英语人>词典>汉英 : 船失事 的英文翻译,例句
船失事 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wreck  ·  wrecked  ·  wrecks

更多网络例句与船失事相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

THE few people who live in Alaska's Aleutian Islands have long been accustomed to shipwrecks.

阿拉斯加阿留申群岛(Alaska's Aleutian Islands)上居住的人不多,他们对船舶失事早已习以为常。1780年,一只日本捕鲸船急于渡向岸边准备返航时,在长达1100英里(1800千米)的火山群岛的最西边搁浅了。

There were wrecks and wreckers, the keeper said, who was evidently au fait .


There were wrecks and wrecks , the keeper said , who was evidently au fait


Part 2 - The Case for Cannibalism: Sandel introduces the principles of utilitarian philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, with a famous nineteenth century legal case involving a shipwrecked crew of four. After nineteen days lost at sea, the captain decides to kill the weakest amongst them, the young cabin boy, so that the rest can feed on his blood and body to survive.

第2部分:Sandel介绍了功利主义哲学家Jeremy Bentham的原则,用了一个著名的十九实际的司法案例:一艘失事船支,有四个人,在漂泊十九天后,船长决定杀死他们中间最弱小的那个服务生男孩,以便剩下的人可以喝他的血、吃他的肉得以继续活下去。

"You're in a shipwreck," she told us, The only ones who make it to the lifeboat are you and a cat.


This could indicate that the wreck had been the French slave ship La Concorde, which Blackbeard captured a year before his death and renamed Queen Anne's Revenge.

由此可以表明这个残骸是法国的La Concorde号奴隶船,在船失事前一年被"黑珍珠"截获并被命名为"安妮皇后复仇号"。

We know that he suffered beatings, shipwreck, stoning, but his summary is that 'the Lord delivered me out of them all.


This could indicate that the wreck had been the French slave ship La Concorde, which Blackbeard captured a year before his death and renamed Queen Anne's Revenge.

由此可以表明这个残骸是法国的La Concorde号奴隶船,在船失事前一年被&黑珍珠&截获并被命名为&安妮皇后复仇号&。

There miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught.


From Palembang was shipwrecked and washed ashore to an unknown island.


更多网络解释与船失事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The large ocean liner, Titanic,was wrecked by its collision with an iceberg:泰坦尼克号巨轮因撞 上冰山而失事

wreck vt.(船等)失事,遇难; 破坏,毁坏 | The large ocean liner, Titanic,was wrecked by its collision with an iceberg ;泰坦尼克号巨轮因撞上冰山而失事 | wreck n.失事船(或飞机), 残骸;失事; 精神或身体跨掉的...

sea wrack:被浪冲上岸边的海草;失事船的漂流物

sea wrack 被浪冲上岸边的海草 | sea wrack 被浪冲上岸边的海草;失事船的漂流物 | sea 海

seaware:海草 失事船的漂流物

seaware 被浪冲上岸边的海草 | seaware 海草 失事船的漂流物 | seawatches 航行值班


shipworm 船蛆 | shipworm 船蛀 | shipwreck 失事船;沉船;船舶失事


shipwreck /遇难船/海难/海难船/破灭/挫折/遇海难/ | shipwrecked /失事/ | shipwright /造船工人/造船木匠/

shipwrecked crew:失事船船员

shipwreck 遇难船船舶失事 | shipwrecked crew 失事船船员 | shipwright officer 军舰建造师


wrack 漂积在海岸的海草;失事船漂流物 | wrack 失事船只 | wrack 失事船只海生植物


Wquipment of Anchor 锚设备 | wrack 漂积在海岸的海草;失事船漂流物 | wrack 失事船只

wrecked ship:失事船

wreck-marking vessel 沉船位置设标船 | wrecked ship 失事船 | wrecker 清障车

there miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught:我们国家有一艘 装满货物的船失事了

who told me, in the narrow seas that part t... | there miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught.|我们国家有一艘 装满货物的船失事了 | I thought upon Antonio when he told me and wished in silenc...