英语人>词典>汉英 : 能受感染的 的英文翻译,例句
能受感染的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与能受感染的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Condoms also provide some protection against herpes, syphilis and chancroid, but genital ulcer STIs can also be transmitted by contact with exposed infected skin.


Condoms also provide some protection against herpes, syphilis and chancroid, but genital ulcer STIs can also be tran*itted by contact with exposed infected skin.


Couch grass is a useful remedy in the treatment of urinary infections such as cystitis, urethritis and prostatitis. Its demulcent properties soothe irritation and inflammation.


KM strain mice immunosuppressed with 7. 5~10mg/L DEX in drinking water had the higher oocysts output and fewer dead than other groups.(4) There was no significant difference infection rate between groups inoculated with different number CSO and groups inoculated CSO with conserved different time. Trial were divided into control, groups of 50mg/kg /d, 100 mg/kg /d and 200 mg/kg /d dose of the drug to study the anticryptosporidial activities of nitazoxanide in an immunosuppressed mice model. The experimental results showed the treatment with 200mg/kg bw /day was significant inhibition of oocyst excretion. To detect the two cryptosporidiums strain C.


The result shows that only Cambarus clarkii can be infected by WSSV.


In this role, the quantity of infected cells will be reduced, but should not be excluded completely.


Scientists have delighted to show that so-called rational choice is shaped by a whole range of subconscious influences, like emotional contagions and priming effects (people who think of a professor before taking a test do better than people who think of a criminal).


HK$300 can provide antibiotics to treat 15 rape victims for sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia and syphilis


Deacon speculates that this "impotent" HIV may even be a natural inoculants? that protects its carriers against more virulent strains? of the virus, much as infection with cowpox warded off smallpox in 18th-century milkmaids.

迪肯大胆假设这种无能的 HIV 甚至可能是天然的疫苗,可以保护带原者不受更厉害的病毒品种侵袭,就好像18世纪挤牛奶的女工感染牛痘之后就能抵抗天花一样。

These respirators do not eliminate the risk of disease, illness, or death .


更多网络解释与能受感染的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They can amputate at once:我的腿就能一次被锯乾净

If you could coddle the infection 如果你能细心照料被受了感染的我 | They can amputate at once. 我的腿就能一次被锯乾净 | You should've been, 如果你有做好

If you could coddle the infection:如果你能细心照料被受了感染的我

I should've been a better son. 我应该要当个好儿子 | If you could coddle the infection 如果你能细心照料被受了感染的我 | They can amputate at once. 我的腿就能一次被锯乾净

host plant:寄主植物

然而,它们直到 最近为止由于两个缘由而没能得到广泛的研究.首先,共生联系(symbiotic association)是平衡得如此之好,以致于寄主植物(host plant) 的根部即使在遭到密集感染的情况下亦不会显示出任何受损害的迹象.其次,


当质粒的拷贝数多于细菌染色体数时,复制受多拷贝控制. 每个噬菌体或病毒DNA 也都含有一个复制子,能在一个感染循环中引发多次复制. 所以可2、草履虫(Paramecium)中线立体的线形DNA 是通过形成交联来完成复制的.


对其周围方圆5公里的葡萄园进行虫害检测. 遭受根瘤蚜虫侵害的葡萄树产量会逐渐降低,直至树木最终死亡,但是受感染的葡萄树死亡后不可以运到其它地区. 制止根瘤蚜虫害扩散的有效方法是,与北美能抵御葡萄根瘤蚜虫的根砧木(rootstock)嫁接.


换位(Nether Swap)不再能指定目标.* 食尸鬼(N'aix)的感染(Infest)将会有一定几率自己吃掉自己.* 众神之王(Zeus)因为老眼昏花所以使用技能时会影响友方单位.* 死灵法师(Rotund'jere)的施虐之心(Sadist)改名为受虐之心(masochism),


如细胞肿胀、多核巨细胞、核内包涵体. 包涵体有晕轮包绕,形似猫头鹰眼(owl's eye). 受CMV感染的病人尿标本也能发现带包涵体的巨细胞. CMV对冷冻(freezing)和融化(thawing)敏感,尿中排出的病毒在4℃条件下能维持数天.


如肠杆菌科细菌、肠球菌、葡萄球菌等3.病原菌(pathogens) 是感染性疾病的病原体,产毒素和/或具有侵袭性,能使健康宿主受感染,通过释放毒性产物或诱发超敏反应引起机体较强烈的结构或功能变化.