英语人>词典>汉英 : 自食其力 的英文翻译,例句
自食其力 的英文翻译、例句


support oneself · earn one's own living · earn one's salt · live by the sweat of one's brow
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It's time you learned to paddle your own canoe.


It's time you learn to paddle your own canoe.


He's eighteen now and I believe he can paddle his own canoe.


She attended Choate Rosemary Hall, as well as Chapin. While she was at Choate, her mother only paid for her tuition and Ivanka had to pay for her phone bills.


The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Economics , 2004, and is currently She attended Choate Rosemary Hall, as well as Chapin.


Want earn one's own living, want to learn to assume responsibility.


Compare earn one's own living without what more let what the person admires.


Their home education is rich with by developping the child to expand the spirit and cans become an artificial point of departure for earn one's own living.


But that didn't matter to me, because I was earning a living.


Sick people may say that I can be self-reliant, should be self-reliant people who can not rescue.


更多网络解释与自食其力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


5月,法拉第又采纳休厄尔的建议,定名"正离子"(anion)和"负离子"(Canon). 1835年 皮尔(Robert Peer)爵士决定赠给法拉第15万英镑,法拉第认为这是贬低自己的人格,以能够自食其力,拒绝接受.

cap in hand:恭恭敬敬地,卑躬屈膝地

Stand on one's own feet自食其力 | Cap in hand恭恭敬敬地,卑躬屈膝地 | Cattle show亮相天会

Catsup Soup:番茄酱汤

Work for Your Supper自食其力 | Catsup Soup番茄酱汤 | Student Super-SaveTM超值优惠


每一个正派的(decent)个体都可以设想,他不必为他个人所反对的国家的任何强制行为负责;也不必为他个人并未从中获益的社会的经济灾难负责. 他"自食其力","不欠任何人",也没有被牵扯进权力和经济价值的罪恶中去. 他对此之不负责任到了如此地步,

Dying Young:伴你一生

美国电影>(Dying Young)讲述的是一位美丽的姑娘希拉里偶然发现男友和别的女人鬼混,一气之下提出分手,并开始自食其力. 第二天,她通过报纸找到一份看护百万富翁的儿子维克多的工作,这份工作有着不菲的薪水,但却一点也不轻松,

earn one's living:自食其力

43. 想做......: feel like doing... | 44. 自食其力: earn one's living | 45. 核武器: nuclear weapons

fend off an attack:避开攻击

fend for oneself 自食其力 | fend off an attack 避开攻击 | defend v. 防守,防御,辩护

stand on one's own two feet:自力更生;自食其力

A hero doesn't failure or success make.不以成败论英雄. | Stand on one's own two feet自力更生;自食其力. | Let's get to the bottom/root of fact/matter......弄清楚/归根究底/打破沙锅问到底.

sturdy beggar:[废]可以自食其力但却去行乞的人, 二流子

stubborn beggar 固执的家伙 | sturdy beggar [废]可以自食其力但却去行乞的人, 二流子 | surly beggar 性情乖戾的人; 脾气粗暴的人

sturdy beggar:可以自食其力但却去行乞的人, 二流子

stud 种马(貌美体健的男人) | sturdy beggar 可以自食其力但却去行乞的人, 二流子 | swing for the fence 打全垒打{专指棒球}