英语人>词典>汉英 : 自始至终 的英文翻译,例句
自始至终 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
throughout  ·  sempre

all the way · from beginning to end · from first to last · right along · from start to finish · ab ovo usque and mala · during the whole period
更多网络例句与自始至终相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first thing I did, was to recompense my original Benefactor, my good old Captain, who had been first charitable to me in my Distress, kind to me in my Beginning, and honest to me at the End: I shew'd him all that was sent me, I told him, that next to the Providence of Heaven, which disposes all things, it was Owing to him; and that it now lay on me to reward him, which I would do a hundred fold: So I first return'd to him the hundred Moidores I had receiv'd of him, then I sent for a Notary, and caused him to draw up a general Release or Discharge for the 470 Moidores, which he had acknowledg'd he ow'd me in the fullest and firmest Manner possible; after which, I caused a Procuration to be drawn, impowering him to be my Receiver of the annual Profits of my Plantation, and appointing my Partner to accompt to him, and make the Returns by the usual Fleets to him in my Name; and a Clause in the End, being a Grant of 100 Moidores a Year to him, during his Life, out of the Effects, and 50 Moidores a Year to his Son after him, for his Life: And thus I requited my old Man.


I realized that I had had it in my pocket all along.


I've 清楚n those all by oneself.


In a word, Wang Guangqi's ideal is a kind of typical proposal for social reform. It is with an anarchistic color in its earlier period, as well as a strong national emotion all the way.


The best student in your class, besides his gift for language, must be closely related with his diligence from beginning to end.


He keeps smiling all the time, smiling like a rosy little bedbug that has had its fill.


Throughout the symposium there were short speeches made by everyone present between whiles.


The Duke of Medina Sidonia now sent a message to the Duke of Parma in Dunkirk:"I am anchored here two leagues from Calais with the enemy's fleet on my flank. They can cannonade me whenever they like, and I shall be unable to do them much harm in return." He asked Parma to send fifty ships to help him break out of Calais. Parma was unable to help as he had less than twenty ships and most of those were not yet ready to sail.That night Medina Sidonia sent out a warning to his captains that he expected a fire-ship attack. This tactic had been successfully used by Francis Drake in Cadiz in 1587 and the fresh breeze blowing steadily from the English fleet towards Calais, meant the conditions were ideal for such an attack. He warned his captains not to panic and not to head out to the open sea. Medina Sidonia confidently told them that his patrol boats would be able to protect them from any fire-ship attack that took place.Medina Sidonia had rightly calculated what would happen.


The kindling material lights with the condensing lens collection sunlight becomes, then through relay transmission after 4 countries to host country sponsor place, this is the Olympic Games holds this kind of activity for the first time.


If the mistakes do not affect the conveyance of information, then there is no need to correct them.


更多网络解释与自始至终相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

all through:自始至终

all the year round 一年到头 | all through 自始至终 | allow into 允许进入

Alpha and Omega:自始至终

All is well that ends well. 结局好,一切都好. | Alpha and Omega 自始至终 | another pair of shoes 另外一回事,另当别论

from the egg to the apple:自始至终

from the cradle to the grave 一生 | from the egg to the apple 自始至终 | from the jump 从开始

from beginning to end:自始至终

from bad to worse 越来越糟 | from beginning to end 自始至终 | from cellar to rafter 上上下下

Inscrutable from beginning to end:自始至终

天命莫测-The ways of providence are oftentimes, | 自始至终-Inscrutable from beginning to end. | 10 生来何自-Where were we born from

from first to last:自始至终

from everlasting to everlasting 永远地 | from first to last 自始至终 | from hand to mouth 仅能糊口地

from first to last:自始至终; 一直

come out first 赢, 获胜; 考第一名 | from first to last 自始至终; 一直 | from the first 从头, 自始

He acted heroically from first to last:他自始至终表现得非常英勇

from first to last自始至终... | He acted heroically from first to last. 他自始至终表现得非常英勇. | Some of us do things without thinking about them; we just do them from (force of) habit. 我们中间有些...

right along:[美口]不间断地; 自始至终, 一贯

allalong of [方](完全)由于; (完全)因为 | right along [美口]不间断地; 自始至终, 一贯 | along with 和...一起[一道], 随着; 除...以外(还)

last the distance:自始至终坚持下来 [体](垒球)一个投手从头到尾投满九局

go the distance 自始至终坚持下来 [体](垒球)一个投手从头到尾投满九局 | last the distance 自始至终坚持下来 [体](垒球)一个投手从头到尾投满九局 | in the distance 在远处