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脂肪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fat  ·  fats  ·  fattiness  ·  sebum

更多网络例句与脂肪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

HD-G Multifunctional Slimming Machine combine main and collateral channels and acupuncture therapy,with modern computer technology,Control electric pulse by the procedure,simulate acupunture massage acupunture point,can make human's body organ relating physiological reaction,adjust bio computer and metabolism,increase human body's lactate dehydrogrnase,adjust human body's incretion,improve human body's metabolism, slow down the speed of glucose transformed into fat,especially,to paly the important part to fat metabolism,can hydrolyze most 3 sour and sweet axunge,and make its leave fat cell,through a series of special decomposition approach, 3 sour and sweet axunge will be transfromed into energy Co2 and water being consumed,that fat cell volume will be small,that effect in weight loss and tightening skin


It is illustrated that mice were treated by DHA for long time, liplyosis in adipose tissue was prometed, and lipogenesis in liver was depressed. And the ADG was decrease because of decreasing in fat accumulation.3. Mice adipocytes were treated by DHA for 24 h, proliferation of adipocytes had no difference, but the proliferation was inhibited in 48 h.


From this study, we can conclude that:1,there is no significantly difference in pH, [NH3-N], Acetate concentration, propionate concentration, intake, nutrient degradation, blood calcium, TCH and TG.;40g/d stearin in sheep can prominently increase the butyric acid concentration and


It's called brown fat (as opposed to the more familiar white fat that hangs over belt buckles and swings from the backs of arms) and a series of papers published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirm for the first time that healthy adults have stores of this adipose tissue, which researchers hope to study further as a potential new weight loss treatment.


The different factors involved in the process of the folding and activation of the microbial lipase are reviewed in this article,including lipase-specific foldase,lipase activation factor,prosequence,calcium ion and disulphide bond.


Signal peptide sequence was removed lest it couldnt be recognized by Bacillus subtilis, gene coding for mature peptide was ligated to downstream of sacB signal peptide sequence of pWB980 to form a new ORF and generate pWB980-LipA, gene coding for its chaperone was also amplified and ligated to the downstream of LipA to generate a secretion/expression vector pWB980-LipAB.thechaperone gene was sequenced and analyzed by multiple alignments, resulted showed that there were mutations of nucleotides(1~7) and amino acids (1~2) with the other reported genes.


Although some studies have reported an incidence of calcification as high as 25 to 30 percent, others have identified it far less often. When calcification is present, however, the roentgenographic pattern most often resembles popcorn, a finding that is almost diagnostic. The presence of fat and calcium make the CT diagnosis exquisitely accurate. In a report of 47 lesions studied by CT, 30 (63.8%) contained fat only (n=18), calcium and fat (n=10) or calcium alone (n=2). Thin sections must be used to identify fat with certainty.

虽然有的研究报道钙化率可高达25 ~30 %,也有的报道远小于此,但是当钙化出现时,常表现为爆米花状,脂肪和钙化的出现在CT显示精确,在一个47个病灶的CT研究中,30个63.8%含有脂肪,10个含有钙化和脂肪,2个仅有钙化,要显示脂肪成分,必须用薄扫,由于部分容积效应,当层厚教厚时,小的空腔容易与脂肪混淆。

The main fatty acid from longissimus, kidney and tailhead fat obtained from each carcass were measured by gas chromatography technology.


Function description: The product contains ample ivy extract, coupled with massaging style, it could effectively activate lipid cells and honeycomb tissue, transform triglyceride in lipid cells into fatty acid which can be easily expelled. ROVISOME CAFFEIN slimming essence helps burn subcutaneous fat, eliminate fat accumulation, and restrain synthesis of new fat. Brown alga extract directly works on cores of lipid cells, stimulates skin micro-cycle, makes skin's temperature rise, expels a great deal of toxin out of body. Firm skin, create elegant figure.

