英语人>词典>汉英 : 舌头 的英文翻译,例句
舌头 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tongue  ·  longue  ·  tongues

更多网络例句与舌头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

President Lin Chun-shin pointed out that the human body's physiological mechanism is complex. While there are many books in the market that talk about healthy diets, it might be better to simply rely on one's own sense of taste. When eating, food should be chewed slowly to allow the tongue to have enough time to make its judgment. The natural reaction of the physiological mechanism and food consumed would create the right recipe and health for you if you were not a picky eater.


There is a long and long tongue in the mouth of the frog, very red, there is sticky liquid on the tongue, whenever it discovers a find, long and long the countermarch is one 蹬, once the body jump but rise, eyes take aim at a find, once the tongue stretch, gluing a find a while, then again book enter to taste slowly in mouth.


A new study by Greek scientists confirms cigarettes destroy taste buds and deaden the sense of taste.


If you hear that your tone is thin and lacks fullness, follow all of the directions above to open your embouchure to achieve good tone.


"Of course I know," replied the cask:"poetry is something that always stand in the corner of a newspaper, and is sometimes cut out; and I may venture to affirm that I have more of it in me than the student has, and I am only a poor tub of the huckster's."


The results also present that the intermaxillary vertical relation has significantly positive relation with the motion magnitude of the tongue movements; however, the cranial base (component 1) and the maxilla (component 2-4), except the palatal depth, show no correlation to swallowing. Furthermore, arch length is found increased with prolonged duration of swallowing.


Children suffering from macroglossia may require surgical reduction of the tongue in order to prevent the social stigma of retardation associated with a large protruding tongue, and to minimize the negative affect of the large tongue on tooth and jaw development - which may cause malformation of the jaw due to constant pressure of the large tongue as well as splayed teeth.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes on the tongue movement during swallowing before and after orthodontic retraction of anterior teeth using ultrasound technique. The subject consisted of four men and nine women, with a mean age of 21.3 years old. The subjects were undergoing orthodontic treatment with extraction, and there were at least 3mm space left on each side between lateral incisors and canines.


Allen Falkner's tongue is split down the middle, and when he sticks it out, it looks like a two-pronged snake tongue.


Allen Falkner's tongue is split down the middle, and when he sticks it out, it looks like a two-pronged snake tongue.


更多网络解释与舌头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Black abscessed tongue:舌头上长了黑斑脓疮

Oh, nice.|真不错... | Black abscessed tongue.|舌头上长了黑斑脓疮 | All abscesses should be drained, period.|脓疮里的脓最后都会流尽的

and a backbiting tongue, angry looks:谗谤人的舌头也生怒容

23 北风生雨,The north wind produces rain, | 谗谤人的舌头也生怒容. and a backbiting tongue, angry looks. | 24 宁可住在房顶的角上,It is better to live in a corner of the housetop

They found him at bed check. He'd swallowed his tongue:他们在夜间巡查时 发现他吞掉自己的舌头

The orderly heard Lecter whispering to him all afternoon.|守卫听到汉内堡莱达 下午时对... | They found him at bed check. He'd swallowed his tongue.|他们在夜间巡查时 发现他吞掉自己的舌头 | Starling?|史达琳...

He ain't once gotten out of that chaise longue:他一旦伸出他长舌头

Donnie, Sonny's down here for a vacation.|东尼,黑桑在这里度假 | He ain't once gotten out of that chaise longue.|他一旦伸出他长舌头 | He lies there like he's in fucking traction.|他象被牵着躺在哪儿

Chiding that tongue that ever sweet:将素来甜言的舌头责备

Straight in her heart did mercy come, 便立马从内心大发慈悲, | Chiding that tongue that ever sweet 将素来甜言的舌头责备- | Was used in giving gentle doom, 它总是用来温柔地定罪,

full-on tongue It was so gross:舌头伸得老长 真恶心

He puts his hands on my face,|他把手放到我脸上, | full-on tongue It was so gross|舌头伸得老长 真恶心 | Why, was it gross because you've known him for so long or...|你觉得恶心是因为你们很熟还是

Pulling the tongue, ice packs on the throat, hitting yourself:拉住舌头 往喉咙里放冰块 打你自己

I've tried everything. Mm-hmm.|我试了所有办法 嗯 | "Pulling the tongue, ice packs on the throat, hitting yourself,|"拉住舌头 往喉咙里放冰块 打你自己 | the groin pinch."|掐腿肚子"


Languedoc 郎格多克 | languet 象舌头的 | languette 像舌头

CowTongue:舌头 奶牛 牛舌头

龙口水 唾液, 龙 DragonSaliva 495. . | 舌头 奶牛 牛舌头, CowTongue 496. . | 松节油 Turpentine 497. .


languet 象舌头的 | languette 像舌头的 | languid 疲倦的