英语人>词典>汉英 : 花束 的英文翻译,例句
花束 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bouquet  ·  nosegay  ·  posy  ·  boughpot  ·  posies  ·  bouquets  ·  bowpot

a bunch of flowers · tuzzy-muzzy
更多网络例句与花束相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Company products are mainly in the fields as follows: all kinds of fresh-cut flowers harvesting machinery, hierarchical classification of fresh-cut flowers, flowers produced water treatment line, bouquets bundlers / lines, flowers in addition to leaf machine, flower bulbs cleaning grading line (lilies, tulips, gladiolus, daffodils, iris, Freesia, hyacinth and other early spring flowering the kinds of the ball), refrigerated display equipment bouquets, flowers, container / flower buckets filling equipment, potatoes, onions automatic grading equipment, cucumber automatic classification line, product quality and technology in a leading position in similar enterprises in the Netherlands, sold 5 continents.


A flower or bunch of flower s;a nosegay.


Oslash; Positive Space- Area occupied by material, e.g. posy bowl, symmetrical bowl,bouquet.


K,CRwww.idoido.com.cn It would appear that many of the bridal bouquets used in the USA reflect the posy style and, as such, this book confirms this supposition.


It would appear that many of the bridal bouquets used in the USA reflect the posy style and, as such, this book confirms this supposition.

P q oQ{;D 从美国常用的新娘花束来看,似乎人们比较喜欢小巧型的花束。这本书也印实这方面的猜测。

T\7?$z+H It would appear that many of the bridal bouquets used in the USA reflect the posy style and, as such, this book confirms this supposition.

sIdoIdo -我愿意结婚论坛从美国常用的新娘花束来看,似乎人们比较喜欢小巧型的花束。这本书也印实这方面的猜测。

Math.Sqrt posX * posX + posY * posY

Math.Sqrt(posX * posX +花束*花束

Fresher than any bouquet you'll find in traditional flower shops, shop Serenata Flowers for exclusive, well cared for bouquets at reasonable prices.


Orange blossoms for chastity and purity ,and the lilies of the valley symbolizing "a return of happiness ",were also part of the bouquet ,as were sweetly-scented carnations,gardenias and waxy trumpets of stephanotis.


This book shows hundreds and hundreds of different bouquets. You will absolutely find the bouquet style you want in this book.


更多网络解释与花束相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bouquet/a bunch of flowers:花束

八宝山公墓the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery | 花束bouquet/a bunch of flowers | 悼念活动memorial events

bough pot:花束

bough 大树枝 | bough pot 花束 | bought 进货

boughpot:大花瓶, 花束

boughed | (树)长有大枝的 | boughpot | 大花瓶, 花束 | bought and sold | 被出卖 失败 完蛋


bough大枝 | boughpot花束 | boughpot大花瓶


bough /大枝/树枝/ | boughpot /大花瓶/花束/花钵/ | bought /购买/


经过激烈的比赛,颁奖典礼(prize award ceremony)上,取得前三名的运动员站在领奖台上,手捧花束(bouquet),脖子上挂着奖牌(medal, 奖牌得主叫medalist),看着国旗冉冉升起,这时的心情是最激动的.

bouquet stage:花束期

由于染色体细线交织在一起,偏向核的一方,所以又称为凝线期(synizesis),在有些物种中表现为染色体细线一端在核膜的一侧集中,另一端放射状伸出,形似花束,称为花束期(bouquet stage).

bouquet stage:(减数分裂过程中的)花束期

"花束状果枝","bouquet spur" | "(减数分裂过程中的)花束期","bouquet stage" | "马勃菌","bovista; Lycoperdon bovista"

bouquet n.m:束,花束

bouche n.f.嘴,口 | bouquet n.m.束,花束 | bourse n.f.奖学金,助学金,交易所

bouquet n.m:花束;簇,扎

banque n.f. 银行;银行业;庄家的赌本 | bouquet n.m. 花束;簇,扎 | baquet n.m. 小木桶