英语人>词典>汉英 : 膜壳 的英文翻译,例句
膜壳 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与膜壳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The specific properties of materials, such as the palate adhesion, dynamic cruor, anti-bacterial and the degradability of lysozyme, were studied, which provide valuable data for further application. The main creative ideas are listed as follows:(1) The water-retention chitosan/poly vinyl alcohol blend fiber was obtained by coagulating in 10% NaOH/ethanol solution, and the blend and crosslink due to GA can enhance the mechanical properties of fiber;(2) The controlled degradable chitosan/gelatin blend fiber was obtained by solution filature, and the mechanical properties were improved;(3) The N-acylchitosan with the different degree of substitution were successfully prepared, and the relationship between structure and properties was estabilished;(4) By a new solvent system of 6% NaOH/4% urea for cellulose, the blood anti-coagulant function films were prepared by blending cellulose with chitin;(5) In the same solvent system above mentioned, the anti-bacterial blend films based on cellulose and carboxymethyl-chitosan were prepared, and the relationship of DS and the anti-bacterial property was concluded;(6) The controlled degradable chitosan films was obtained by the chemical crosslink.


The therapeutic effect on mice infected with Hymenolepis nana naturarlly with injection Xitaojing and Praziquantel was reported.


Results Four genera of parasites were detected: Hymenolepis nana, Syphacia obvelata, Aspiculuris tetraptera and Giardia muris.

结果 共检出肠道寄生虫四种:微小膜壳绦虫、管状线虫、四翼无刺线虫和鼠贾第鞭毛虫,并且以混合性感染为主。

One (1) pumps Products: submersible pump, jet pump, drainage pump, sewage pumps for civilian use; end suction pumps, in the open pumps, booster pumps, fire pumps for industrial and commercial; centrifugal pump, diaphragm pump, column Cypriot pump applicable to agriculture; desalination pump, reciprocating pump, axial flow pump for municipal construction; bilge pumps, cooling pumps, sewage pumps, high pressure washing pump, water pump for sea; purification and filtration equipment: FLECK valves for the boiler water softener system, reverse osmosis pretreatment system installations, domestic and commercial water softener system; STRUCTURAL cans resin applied to sand filters, commercial water softener, ion exchange, multi-media filtration, activated carbon filtration; CODELINE Hymenolepis apply to sea water, bitter, salt water desalination projects, power plant boiler supply water treatment industry, chemical industry process water, electronics, semiconductor industry, ultrapure water treatment, metallurgy, light industry, electroplating industry wastewater treatment, food and beverage, health care; swimming pools and water features equipment for spa, swimming pools, large baths and so on.


Ningbo Taige Litian Machinery Industry Co., Ltd. specializes in making non-standard equipment include much medium filter, activated carbon filter, precision filter, machine filter, bag filter, pure water transact equipment, intenerating ware, remove oxygen equipment, sets water box, scrape mud machine, putamina and pipe pieces.


With the computer-controlled filament winding sanding,and side porting machines in our new facility ,Wave Cyber can meet the increasing demand for high-quality membrane housing pressure vesseis,based on the hig speed and precision provided by these machines,a range of high preforming products are made.


With the computer-controlled filament winding sanding,and side porting machines in our new facility ,Wave Cyber can meet the increasing demand for high-quality membrane housing pressure vesseis,based on the hig speedprecision provided by these machines,a range of high preforming products are made.


We owned our brand of "LINK" and produced SS housings, SS cartridge filters, SS bag filters in SUS304 and SUS316 material.


It can be used to make artificial dialysers,artificial skins,oral ulcer membranes,and periodontal tissue GTR membranes and drug membranes.

为对医药领域开发和研制壳聚糖膜提供一些借鉴,综述了壳聚糖膜可以应用于医药领域的优良性能:易降解性、生物相容性、促创伤愈合性、抗菌性和药物缓释性;以及壳聚糖膜剂的一些医药用途,有人工肾膜、人工皮肤、口腔溃疡膜、牙周 GTR膜、不同给药途径药膜等。

The results showed that there were 20 species of human parasites prevalent in situ, involving seven species of intestinal protozoa with an infection rate of 7.8%: and eleven species of intestinal helminths, the infection rate being 67.4 %; while the overall infection rate of intestinal parasites was 48.8%.


更多网络解释与膜壳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rat tapeworm:缩小膜壳绦虫

rat control 鼠控制 | rat tapeworm 缩小膜壳绦虫 | ratio 比


膜壳绦虫(Hymenolepis)也称"短膜壳绦虫". 膜壳绦虫科. 体细狭,长10-20毫米,共有100-200个节片,是人体寄生绦虫中最小的一种. 头节呈球形,有四个圆形吸盘,顶突短. 寄生在人或鼠的小肠内. 发育不经过中间宿主,可反复自身感染. 严重感染时,


经鉴定,认为是膜壳属(Hymenolepis)的一种绦虫,由于异位寄生而发生畸形. 因尚未见报道过,特记述并附图于后. 虫体共5条,缠结于鸭肌胃角质层下形成的结缔组织囊内. 虫体白色,带状、很小,全长6.

Hymenolepis:膜壳绦虫 膜壳绦虫属

Hymenolepididae膜壳科 | Hymenolepis膜壳绦虫 膜壳绦虫属 | Hymenolepisdiminuta长膜壳绦虫


Hymenolepis 膜壳绦虫 | Hymenolepis 膜壳绦虫属 | Hynical 海尼卡尔铁铝镍磁性合金

Hymenolepis nana:微小膜壳绦虫

微小膜壳绦虫(Hymenolepis nana)或称短膜壳绦虫, 为一种小型绦虫,属圆叶目,膜壳科,...岩学委员会术语分会的信中,首先提出显 微煤岩类型一词,为国际煤岩学委员会(ICCP)采纳.

Hymenolepis diminuta:长膜壳绦虫

膜壳绦虫病(hymenolepiasis)是由短膜壳绦虫(hymenolepis nana)和长膜壳绦虫(hymenolepis diminuta)所引起的疾病. 在儿童感染较成人为多.

Hymenolepis diminuta:缩小膜壳绦虫

2.4 缩小膜壳绦虫(hymenolepis diminuta) 又称长膜壳绦虫,主要寄生于鼠类,偶然寄生于人,全国公开报道约40例,陈启仁、徐伏牛(1985)报道1例,(寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志,1985,3(1):11).

hdi Hymenolepis diminuta:缩小膜壳绦虫

1017 hca Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum/夹膜组织胞浆菌荚膜亚种 | 1025 hdi Hymenolepis diminuta/缩小膜壳绦虫 | 1026 hna Hymenolepis nana/微小膜壳绦虫

H. diminuta:缩小膜壳绦虫

微小膜壳绦虫 H. nana | 缩小膜壳绦虫 H. diminuta | 剑带属 Drepanidotaenia