英语人>词典>汉英 : 苏格兰高地 的英文翻译,例句
苏格兰高地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Albania  ·  highlands

更多网络例句与苏格兰高地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apart from Royal Grail Scotch Whisky's unique oak cask packing, you will also detect its crystal-clear and amber-like liquid. The whisky is quite full in gentle and smooth flavor but a distinguished aroma of honey-sweet and subtle hints of smoke at the same time, showing a beautiful combination of Highland freshness and Oriental mystery. Thus, the noble quality of Royal Grail Scotch Whisky is gently reveled.


Apart from Royal Grail Scotch Whiskys unique oak cask packing, you will also detect its crystal-clear and amber-like liquid. The whisky is quite full in gentle and smooth flavor but a distinguished aroma of honey-sweet and subtle hints of smoke at the same time, showing a beautiful combination of Highland freshness and Oriental mystery. Thus, the noble quality of Royal Grail Scotch Whisky is gently reveled.


A mountainous region of central and northern Scotland extending northwest and including the Grampian Mountains.


A mountainous region of central and northern Scotland extending northwest and including the ''.'Grampian'.


The highland game is part of Scotland 's cultural heritage.


Some who fought in the Bonnie Prince's Jacobite army were Protestant s from the north-east of Scotland who had no particular sympathy for the Catholic cause, nor for the highlands


Some who fought in the Bonnie Prince's Jacobite army were Protestants from the north-east of Scotland who had no particular sympathy for the Catholic cause, nor for the highland s


He stayed in the Highland village at the home of his friend, local artist Andrew Ward, and marked the anniversary by visiting the Ceilidh Place hotel, a popular venue for artists and musicians in the Highlands.

他住在高地村一个朋友Andrew Ward的家里,Ward是一位当地的艺术家。Alan在苏格兰高地地区艺术家和音乐家时常出入的Ceilidh Place旅馆庆祝了自己的生曰。

In fact, pipers in all parts of the world, but why is everybody remember only that Scotland Pipe Band? Because in the minds of the people of the world, not a single Scottish bagpipe music refers to itself, it also connected to a long list of representatives of the Scottish Highlands of traditional culture has long history of Scottish culture into an integral part.

其实 风笛在世界各地都有,但为何大家却独独记得苏格兰风笛﹖只因在世人心中,苏格兰风笛并不是单指乐器本身而言,它还连接着一长串代表苏格兰高地传统文化的历史也早已升华为苏格兰文化中不可或缺的一部份。

Although they were both High land clans,the Campbells and Stewarts had hated each other for years,and now the Campbells were helping the English army drive many Highlanders out of their homes.


更多网络解释与苏格兰高地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cateran:苏格兰高地的劫匪, 山贼

cater-cousin | 亲密的朋友, 至交 | cateran | 苏格兰高地的劫匪, 山贼 | caterer | 包办伙食者, (尤)指备办宴会者

Highland fling:苏格兰高地舞

highjacker 强盗 | Highland fling 苏格兰高地舞 | highland 高地


Glendive 格冷代夫 | Glengarry 苏格兰高地人戴用的无檐帽子 | Glenn 格列

Rob banks? Train fleas? Dance the Highland Fling:抢劫银行?训练跳蚤?跳苏格兰高地舞

No? So what do you do for a living?|不是?那你是干什么的? | Rob banks? Train fleas? Dance the Highland Fling?|抢劫银行?训练跳蚤?跳苏格兰高地舞? | And steal from dressing rooms?|还有盗窃更衣室?

we have the Scottish Society Highland Fling Friday night:我们星期五要参加 苏格兰高地抛舞

Isn't that nice? As tempting as that sounds...|听起来真有趣 | we have the Scottish Society Highland Fling Friday night.|我们星期五要参加 苏格兰高地抛舞 | Do we have to fling?|-我们一定得去吗?

The New York Scottish Society's Annual Highland Fling:纽约的苏格兰高地年度抛舞

- I'm sore from the shots! - Sorry.|-打针让我酸痛 -抱歉 | The New York Scottish Society's Annual Highland Fling.|纽约的苏格兰高地年度抛舞 | Any Scot who was anyone was there...|显赫的苏格兰人全在这里...


坐到尽头以后再乘原车回去,他说他那次火车之旅,是在冬天,火车外都是盖著雪的英威内斯是个相当不错的城市,附近原野称不上什麼荒原,应该算是肥沃的农庄,越离开英威内斯,越靠苏格兰的海岸,苏格兰高地 (Highland) 特有的荒凉景色就

Highlanders merc:苏格兰高地雇佣兵

Scutatoi 盾甲兵 | Highlanders merc 苏格兰高地雇佣兵 | Dismounted Mailed Knights 下马锁子甲骑士

Scotland: Cairngorms:苏格兰高地

厄瓜多尔/ "Ecuador" | 苏格兰高地/"Scotland: Cairngorms" | 第二季 part1


Royal Janissaries皇家禁卫军 | Highlanders苏格兰高地步兵 | Black Watch苏格兰高地警卫团