英语人>词典>汉英 : 舞台造型 的英文翻译,例句
舞台造型 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与舞台造型相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

History is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.


Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.


In a tableau, she once represented "Poland Breaking Her Chains."


Well known to generations of Dubliners, the crib, which is made up of 100 figures in 14 tableaux, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.


Sir Raja III is the third in a series of works that explore the theatrics of posing, through tableaux for live performance and film.


Though we are seduced by the tableaux the artist creates, gazing upon which we admire, love and worship his beauty and social position, we remain conscious of the farce.


However, Barry is not bound by rules; he turned history and myths into a series of tableaux that were at once oddly expressionistic and deeply personal.


Barry found it hard to be bound by rules, and he turned history and myth into a series of ★tableaux[6] that were at once But oddly expressionistic and deeply personal.


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Perhaps the clearest European models for the work are French grand operas; like them Igor mixes dramatic tableaux (the prologue, the scene between the boyars and Yaroslavna), scenic tableaux, and set pieces (Igor's aria, Yaroslavna's lament, Galitsky's aria).


更多网络解释与舞台造型相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


平常的时尚女士们都喜欢用配饰来突出自己的造型,除了颈链、手链、耳环(Earrings)及戒指,今个春夏季,将要加多一环那便是头箍. 有远见的时装设计师纷纷在舞台上作树模,挑选由CHANEL过万元的奢华作,到H&M十多块的价廉物美设计,丰俭由人,


2010年春节联会晚会演出化妆造型,图片, 演出化妆舞台化妆造型思思彩妆, 艾琳(Irene)的文艺工作者职业博客 - 企业博客网

lateen sail:斜挂大三角帆

穆泰尔,克罗地亚:在一个帆船比赛上,参赛帆船与传统的斜挂大三角帆(lateen sail)帆船一同出现在海平面上. 阿拉哈巴德,印度:在十胜节(Dussehra)的游行队伍中,一个静止舞台造型上的当地人的神情. 柏林,

Rayman Raving Rabbids:雷曼 疯狂兔子

育碧公司即将在多平台上推出的>(Rayman Raving Rabbids)近日公布了几张新的游戏画面. >是款老牌的欧美卡通风格动作游戏,游戏中玩家将操作造型逗趣的雷曼(Rayman),于游戏舞台中奔跑跳跃,突破各种障碍难关,


她使用的摄影术使舞蹈和活人静态的舞台造型(tableaux)之间难分彼此:人们不清楚,到底是图像记录了舞蹈表演,还是图像本身就具有某种表演的功能. 她制作了一本精美豪华的书,按照叙事的次序排列她雕像般的裸体,经典希腊式的造型,

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes:绅士爱美人

她在十多位男舞者簇拥下,以梦露在"绅士爱美人"(Gentlemen Prefer Blondes)中的经典粉红色轻纱装造型上场,舞姿中极尽性感撩人,而最后舞台上方电风扇一开,李玟的裙角随风飘扬,彷如梦露另一部经典"七年之痒"(The Seven Year Itch)里的著名画面再现.