英语人>词典>汉英 : 芽变 的英文翻译,例句
芽变 的英文翻译、例句


bud variation · bud mutation · bud sport · sport deviation
更多网络例句与芽变相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Golden-Autumn Pear is a plant variation from the bud of Xingao pear and has the excellent properties of large fruit, beautiful appearance, high quality, high yield, short maturity, long storage term, ready transportation, broad adaptability and strong anti-adversity.


Pinot blanc is a genetic mutation or clone of pinot gris, which is in turn, a clone of pinot noir.


The result showed that the changes of stoma density ranged from 91~173 unitmm^(-2). Guard cell length ranged from 25.8~32.4 μm. Guard cell width ranged from 18.4~24.2μm. Guard cell width in sports variety was longer than in original variety.


Ratio of palisade tissue, stoma density and pollen morphology are the important index for sport identification.


The analysis of pigments contained in citrus flesh could elucidate the mechanism of citrus pigmenting, and create a theoretical basis for'pigmenting breeding'and development of colored local cultivars.


The 180bp amplification fragment was present in Wellspur Delicious, not in starking from which the former mutated, suggesting that retrotransposon activity might be involved in the bud mutation of Wellspur Delicious.


Anthocyanin content and activities of related enzymeswere measured in'Ralls'and its budmutation. Effect of bagging on anthocyanin biosynthesis in bud mutation was also studied.


Agafu 6?. 6. ISSR analysis was made in all bud mutation primary electionstrains .The primer 1S026 could identify nine bud mutation primary strains.


The results showed:①Anthocyanin content in mature fruits was 132170 U·g-1FW in bud mutation which was very significantly higher than that in'Ralls'(49140 U·g-1FW);②Activities of PAL and UFGT were almost the same between the two materials, but CH I and DFR activitieswere significantly high in bud mutation, which were related to the increase of anthocyanin levels in the mutant;③Bagging treatment inhibited anthocyanin synthesis of bud mutation. But anthocyanin content had significantly increased after removing the bags. Activities of CHI and UFGT increased rap idly and were much higher than those in the control after the bag removal. The increase was consistentwith the imp rovement of anthocyanin levels.

结果显示:①在果实发育期间,芽变果皮的花青苷含量明显高于'国光',尤其是成熟期芽变果皮花青苷含量为132170 U·g-1FW,而'国光'仅为49140 U·g-1FW;②在果实发育期间,两个品种间PAL 和UFGT的酶活性无明显差异,但芽变的CHI和DFR酶活性明显高于'国光',表明芽变花青苷合成能力的提高与CHI和DFR酶活性高有关;③套袋抑制芽变果皮花青苷的合成,但解袋后花青苷的含量极显著升高,解袋后4种酶的变化趋势差异较大, CHI和UFGT活性均迅速升高,明显高于对照,这与解袋后花青苷迅速合成相吻合。

The differences of amplified DNA segments show ed that the red-fleshed sport was related to changes of some genetic substances .The polymorphic segments could be used to forecast the flesh color of grafted s eedlings from the sport scion.


更多网络解释与芽变相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bud variation:芽变

bud scale 芽鳞 | bud variation 芽变 | budding 出芽

bud variation:芽变,芽条变异,芽突变

bud take 芽接成活率 | bud variation 芽变,芽条变异,芽突变 | bud with wood (芽接用)带片芽

bud sport bud mutation; bud variation:芽变

"芽条选择","bud selection" | "芽变","bud sport bud mutation; bud variation" | "芽变","bud variation bud mutation; bud sport"

bud mutation; bud variation; bud sport:芽变

"芽接","bud grafting" | "芽变","bud mutation; bud variation; bud sport" | "蕾期授粉","bud pollination"

bud variation bud mutation; bud sport:芽变

"芽变","bud sport bud mutation; bud variation" | "芽变","bud variation bud mutation; bud sport" | "出芽;出芽法;芽生法;分芽法;出芽生殖","budding"

bud mutation:芽变

Buchner funnel 布氏漏斗 | bud mutation 芽变 | budding 出芽,芽生,芽殖


芽变 由于观赏植物多为异花授粉和杂种起源,基因的杂合性很强,容易发生芽变(sport)如月季、菊花、香石竹、美人蕉、大丽花等花卉的芽变品种非常丰富. 中国水仙本是法国水仙引入中国后形成的变种,单瓣的'金盏银台'是原变种,

bud mutation, sport:芽变

突变协同作用 mutational synergism | 芽变 bud mutation, sport | 模拟突变体 mimic mutant

bud mutation, ort:芽变

突变协同作用 mutational synergism | 芽变 bud mutation, ort | 模拟突变体 mimic mutant

bud mutation, bud sport:芽变,芽条变异

"芽,犊","bud" | "芽变,芽条变异","bud mutation,bud sport" | "加过氧化氢乳","buddeized milk"