英语人>词典>汉英 : 艺术批评 的英文翻译,例句
艺术批评 的英文翻译、例句


art criticism
更多网络例句与艺术批评相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the "80 after the" art began to form a fact, rather than theoretical form of the title has been mentioned more and more and more time, this phenomenon is a natural extension of the field of art criticism has become a natural thing.


On the other hand, the interceder who determines the scale of "presence" is probably the person who has ever been or is engaged in the contemporary art criticism. When the person is intimately close to the artist, it's hard to say how many mysterious principles are hidden behind the writing of the "fine arts history".


It is well known that we have been using the classical and typical artworks that are already popular with people to enhance kids'morality, merits and percipient of beauty.

在这个背景下,我们基础美术学科教育遇到了新的难题:在以往的美术教学中,欣赏评述内容更倾向于对传统艺术形式和经典作品的理解和欣赏,而且大多是以经过历史筛选、久为人们所熟知的、正面积极的作品来感染学生、提高他们的审美能力和对艺术的感知力,而目前这些尚处在蓬勃发展中的艺术形式对于广大中小学学生来说是令人迷惑而高深莫测的,他们很容易象接受书本知识和教师讲解一样去接受一切在艺术杂志、展览馆、画廊中所看到的充满刺激的新艺术作品,而这种反应大多是本能的、不带批评性的,与他们对摇滚乐和青年文化等方面的反应类似(《艺术批评与艺术教育》ArtCritics and Art Education沃尔夫吉伊根著)。

This part includes the following aspects: Cognitions to the spirit structure of an artist\'s vision; inheritance and exceed of "preexistent pattern"; the historical accumulation of form; the interactive action of art and economy, and so on.The forth chapter discusses the relation of article criticism and Modernism cultural politics in Fry\'s theory.


The taste-criticism promotes the different private taste-choice. Each action of arts, the feminist arts and criticism has no special right. They are only the different judge and knowledge. Talking with the history and realist times actionably and powerfully, with the method of researching the real life of the beings, they are the basic style of the lives and real creative movements.


The taste-criticism promotes the different private taste-choice. Each action of arts, the feminist arts and criticism has no special right. They are only the different judge and knowledge. Talking with the history and realist times actionably and powerfully, with the method of researching the real life of the beings, they are the basic style of the lives and real creative movements.


By outlining the strategy's development and analyzingChinese contemporary artistical phenomena and critic, this dissertation intends todemonstrate that t...


By outlining the strategy's development and analyzingChinese contemporary artistical phenomena and critic , this dissertation intends todemonstrate that the currently important strategy is to let an art work return to acontext of local culture.


Roger Fry is an unusual Artistic theoretician who had obtained remarkable achievements both in art theory and practice in modem England. His artistic criticism thoughts mainly have two sources in esthetics foundation, one is the German classicism esthetician Kant, another one is the Analysis philosopher More.


The taste-criticism promotes the absolute difference of private taste-choice. Art, the feminist art,feminist art creation and creticism has no special right. They are all vividly and powerfully dialoguing with their historical times , taking this real world as their exploring center,which is the basic form of life and real creative activity.This thesis makes a contribution to the word feminist theories by the creative and constructive consideration.


更多网络解释与艺术批评相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

appreciative criticism:鉴赏批评(以鉴赏态度对艺术作品所作的批评)

economic constraints 经济约束 | appreciative criticism 鉴赏批评(以鉴赏态度对艺术作品所作的批评) | multipath propagation 多径传播


比尔兹利把所谓"批评性陈述"分为三种,亦即"描述的"(descriptive)、"解释的"(interpretative)和"评价的"(evaluative). 这种区分对于分析美学而言非常重要,因为它确立了艺术批评的几种基本范式,这种划分在历史上的确功不可没.


综上所述.本文将艺术世界做为批评的场域,艺评家可以藉由"论述"(discourse)来揭露(disclose)艺术的存有样态. 由于当代艺术强调的是艺术的公众事务,使动态的艺术事件逐渐取代静态展示的作品,成为艺术评论的主要对象. 我们为了探讨艺评的判准,


此所以,我们先前要从美学观点来冥想此现象(疏离、断裂与陌对)为"厌恶"(disgust)的审美原则之缘故,也是我们将要从艺术批评角度来论述此现象为"异化癖"(delirium in alienation)的关键.


戈德曼(Lucien Goldmann)的批评概念\"同构性\"(homology)的重要意义. \"同构性\"意味着艺术形式与社会生活也具有同样的平行关系. 艺术与生活的对应也可以看作是一种\"格式塔\"式的\"异质同构\". 戈德曼在>(1964)中认为,


比尔兹利把所谓"批评性陈述"分为三种,亦即"描述的"(descriptive)、"解释的"(interpretative)和"评价的"(evaluative). 这种区分对于分析美学而言非常重要,因为它确立了艺术批评的几种基本范式,这种划分在历史上的确功不可没.




从早年起,她就喜欢和她的哥哥--威廉姆(William)与加百列(Gabriel),还有她的姐姐玛丽亚(Maria),四个孩子中最大的一位--制作和韵诗. 他们在日后的生活中都在与艺术相关的领域里获得了盛名. 玛丽亚在但丁研究方面,威廉姆在文学和艺术批评上,


一九九七年,纽约一位重要的后现代观念主义艺术家马克.坦西(Mark Tansey)完成并展出了他的<<裁判>>(Judging)一画. 坦西在这幅哲理绘画中,向我们提出了关于视角的问题. 这个问题既是针对我们看画方式的,又是针对当代艺术批评的.

art criticism:艺术批评

在研究对象的集中与方法论的确立的前提之下,迄今为止的整个分析美学可以大致分为五个历史阶段:第二阶段(20世纪50、60年代),是分析关于艺术作品的语言阶段,形成了"艺术批评"(art criticism)的"元理论",门罗比尔兹利(Monroe Beardsley)