功能说明:蕴含丰富的常春藤脂肪分解精华,配合按摩手法,有效活化脂肪细胞和蜂窝组织,将脂肪细胞中的甘油三酯转化为易于排走的脂肪酸;ROVISOME CAFFEIN瘦身精华帮助皮下脂肪燃烧,消除脂肪堆积,抑制脂肪生成,褐藻萃取精华直接作用于脂肪细胞核心,刺激皮肤的微循环,使肌肤升温,毒素大量排出体外,紧实肌肤,塑造美好身形。

The animal model of this method system have, the characteristics of the high fat, high leptin, high Ins, and match with the characteristic of clinical and the pathologic of simple obesity. This studies showed: The acupuncture can obviously reduce the vaule of intaking food and water of the fat rats, and lower the body weight and fat; The acupuncture can urge the diameter, area, physical volume of white fat cell contract, Brown fat tissue of fat rat group surroundings vascular containing large quantity of white fat cell, the acupuncture group was less. this showed: The acupuncture enhanced the white fat cell metabolism, and promotesed the white fat cell to convert to brown fat cell; The frequency of spontaneous electric of nerve cell of pvn of the fat rat is high, the acupuncture counld depress the spontaneous electric of nerve cell of pvn, This showed: the acupuncture can depress the appetite passing to adjust function of pvn nerve; The monoaminergic neurotransmitter of inside of the fat rat brain is disfunction, the acupuncture can rectify this disfunction, and adjust level of 5-HT, and affect appetite, and improve metabolism; The level of leptin and Ins of fat rat increased high, The level of it of acupuncture group decreased, compared with the fat group p.001, This showed: the fat rats have the defeat of leptin and Ins in the body, The acupuncture can lowering this defeat, The level of leptin and Ins of the fat rat in the brain is less than the normal group, The level of leptin of the acupuncture group is high than the fat group, This showed: the acupuncture can increase the transportation of leptin from blood to brain.


更多网络解释与脂肪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

unsaturated fats:非饱和脂肪

脂肪分饱和脂肪(saturated fats)和非饱和脂肪(unsaturated fats)两大类. 而非饱和脂肪又分单元饱和脂肪(monosaturated fats)和多元饱和脂肪(polysaturated fats)两类. 饱和脂肪会增加人体内的血胆固醇,引发心脏疾病. 而非饱和脂肪的单元饱和脂肪,


fast 耐久的,牢固的 | fatty 脂肪的,含脂肪的,脂肪状的,[医]脂肪过多 | feeding damage 食物危害,摄食危害

aliphatic hydrocarbon:脂肪烃,脂肪族烃=>脂肪族炭化水素

aliphatic halogenated hydrocarbon 脂肪族卤代烃 | aliphatic hydrocarbon 脂肪烃,脂肪族烃=>脂肪族炭化水素 | aliphatic hydrocarbon metabolism 脂肪族烃代谢


脂肪肝被称为脂肪变性(steatosis),脂肪肝合并肝炎被称为脂肪肝(Steatohepatitis). 脂肪变性和脂肪肝可由酒精和其他药物引起,有时可发生于糖尿病病人. 非酒精引起的脂肪肝是指非酒精脂肪肝(non-alcoholicsteatohepatitis)或NASH.

liver steatosis and fatty liver:脂肪肝

脂肪肝(liver steatosis and fatty liver)是一种病理学概念,系指肝内脂肪含量超过肝湿重的5%,或肝活检30%以上肝细胞有脂肪变且弥漫分布于全肝. 根据肝细胞内贮存脂滴的大小,分大泡型和小泡型脂肪肝,类脂质沉积病属于小泡型脂肪肝范畴. 典型的小泡型脂肪肝罕见,


adipolysis脂肪分解 | adipolytic脂肪分解的;促脂肪分解的 | adipopexis脂肪沉淀;脂肪过多


adipolytic脂肪分解的;促脂肪分解的 | adipopexis脂肪沉淀;脂肪过多 | adipose多脂肪(的);肥的;似脂肪

aliphatic hydrocarbon:脂肪烃,脂肪族烃=>脂肪族炭化水素

aliphatic halogenated hydrocarbon 脂肪族卤代烃 | aliphatic hydrocarbon 脂肪烃,脂肪族烃=>脂肪族炭化水素 | aliphatic hydrocarbon metabolism 脂肪族烃代谢

lipotropic:抗脂肪肝剂 亲脂肪的 防治脂肪肝的

lipotrophy 脂肪增多 | lipotropic 抗脂肪肝剂 亲脂肪的 防治脂肪肝的 | lipotropicagent 趋脂药

fat cell:脂肪细胞

介绍 脂肪细胞(fat cell)脂肪细胞体积大,脂肪细胞常见的有两类:单泡脂肪细胞(左)和多泡脂肪细胞(右)单泡脂肪细胞,细胞中央有一大脂滴,胞质呈薄层,位于细胞周缘,包绕脂滴.