英语人>词典>汉英 : 自夸的 的英文翻译,例句
自夸的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
boastful  ·  braggart  ·  thrasonical  ·  vaunted  ·  vaporing  ·  vauntful

更多网络例句与自夸的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Asoka frequently refers to the good works he has done, although not in a boastful way, but more, it seems, to convince the reader of his sincerity.


The best way to cure a boaster is by putting his words to the test.


I must confess there is an element of braggadocio: a marathon is something that will be accomplished only by a small subset of society.


Young and cocky as he appeared, he did have something to boast about: the money and experience gained in his seven-year joust with the bucketeers.

他年轻自信,他是这样自夸的:这 7 年来,我和非正规经纪公司的老板一直在斗争,我积累不少资金和经验。

He thought that it was something of which he could justifiably boast.


Avoid self-flattering terms such as "highly skilled, outstanding, or excellent."


He doesn't trust big promises and open shows of feelings, especially if they are expressed in flowery language, he doesn't trust self-praise of any kind, this applies not only to what other people may tell him about themselves orally, but to the letters they may trite to him.


Without a single element of self-praise, he truly believes that his Russian team played better Dutch football than the Dutch.


We don't like boasters because they seem either bent on putting us down by exalting themselves or, on the other hand, too hungry for our approval.


On that day You need not be ashamed of all your deeds, your rebellious actions against me; For then will I remove from your midst the proud braggarts, And you shall no longer exalt yourself on my holy mountain.


更多网络解释与自夸的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



boaster:自夸的人 (名)

boast 自吹, 大话, 牛皮; 引以为荣的事物 (名) | boaster 自夸的人 (名) | boastful 自夸的, 喜夸耀的, 自负的 (形)


12.board-pass登机牌 | 13.boastful自负的,自夸的 | 1.bog沼泽,厕所

boastfully:夸耀地; 自夸地 (副)

boastful 自夸的, 喜夸耀的, 自负的 (形) | boastfully 夸耀地; 自夸地 (副) | boat 划船, 荡桨; 乘船游玩 (动)


bumpkin 土包子 | bumptious 瞎自夸的 | bumpy 颠簸的

bumptious:盲目自夸的, 盲目自大的, 傲慢的

bumpkin | 土包子, 乡巴佬 | bumptious | 盲目自夸的, 盲目自大的, 傲慢的 | bumpy air | 颠簸空气


bumpkin /土包子/乡下人/ | bumptious /瞎自夸的/瞎自大的/傲慢的/ | bumpy /崎岖不平/

thrasonical:自夸的, (打击等)沉重的, 吹牛的

hydroxy group 羟基 | thrasonical 自夸的, (打击等)沉重的, 吹牛的 | disjoint form 不相交型


thrashing 鞭打 | thrasonical 自夸的 | thread and thrum 良莠掺杂地


unwitting: unaware, not knowing不知不觉的, 未察觉的 | vainglorious: 虚荣的,boastful自夸的 | vendor: 自动售卖机