英语人>词典>汉英 : 腔棘鱼类的 的英文翻译,例句
腔棘鱼类的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与腔棘鱼类的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Coelacanth is a fish that was thought to be extinct with the dinosaurs.


Contemplating the history and development of the museum profession, the comparison that springs irresistibly to mind is with the coelacanth, that remarkble creature whose brain, in the course of its development from embryo to adult, shrinks in relation to its size, so that in the end it occupies only a fraction of the space available to it.


When the researchers compared the human ultraconserved element to all the DNA sequences in the public database GenBank, the closest match was to DNA from the coelacanth -- an ancient fish thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago until a live specimen was caught in 1938 off the east coast of South Africa.


Sarcopterygians are a group of prehistoric fish which are traditionally classed as lobe-finned fishes, which in the real world include the modern day lungfish and the coelacanth, Latimeria.


Very possibly the same will happen with this book, and it isn't just the colugos and tree shrews. The position of tarsiers (Rendezvous 7), and the grouping of lampreys with hagfishes (Rendezvous 22) are unsure. The affinities of the afrotheres (Rendezvous 13) and the coelacanths (Rendezvous 19) are still slightly unsure. The ordering of our rendezvous with cnidarians and ctenophores (Rendezvous 28 and 29) could be the wrong way round.


更多网络解释与腔棘鱼类的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

coelacanth:腔棘鱼 腔棘鱼类的

coel- | 表示"体内或器官内之腔"之义 | coelacanth | 腔棘鱼 腔棘鱼类的 | coelanaglyphic | 空心浮雕


肺鱼 (Lungfish)肺鱼,是在泥盆纪时期进化,至今仍有亲戚存在. 肺鱼是最早尝试由水生转向陆生的动物,是生物进化史上的活化石. 肺鱼是一种和腔棘鱼类相近的淡水鱼. 古代时曾在地球上大量繁殖,现在仍有少数保存着其种族而遗留下来,


coelacanth | 腔棘鱼 腔棘鱼类的 | coelanaglyphic | 空心浮雕 | coelarium | 体腔膜, 间皮, 体腔上皮