑止或平伏。

Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain but for the heart to conquer it.


And he said: Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.


Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is life-long.


更多网络解释与苦痛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beautifrl agon:美丽的苦痛

01. Fresh news 新鲜事 | 03. Beautifrl agon 美丽的苦痛 | 04. Touch to remember 接触记忆

Beautiful Agony:美丽的苦痛

1. Fresh News 新鲜事 | 3. Beautiful Agony 美丽的苦痛 | 4. Touch To Remember 接触记忆

Beautiful Agony:美丽的苦痛(这首建议戴上耳机收听)

1. Fresh News 新鲜事 | 3. Beautiful Agony 美丽的苦痛(这首建议戴上耳机收听) | 4. Touch To Remember 接触记忆

your anguished cries:那些苦痛的哭泣

I can hear your yearnings/我能听到你的憧憬 | your anguished cries/那些苦痛的哭泣 | let the nourishment pass you by/让恩宠擦肩而过

Will it ever cloy, this odd diversity of misery and joy:在这苦痛和快乐的交重中,我会否生厌

# In the flurry of her first affair|在和她交... | # Will it ever cloy, this odd diversity of misery and joy?|在这苦痛和快乐的交重中,我会否生厌? | # I'm feeling quite insane and young again|我再一次觉得...

That deaden suffering:来减轻苦痛

其后,要那些小止痛片 And then, those little anodynes | 来减轻苦痛; That deaden suffering; | 然后,要求睡觉; And then, to go to sleep;


gnawer /咬的人/腐食物/臼齿动物/ | gnawing /咬/不断的苦痛/苛责/咬的/使苦恼的/ | gneiss /片麻岩/


gnawer 臼齿动物 | gnawing 不断的苦痛 | gnawingmordaciousrodent 咬的


pungency 辛辣 | pungent 苦痛的 | pungently 苦痛


pungent 苦痛的 | pungently 苦痛地 | Punic apple 安柘榴