英语人>词典>汉英 : 节目制作者 的英文翻译,例句
节目制作者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与节目制作者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The new exploration of TV program brought by "Reality TV" is definitely an illumination for TV in China, but as for Chinese TV programmers, it is also necessary to appropriately treat the disputes also brought by "Reality TV" on human nature, morality, privacy and so on. Additionally, they also need to solve such problems as the moral evaluation and the cultural criteria for "Reality TV," shoulder the corresponding responsibility, and try their best to harmonize Chinese traditional culture, satisfy the audience indeed from both visional and audile perspectives.


Cowan, the creator and packager of the program, Revlon, its main sponsor, and CBS were able to bring this new type of quiz show on the air.


A town in Japan has an experimental system which includes a camera and a microphone attached to each subscriber's TV set thus enabling them to become programmers; newsreaders, announcers and interviewers often work in their homes instead of a studio.


After clips of Hole in the Wall became viral hits on YouTube, Fremantle, the UK-based creator of Pop Idol, bought the rights to the format and sold them to broadcasters in 16 countries.

在Hole in the Wall节目视频成为YouTube上的大热门后,英国Pop Idol节目的制作者Fremantle购买了该节目模式的版权,并卖给16个国家的电视广播公司。

更多网络解释与节目制作者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


具体的虚拟演播室软件操作者称为" 动画师"(animator) 或" 模型师"(modeler) . 他们在整个虚拟演播室节目制作中对演播室的最终效果起着举足轻重的作用,他可以是导演或美工本人,也可以是专业的动画制作者.

实况转播(美作:live program):live programme

programmer 节目制作者(美作:programer) | live programme 实况转播(美作:live program) | production 制片

live programme:实况转播(美作:live program)

programmer 节目制作者(美作:programer) | live programme 实况转播(美作:live program) | production 制片

The Price is Right:价格公道

其中有一段取名>(The Price is Right)的录像片,在同名游戏节目音乐伴奏下,录像制作者质问观众,"购买多数政府价格几何?"这些影片都是自由党支持者的个人杰作,自由党仍未正式认可. 制作人之一切尼雅克(Jason Cherniak)就主办名为Liblogs.ca的网站,