英语人>词典>汉英 : 臂挽臂 的英文翻译,例句
臂挽臂 的英文翻译、例句


arm in arm
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And so on, with every fresh accoutrement he produced, to which there seemed really no end; so the Mole drew his arm through Toad's, led him out into the open air, shoved him into a wicker chair, and made him tell him all his adventures from beginning to end, which Toad was only too willing to do.


A backless,often foam rubber sandal held to the foot at the big toe by means of a thong .


I often see them walking arm in arm blessedly.


I often saw they draw each other's arm with blessedly to take a walk.


I often see them blessedly walk with drawing arms.


In the dissertation, principles of phase-shifted full-bridge ZVS PWM and push-pull boost converter are analyzed; Reason of duty ratio dropping out and solution measures are introduced at the same time; The magnetic biasing and ZVS methods of Lagging brachium are studied detailedly in the bidirectional DC converters.

在本文中首先分析了移相全桥式ZVS-PWM功率变换和推挽式DC/DC Boost功率变换的工作原理,分析了移相全桥式滞后臂实现零电压关断困难以及占空比丢失的原因以及采取相应的改善措施,分析了双向DC/DC变换器产生偏磁的原因以及采取抗偏磁的措施。

A large buck2ler/ was on one arm; the hands / were pressed togetherin supplication upon the breast ; the face / was almostcovered by the morion ; the legs / were crossed in to2ken of the warrior' s having been engaged in the holywar.


It brought to his mind a slim bride with smiles in her eyes, making tender, shy advance; he heard again the whispered endearments and felt her arm linked trustingly through his.


One day, they were walking arm in arm when ahead came the Queen with a group of aristocrats. Goethe immediately parted Beethoven, unbonneted himself and paid a bow, while Beethoven flung by, which made the nobles give their way for him.


My nephew in puppy love went out with his date arm inarm.


更多网络解释与臂挽臂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



arm in arm:臂挽着臂

38. argue against 反对 | 39. arm in arm臂挽着臂 | 40. take sth. in one's arm 抱...

arm in arm:臂挽臂

arm badge 臂章 | arm in arm 臂挽臂 | arm 臂

They walk arm in arm:他们挽臂散步

0104. He argues well. 他这人有辩才. | 0105. They walk arm in arm. 他们挽臂散步. | 0106. He was so tired he fell asleep in the armchair. 他累到坐在椅子上就睡着了.

sure as fate:千真万确

6: go directly home直接回家 | 7:sure as fate千真万确 | 8:arm in arm臂挽臂

arm badge:臂章

Arkansas 阿肯色州 | arm badge 臂章 | arm in arm 臂挽臂

He approves of very few books:他所认同的书极少

I quite approve of your plan.我相当赞成你的计划. | He approves of very few books.他所认同的书极少. | ◆arm in arm 手挽着手,臂挽着臂

Lucky sixes:幸运六

Monopoly强手棋 | Lucky sixes幸运六 | arm in arm臂挽臂

an ass with two panniers:[谑]两臂各挽一女子在街上行走的男人

an ass in a lion's skin 披着狮皮的驴; 气势汹汹的胆小鬼; 色厉内荏的人; 冒充聪明的傻瓜 | an ass with two panniers [谑]两臂各挽一女子在街上行走的男人 | be an ass for one's pains 费力不讨好, 自讨苦吃

stiff-arm someone:伸直手臂挡开

Upper Body(上半身) | (1)stiff-arm someone 伸直手臂挡开 | (2)arm in arm 臂挽臂