英语人>词典>汉英 : 至尊的 的英文翻译,例句
至尊的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
imperial  ·  imperatorial

更多网络例句与至尊的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The other Achaeans sat where they were all silent and orderly to hear the king, and Agamemnon looked into the vault of heaven and prayed saying, I call Jove the first and mightiest of all gods to witness, I call also Earth and Sun and the Erinyes who dwell below and take vengeance on him who shall swear falsely, that I have laid no hand upon the girl Briseis, neither to take her to my bed nor otherwise, but that she has remained in my tents inviolate.


Dionysus, the major god in Greek mythology, produces a far-reaching effect in every field of western civilization.


C. of saint Agatha's church, north William street, on to Newcomen bridge.


We always adhere to the principle of customer supremacy. Creating a perfect living space is our only pursuit.


JIAHUI companies to create superior to the supreme products, Process of winning every opening, and strive to achieve a first-class product to deal with the fierce market contest.


We all trust Her Grace Vrindavanesvari Devi Dasi attained the supreme destination.

我们都深信 Vrindavanesvari Devi Dasi 到达了至尊的目的地。

Then by two examples of Yanfu and Kang Youwei, the author points out definitely that the time when scientism in china sprouted out is just the time of prevailingness of reformation trend of China.


Arrogating to themselves supreme authority, they required everyone, without a question, to acknowledge their claims.


The yak's back supported the plateau and the fierce-looking longhaired animal became an esteemed god.

雪域 牛背撑起了高原,狰狞的长毛兽成为至尊的神祗。

If comparing current food exports to a card game,"international standard" is absolutely an imperial trump card.


更多网络解释与至尊的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第一个求爱的是鹞鹰的王(royal tersel),他按宫中的礼节向鹰姑娘鞠躬:我心上的爱人不是伴侣(fere),而是我的至尊的夫人(soverayn lady),就是女神您手上那位美人!

My friend:我的朋友

他们著名的动屯田歌曲还有>的第二代片头曲"无法呼吸",保持了ZARD一贯的风格,在Oricon榜上最高排名为季军. 而>(男儿当至尊)TV版第四代片尾曲"我的朋友"(MY FRIEND)的单曲CD销量更达到100万.

The Illusionist:[魔幻至尊]

"蝴蝶"(seba)是我喜欢了六年的作家以下内容与日动漫(抓鬼天狗帮)(tactics)相关以下内容与电影(K歌情人)(music and lyrics)及(佐贺的超级阿嬷)相关以下内容与电影(魔幻至尊)(The Illusionist)相关以下内容与电影(龙骑士)(eragon)相关以


imperial 帝王的,至尊的 | imperturbable 冷静的,沉着的 | implicit 含蓄的,不言而喻的

limited edition calling:很喜欢歌里那个男的的声音

20.just one last dance.公认的抒情至尊! | 21.limited edition calling.很喜欢歌里那个男的的声音. | 22.Linkin Park - Faint.林肯公园实在是太嚣张了,喜欢摇滚的不能错过.

At a pitch-dark night:在一个月黑风高阴森恐怖的晚上

非常的熟! Very and absolutely and extremely! | 在一个月黑风高阴森恐怖的晚上 At a pitch-dark night | 我是至尊宝,你是白晶晶 l'm joker, you're Pak jing jing

Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine:隐匿的忧郁有一至尊的偶像

Ay, in the very temple of delight 哦.在快乐居住的殿堂里... | Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine, 隐匿的忧郁有一至尊的偶像, | Though seen of none save him whose strenuous tongue 尽管唯有咀嚼过欢乐之...


动的黑影 将诸侯纷纷卷入其中 权谋的黑色野兽(Bestia) 继续着争斗的饕餮(Festa)乡下贵族的女儿(Giulietta)心中傲慢地想望的 至尊的宝冠(Tiara)自满于美貌的女人(Roberia)心中傲慢地想望的 至尊的宝冠(Tiara)只有红之歌姬(Ro


在宫廷里蠢动的黑影令诸侯纷纷卷入谋权的野兽们继续着黑暗的饕宴 乡村贵族的女儿想要的是那桀骜的至尊的王冠(Tiara) 容貌自信的女人想要的是那桀骜的至尊的王冠(Tiara) 只有那红之歌姬(Roberia) 才配把王冠戴在头上只有那苍

My friend:我的朋友

他们著名的动屯田歌曲还有<<中华一番>>的第二代片头曲"无法呼吸",保持了ZARD一贯的风格,在Oricon榜上最高排名为季军. 而<<灌篮高手>>(男儿当至尊)TV版第四代片尾曲"我的朋友"(MY FRIEND)的单曲CD销量更达到100万.