英语人>词典>汉英 : 膜切开术 的英文翻译,例句
膜切开术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与膜切开术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The PEAK operated well within accept-able safety limits and may greatly facilitate both posterior segment surgeries (eg, membrane dissection and sheathotomy) and anterior segment procedures (eg, capsulotomy, nonpenetrating trabeculectomy, and iridectomy).


AIM: To assess the efficacy and safety of Q-switch Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy in treatment of posterior capsular opacification.


Laser operations of anterior capsulotomy 16 cases of mature stage cataract were performed before extracapsuIar cataract extraction.


The influences of time to rescue, fasciotomy, and radical debridement on lower leg muscle strength were evaluated by stepwise regression analysis.


Delayed rescue, delayed fasciotomy, and radical debridement may worsen the physical prognosis.


Field fasciotomy is also a controversial procedure, which may further expose the patient to the risk of infection and bleeding.11 It converts a closed injury to an open one, risking infection and sepsis.


The review by Sever et al25 of 379 fasciotomies performed during the Turkish Marmara earthquake showed that the rate of fasciotomy was related to sepsis and sepsis to mortality.

Sever 等人回顾土耳其Marmara 地震中的379例筋膜切开术的病例显示筋膜切开术的概率与脓毒症及脓毒症致死有关。

Several studies indicate a worse outcome in patients who received fasciotomy compared with those who did not.7, 11 It is felt to be indicated only in a potentially viable extremity that is pulseless due to elevated intracompartmental pressure.18 Fasciotomy was felt to be useful in preventing cases of Volkman's ischemic contracture after the Tangshan earthquake.3 In Israel, fasciotomy was reserved as a treatment of last resort in cases refractory to the use of intravenous mannitol.7


In total 29 patients, 24 patients was treated with cricothyrotomy and 5 others with tracheotomy.


Objective To study the technique of using Nd:YAG laser in treating after-cataract in outpatients and to prevent complications.Methods According to the thickness of membrane to choose laser power.The methods of capsulotomy were crossed,horizontal,vertital,can-opening or circular along papillary margin.Results The result was satisfactory.

目的 探讨采用Nd:YAG激光行后囊膜切开术治疗后发性白内障的方法及其并发症的防治方法回顾分析我院门诊对74例98眼后发性白内障患者进行Nd:YAG激光后囊切开术,探讨根据膜的厚薄选择激光能量,分别采用&十&字切开(若后囊有张力者行张力线切开)、横形、纵形切开及环形或瞳孔缘开罐式切开方法。

更多网络解释与膜切开术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cricothyroid laryngotomy:环甲膜切开术

声带切除术 cordectomy | 环甲膜切开术 cricothyroid laryngotomy | 悬雍垂切除术 staphylectomy


aponeurotome | 腱膜刀 | aponeurotomy | 腱膜切开术 | aponia | 无痛

plantar aponeurotomy:跖腱膜切开术

plantar aponeurositis 跖腱膜炎 | plantar aponeurotomy 跖腱膜切开术 | plantar arch 足底弓

palmar aponeurotomy:掌腱膜切开术

掌腱膜挛缩 palmar aponeurosis contracture | 掌腱膜切开术 palmar aponeurotomy | 掌腱膜切除术 palmar aponeuroectomy


外科关节切开术(arthrotomy)常作为一种根本治疗,因为关节感染多集中在关节滑膜,实施关节切开术时,可以同时作滑膜切除术,根除关节感染. 关节切开术的适应症为 : 病患在适当的抗生素及空针抽吸引流之后,仍持续高烧及关节肿胀时.


capsulize | 节略, 摘要,把装于胶囊内 | capsulotomy | 囊切开术,被膜切开术晶状体切开术 | Capt. | 陆军上尉, 海军上校


静脉注射及蛇毒性作用(envenomation) 中毒的处理: 以静脉注射方式或对正常身体功能有危害时 , 则可考虑用筋膜切除术(fasciectomy)及筋膜切开术 (fasciotomy) 来处理.及循环状况; 如果昏迷起因於鸦片类物质(opioids)中毒或不明来源的毒物,

Tenotomy or fasciotomy:肌腱切开或筋膜切开

膝关节半月软骨修补术Meniscal repair | 肌腱切开或筋膜切开Tenotomy or fasciotomy | 肌切开术Myotomy

hymenotomy:处女膜切开; 膜切开术 (名)

hymenopterous 膜翅目的 (形) | hymenotomy 处女膜切开; 膜切开术 (名) | hymn 赞美诗; 圣歌 (名)


恶性纵膈腔肿瘤切除Malignant mediastinal tumor resection | 纵膈膜切开术 Mediastinotomy | 由胸部穿过肋膜进入取出异物Removal of foreign body, mediastinum transthoracic,intercostal approach