英语人>词典>汉英 : 艰巨地 的英文翻译,例句
艰巨地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与艰巨地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At this session of the National People's Congress, the deputies have entrust me with a very heavy and important task, and I myself can feel very keenly the arduousness of this task.


His Chamber Music for Chinese Traditional Instruments succeeds admirably at this difficult task.


He expresses, will all website adds reference, prevent effectively " cribber ", it is a very formidable job.


Unfortunately both he and Leona were virtually inaudible and all the palaver about toning down the song's famously filthy lyrics was unnecessary because you couldn't hear them anyway.


Of the arduous duties of which she had partaken.


Despite the difficulty of the task ,and the slowness of the progress,they continued to plug away at it manfully.


Despite the difficulty of the task,and the slowness of the progress,the workers continued to plug away at it manfully.


So we should probe into the scheme which will accord with the market developing practice, be accepted by all and operate reposefully when it is carried out.


Furthermore, my grateful thanks must go to Mr. Li Jia Jun, the senior editor, who has given me unstinted encouragement and support far above the call of duty, during the crucial stages of the project, and generously offered to undertake the unenviable task.


These pretty superlatives, dropping glibly from the tongue, vitiate the taste, and create a kind of sickly delicacy that turns away from simple unadorned truth, and a deluge of false sentiments and overstretched feelings, stifling the natural emotions of the heart, render the domestic pleasures insipid, that ought to sweeten the exercise of those severe duties, which educate a rational and immortal being for a nobler field of action.


更多网络解释与艰巨地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dengue Fever:登革热

登革热(dengue fever)是登革热病毒引起、伊蚊传播的一种急性传染病,目前我市已进入登革热高发季节. 随着新行政区的成立,我区划入的农村地区增多,防病工作更加艰巨. 为有效地预防和控制登革热疫情的发生,保护人民群众健康,区卫生局、疾病预防控制中心现将加强登革热防制要求通知如下: