英语人>词典>汉英 : 芽生 的英文翻译,例句
芽生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与芽生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A fungal infection caused by a blastomycete and characterized by multiple inflammatory lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, or internal organs.


Of or relating to or characteristic of blastomycosis.


Your heart failure was caused by a fungal infection called cardiac blastomycosis.


The FDA also has received reports of cases of coccidioidomycosis and blastomycosis, including deaths, in patients treated with TNF blockers.


Blastomycosis is a fungal disease caused by Blastomyces dermatitidis that affects both dogs and humans.


A preparation that is derived from a culture of the fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis and is injected intracutaneously as a diagnostic test for blastomycosis.


We observed the crystals under H-500 scanning electron microscope.Results The producing ways of tunica vasculosa microangiogenesis of rat's crystal:(1)single-directional germination;(2)bi-directional germination;(3)collagen and pericyte mediated germination;(4)angioblast inducted germination;(5)germ germinated.

结果 大鼠晶体血管膜血管发生方式:(1)单向芽生方式;(2)双向芽生方式;(3)胶原及周皮细胞介导的芽生方式;(4)血管母细胞诱导的芽生方式;(5)芽生芽的方式。

Any of various yeastlike, budding fungi of the genus Blastomyces that cause diseases in humans and animals.


RESULTS: Totally 57 rats enrolled in this study, all animals completed Hot pain allergic symptom could not be observed on rats in experimental group during the whole experimental process, but continuously appeared in discharge percentage of nerve fibers at the central end of experimental rat sciatic nerve was remarkably lower than that of the control group 6.79%Sympathetic postganglion nerve fiber budding was not obvious in the slices of entire L4-5 dorsal root neuroganglion of injury side in 6 experimental rats,and basket-shaped cell could not be observed, but sympathetic postganglion nerve fiber budding was obvious in 2 rats in control groups with altogether 41 basket-shaped cells observed.

电生理实验:实验组大鼠坐骨神经中枢端的神经纤维自发放电百分数显著低于对照组(6.79%,46 7%)。③背根神经节切片荧光染色结果:实验组6只大鼠损伤侧L4-5的全部背根神经节切片中看不到明显的交感节后神经纤维芽生,没找到篮状细胞,而在对照组2只大鼠损伤侧L4-5的全部背根神经节切片中可看到明显的交感节后神经纤维芽生,共找到篮状细胞41只。

Any of the pathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida.


更多网络解释与芽生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


\\"胚盘囊;胚胞\\",\\"blastodermic vesicle\\" | \\"胚芽生殖;芽生法;芽生\\",\\"blastogenesis\\" | \\"胚动;胎动\\",\\"blastokinesis\\"


\\"分沟细胞,分裂球,分割球\\",\\"blastomere\\" | \\"芽生菌属\\",\\"Blastomycetes\\" | \\"皮炎芽生菌\\",\\"Blastomycetes dermatiditis\\"

Blastomycetes dermatiditis:皮炎芽生菌

\\"芽生菌属\\",\\"Blastomycetes\\" | \\"皮炎芽生菌\\",\\"Blastomycetes dermatiditis\\" | \\"马皮疽芽生菌\\",\\"Blastomycetes farciminosum\\"

Blastomycetes farciminosum:马皮疽芽生菌

\\"皮炎芽生菌\\",\\"Blastomycetes dermatiditis\\" | \\"马皮疽芽生菌\\",\\"Blastomycetes farciminosum\\" | \\"芽生菌素\\",\\"blastomycin\\"

Pulmonary blastomycosis:肺芽生菌病,支气管芽生菌病

pulmonary blastoma 肺母细胞瘤 | pulmonary blastomycosis 肺芽生菌病,支气管芽生菌病 | pulmonary blood flow volume 肺血流量

germination; gemmation:芽生;芽生法

germinal vesicle 胚核;胚泡 | germination; gemmation 芽生;芽生法 | germinative 生長的;萌芽的

皮炎芽生菌,Gilchrist病囊球菌:Blastomyces dermatitdis ; Cryptococcus Gilchristi

两极染色 Bipolar stain | 皮炎芽生菌,Gilchrist病囊球菌 Blastomyces dermatitdis ; Cryptococcus Gilchristi | 芽生菌目,酿母菌目 Blastomycetes ; Saccharomyetes ; Yeast fungi


blastomere 裂球 | blastomyces 芽生菌 | blastomycosis 芽生菌病

blastomyces dermatitidis:皮炎芽生菌

芽生菌病又称吉尔克斯(Gilchrist)病或北美芽生菌病,是由皮炎芽生菌(Blastomyces Dermatitidis)或称北美芽生菌(blastomycosis North American)感染引起的一种慢性肉芽肿性及化脓性疾病,可侵犯身体的任何部位,主要累及皮肤、肺和骨骼肺芽生菌也是一种双相型真菌存在于土壤中.

bdr Blastomyces dermatitidis:皮炎芽生菌

267 bls Blastocystis sp./酵母菌属 | 268 bdr Blastomyces dermatitidis/皮炎芽生菌 | 269 bla Blastomyces sp./芽生