英语人>词典>汉英 : 至于其他 的英文翻译,例句
至于其他 的英文翻译、例句


for the rest
更多网络例句与至于其他相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As for the other allegations, Blatter had produced documents that answered some of them.


The Carolingian period was as decisive for the illumination of manuscripts as for other arts.


As for all the other photos of her in this set, she just looks crazed.


As for the rest, he is perfect and his qualities are strength and explosiveness.


As for other writers, Han flaps a manicured hand: I don't do this kind of comparison.


As for other great furry friends' sites ..


For the others, however, I try to find a happy medium.


The meaning of the term may accordingly vary, like that of the other word "Scepticism", which it has largely replaced, from partial to complete Agnosticism; it may be our knowledge of the world, of the self, or of God, that is questioned; or it may be the knowableness of all three, and the validity of any knowledge, whether of sense or intellect, science or philosophy, history, ethics, religion.


For the other method, LEM, results are consistent.

至于其他方法, LEM ,结果是一致的。

Of the other issues that have recurred in mystical writings and studies of mystical writings, one of the most enduring is the question of the relation between cognitive, intellectual, or speculative elements, on the one hand, and affective, loving, or supraconceptual and suprarational elements on the other.


更多网络解释与至于其他相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lorenz attractor:洛伦茨吸引子

我是终)",于是Ω就可以理解为"终结"的意思. "Zn+1 = Zn^2 + c"此方程意义详细希望. 中间最大的图象就是洛伦茨吸引子(Lorenz attractor)的呈现图,至于其他几张大小弧线的图……那是表示地球月球和太阳的相对位置吗?

corn cob:玉米芯

至于其他材料如海泡石(Magnesiu)、玉米芯(Corn Cob)、陶土(Clay)制成的烟斗,现在由于并非广泛流行,本身也不具备石楠根的优良特性,这里就略过不谈. 奥托(AUTOART)是德国和香港一家生产高档汽车仿真模型的合资模型公司,主要生产现代...


(套装)丰田 卡罗拉(Corolla)花冠 汽车锁眼锁芯防撬防盗磁片2.关于此磁贴片的适用范围:丰田 卡罗拉(Corolla)花冠全系车门锁通用及后备箱锁眼通用(单独购买后备箱的请点这里,单独购买车门锁眼的请点这里)至于其他车型能否适用请咨询我们.


至于其他类型游乐设施么,正如我所说到的,它们都是些设计相当怪异,难以归入其他类型公园中,所有不属于游乐设施,也不属于土木工程建筑的部分都属于商店和公共设施(Shops & Facilities),他们通常包括四类:食物(Foods)、饮料(Drink

for the rest:至于其他

to excess 过度 | for the rest 至于其他 | hear of 听说

But as for the rest:可至于其他的

I will tell you all that I'm allowed to tell you.|可以告诉你的 我自然会讲 | But as for the rest...|可至于其他的 | even if you threatened to cut off my head, I won't tell you.|就算你杀了我 我也不会说...

Other than that:至于其他的

Annie too.|还有安妮 | Other than that...|至于其他的... | ...you know what I want, there's no use me repeating myself.|...你知道我想要什么 所以我再重复也没有什么用


至于其他地区的发售时期目前则还是未定. 在这次这款系列作新作里,玩家将扮演原NSA(National Security Agency,美国国家安全局)内部秘密特殊部队顶尖干员的"山姆. 费雪"(Sam Fisher),并为了替自己因车祸而亡故的女儿"莎拉"(Sara)复仇而展开一场单枪匹马的复仇之战...

sealed book:天书

故而,对于西欧人而言,中国的经籍永远都是十足的天书(sealed book);至于其他文化语言的原始文字,情况也完全如此--希腊文的λογοs(逻各斯)和αρχη(始基);梵文的Atman(自性)和Braman(婆罗门)--它们皆指示了各自文化的世界观,


古代芹菜的形态与现今的野芹菜(smallage)相似. 18世纪末期,芹菜经培育形成大而多汁的肉质直立叶柄. 但是,芹菜依然是含有众多植物纤维的蔬菜之一,无论是大人还是小宝贝吃了之后,都会对缓解便秘有好处,至于其他的食疗效果,