英语人>词典>汉英 : 节间 的英文翻译,例句
节间 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
internode  ·  internodium

更多网络例句与节间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results are as follows: the dwarf mutant A846 pertain to half-dwarf type, which height is about 38.64 cm on average, preponderating over the half-height of the wild-type, the elongation stage of the mutant represent dwarf character, internode elongation patterns of caulis are similarly the sh-type dwarf mutant, in which the first internode shows specific reduction, the elongation of these cells in the elongation zone immediately above the IM was dissimilar to the wild-type, longitudinal length of parenchyma cells were curtate, also the first internode exhibit markedly, which average is under the corresponding internode of the wild-type, the differentiation of the IM of each internodes of stem was similar to wild-type, as well as the number of internodes and the length of sheath of flag leaf.


The gene eui is one of the most important genes deployed in hybrid rice breeding, since it has been used to improve panicle exsertion of rice male-sterile lines.


The basal diameter, height of aerial stem, leaf length at middle stem, leaf width at middle stem, internode length at middle stem, internodes number and panicle length of 30 plants from every population were recorded. The statistics of morphological characters showed that the distribution trends of the averages of morphological characters are similar among populations. However, the coefficients of variation within population of 7 morphological characters were very different. The CV of internodes was largest and the CV of height was smallest within population. F-statistics showed that the differences of all morphological characters among populations were significant (P.01). But the differences among populations were different between different groups. The cluster analysis proved that all populations could be divided into three types: salty reed, freshwater reed and giant reed.


Culms 2–5 m, 5–12 mm in diam.; internodes terete, 20–32 cm, pith spongy; nodes weakly prominent, sheath base persistent, corky, glaucous, pilose; intranode ca. 9 mm. Culm sheaths persistent or late deciduous, brown, shorter than internodes, fragile, densely setose; auricles falcate; oral setae ca. 5 mm; ligule arcuate, ca. 2 mm; blade triangularly ovate-lanceolate, abaxially slightly hairy at base.

秆2-5米,5-12毫米直径;节间圆柱状,20-32厘米,木髓海绵状;节身体虚弱突出,宿存的鞘基部,木栓质,有白霜,; intranode约晚落叶的9毫米竿箨宿存或,棕色,节间,脆的短于,密被刚毛;叶耳镰刀形;口头的刚毛约5毫米;弧曲的叶舌,约2毫米;叶片三角形卵状披针形,背面的稍有毛在基部。

The sex pheromone-producing gland of Ancylis.sativa Liu is amodified intersegmental membrane as a dorsal bag between eighth and ninthabdominal segments.


The model were validated by experiment data from Nanjing,the result showed that the value of RMSE of leaf length and width,petiole length and width,main stem internodes length and width,sympodial stem intemodes width,cotton boll height and diameter was 0.48cm、0.65cm、0.53cm、0.09cm、0.02cm、0.55cm、0.28cm、0.23cm、0.14cm、0.17cm、0.20cm、0.11cm,respectively,which indicated the model was accurate and the prediction were better.


We measured morphological and physiological characteristics of C. asiatica in spring 2004 and 2005 at three levels: ramet population, clonal fragment and leaf. Environmental factors of different microsites were investigated again in September 2006. Important findings At the ramet population level, we observed no effect of habitat (forest edge vs. abandoned grassland slope).


The results show that space finite analysis results are close to test ones, bottom chords suffer axial force and large in-plane bending, and the max stress is nearby each middle internode. The max stress of node crossbeams occurs in No.2 bottom flange, and that of internode crossbeams happens in ones lying in the middle of every internode. The concrete slab is in tension at the longitudinal direction, and also suffers bent at vertical loads. The degree of completely-composite model taking part in the combined actions is about 55%, while that of semi-composite model is 42%-43%. The combination of concrete slab and bottom chord increases the degree of floor system taking part in the combined actions, lightens the burden of bottom chord, and reduces out-of-plane bending of node crossbeams especially the ones near bridgehead. Stress and displacement of main truss can be evaluated by a equivalent plane rigid frame in preliminary design, and effective stiffness of bottom chords are composed of original ones and concrete slab, and the concentrated load from deck can be translated into uniform load.


The promotion of the growth of the stem is not due to the increment of the number of internodes, but is chiefly due to the elongation of their internodes.


Here are the results: there are no clear difference in the length and width of leaf epidermis stomatal apparatus, stoma density and vascular bundle area in 1st internode below the ear between cold and warm type wheat. The vascular bundle area in 2nd internode below the ear of cold type wheat is obvious smaller than warm type wheat's. There are clear difference in the vascular bundle number in unit transverse area of 1st internode and 2nd internode below the ear and the rate of the total area of vascular bundle and the transverse area of wheat stem between cold and warm type wheat.


更多网络解释与节间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ascensionist | 上升者 | ascensiontide | 从耶稣升天节至圣灵降临节间的十日 | Ascensiontide | 升天节(自耶稣升天至圣灵降临前夜之间的一旬)




interneron 中间神经元 | internode 节间;结间节 | interphase 分裂间期

internodal length:节间长度

intermittently adv. 间歇的 | internodal length 节间长度 | internode 节间

internodal cell:节间细胞

而下方的一个细胞不分裂而著延长形成节间细胞(internodal cell),从节部长出轮生枝(叶),而节间细胞则形成多核. 其营养体细胞的核相为n,在节处为叶托抱,产生颈卵器和精器. 精器的柄细胞(manubrium)和带状的精母细胞丝是为其他藻类所没有的构造.

internodal growth:节间生长

internodal cell 节间细胞 | internodal growth 节间生长 | internode 节间


internode 节间 | internodium 节间 | interoceptor 内感受器

intersegmental membrane:节间膜

在幼虫中,体节与体节之间是以节间褶(intersegmental fold)相连;在若虫和成虫中,体节之间是以节间膜(intersegmental membrane)相连. 这些体节分别集合成昆虫的头部(head)、胸部(thorax)和腹部(abdomen)三个体段. 一般认为昆虫的头部是由头前叶和6个体节高度愈合而成,

intersegmental membranes:体节间膜

节间肌束 intersegmental bundles | 体节间线 intersegmental line | 体节间膜 intersegmental membranes

intersegmental line:体节间线

节间肌束 intersegmental bundles | 体节间线 intersegmental line | 体节间膜 intersegmental membranes