英语人>词典>汉英 : 脱落 的英文翻译,例句
脱落 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cast  ·  desquamate  ·  hiatus  ·  off  ·  shatter  ·  shattered  ·  shed  ·  shedding  ·  slough  ·  start  ·  starts  ·  defluvium  ·  desquamation  ·  casts  ·  desquamated  ·  desquamates  ·  desquamating  ·  shatters  ·  sheds  ·  sloughed  ·  started  ·  defluxio  ·  exfliation

break off · brush off · drop off · fall out · peel off
更多网络例句与脱落相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Despite its name it does mot directly promote abscission, but only indirectly through increasing ethylene production.


Based on the former studies, this paper promotes an innovation about this topic using new satellite altimetry data and hydrographic data along with numerical experiments: Firstly, the temporal variation of the deformation of Kuroshio accompanied by the periodically shed anticyclonic eddies from the Kuroshio bend is discovered; Secondly, the major mechanism of the anticyclonic eddy separating from the Kuroshio bend, which is the frontal instability, is brought forward and then proved; Thirdly, the factors with important impact on the periodical variation of the Kuroshio bend and the eddy shedding, which are the strength of the Kuroshio transport and the circulation in the winter SCS, are determined.


Results showed endothelialcells inoculated by shimen virulent strain of CSFV have no obvious change after 12h,24h;At36h,cells become be elongate and appearanced defluvium;At 48h,a few of cells started tobecome round and intercellular space become auxesis;At 72h, intercellular space becomemore auxesis, defluvium of cells was acute.

结果表明,血管内皮细胞于接种 CSFV 石门株后 12h,24h 无明显变化,至 36h 时,细胞开始拉长,个别细胞开始脱落;至 48h 时,部分细胞变圆,脱落,细胞间隙增大;至 72h,细胞拉长呈长梭状,细胞间隙很大,细胞脱落严重。3 个对照组的细胞均未出现明显变化。

PTCA was performed for right coronary artery in two patients and for circumflex in one.

置入支架的指征:2例为夹层,1例为扩张结果不满意。2个支架脱落在右冠状动脉近段,1个支架脱落在左主干和回旋支之间。3例患者均使用相同的方法收取脱落支架,即用1.5 mm的小球囊穿过支架,加压至3~4个大气压,将脱落的支架和小球囊一起撤出,均告成功,且无并发症。

These are presumed to be mostly from unfertilized flowers. After initial fruit set, there may be 2 or 3 more waves of fruit shedding, after which final set is established.


Our results indicate that the plant can only abscise fruits oviposited by parasitic wasps before pollinating wasps in fig-fig wasp mutualism, but do not abscise the fruits parasitized by wasps ovipositing simultaneous or later than pollinating wasps, implying that abscission can not sufficiently maintain the fig-fig wasp mutualism.


At 900℃, alloy M41 and K3 display similar isothermal oxidation rates which are lower than the oxidation rates of their aluminide coatings. At 1050℃, alloy M41 has a lower isothermal oxidation rate and better scale adherence than K3, and the oxidation rates of the two alloys are higher than that of their aluminide coatings.


As one of the latest detecting approaches, enrichment of exfoliated cells by immunobeads is of high efficiency and tumor specificity.


The stability ofradioactive microspheres can be improved by coating with ploT-L-lactic acid; however,about 60% of the activity leaches from the microspheres in this process, and approximately10% of the activity leaches after washing with saline. Fortunately, 30% of the activityremained stably in the resin microspheres.


The effect of sensitivity of abscisic acid on the power of self-thinning was studied with two Arabidopsis mutants (abil-1, insensitive to ABA and eral-2 hypersensitive to ABA).


更多网络解释与脱落相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[3] 脱落酸,(aba)是植物体内存在的一种天然抑制剂,广泛存在于植物器官组织中. 在将要脱落和休眠的组织器官中含量更高,它与生长素,赤霉素,细胞分裂素的作用是对抗的. 它有抑制萌芽和枝条生长提早结束生长的,

abscisic acid:脱落酸

脱落酸(abscisic acid)是一种重要的植物激素[1],作为内源信号,在植物生长、发育过程以及植物抗逆等方面都起着重要作用[2,3]. 在脱落酸信号传导途径中,正调控因子及负调控因子的协同作用对脱落酸的应答有重要影响[4]. 因此,鉴定和描述脱落酸调控的基因以及与它们有关的目标蛋

Abscisic acid, ABA:脱落酸

脱落素 abscisin 286 | 脱落酸 abscisic acid,ABA 285 | 脱支酶 debranching enzyme 190


abscisic acid脱落酸 | abscission脱落 | absolute绝对的

cast-off cells:脱落细胞

cast-off 版面计算 | cast-off cells 脱落细胞 | cast-off cells of stomach 胃脱落细胞

come away:离开;脱落;断裂

How's your work coming along? 你的工作进展如何? | *come away 离开;脱落;断裂 | The handle came away in my hands. 门把手在我手里脱落了.


despumation /除沫法/ | desquamate /脱落/剥落/脱皮/ | desquamation /脱落/剥离/


disarray 混乱 | disarticulate 使关节脱落 | disarticulation 关节脱落


E、脱落(EXFOLIATION)法是使皮肤重新出现光泽的快速方法,它要求将表层的皮脱落,然后露出下面更柔软的皮层. 可先用洗液擦洗脸部,接着对皮肤进行按摩,最后用清水洗净. 此法一周使用一次,使眼睛周围的老皮能及时脱落掉.

decrustation:痂皮脱落 痂皮脱落 脱皮

decrescentfunction 渐减函数 | decrustation 痂皮脱落 痂皮脱落 脱皮 | decrustationpliers 剥线钳