英语人>词典>汉英 : 胸腔 的英文翻译,例句
胸腔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chest  ·  thorax  ·  thoraxes  ·  anocelia  ·  anocoelia  ·  thorac

thoracic cavity · rib cage
更多网络例句与胸腔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The concentration of IL-18 in tubercular pleural effusion group was (1200.34±530.25) pg/ml, while that of the malignant pleural effusion group was (240.40±80.49) pg/ml, the former was significantly higher than the latter (P.01); The analytic result of ROC curve showed that 360 pg/ml IL-18 could be seen as the critical value for diagnosis of the tubercular pleural effusion, whose sensitivity and specificity respectively was 89.2% and 93.5%.

结果 结核性胸腔积液组IL-18的浓度为(1200.34±530.25)pg/ml,恶性胸腔积液组IL-18的浓度为(240.40±80.49)pg/ml,结核性胸腔积液组IL-18的浓度显著高于恶性胸腔积液组(P.01);ROC曲线分析结果显示IL-18以360pg/ml为诊断结核性胸腔积液的临界值,其敏感度和特异度分别是89.2%和93.5%。

Finally, the developed system is applied in the ribcage shape measurement for patients with funnel chest. The ribcage shapes of a patient before and after the surgery for placing a fixation bar inside the chest are measured. The effect of the surgery can be evaluated by comparing the ribcage shapes before and after the surgery.


Intention Appraise posting thorax obturate elicit treated virulent thorax seeper curative effect,and general thorax pump centesis compare.

目的 评价置管胸腔闭式引流治疗恶性胸腔积液的疗效,并与常规胸腔穿刺抽液术比较。

Posting thorax obturate elicit treated virulent thorax seeper curative effect good,on the safe side handle,can regard as trested virulent thorax seeper preferred.


Methods Totally 95 inpatients with pleural effusion (45 cases with tubercular pleural effusion, 50 cases with malignant pleural effusion) from August 2007 to July 2008 were selected as object. ELISA was used to detect the concentration of IL-18 in pleural effusion samples.


Results The ultrasonic examination of tuberculosis hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone with clear sound transparent;pleura was thickened uniformly;opaque dark area of fluid had no parenchymatous phyma.Ultrasonic examination of cancerous hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone filled with full of thin light spots;sound transparent was not very clear;pleura showed uniform thickening;opaque dark area of fluid had parenchymatous uniform phyma.

结果 结核性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔胸腔积液无回声区透声清,胸膜均匀性增厚,液性暗区内未见实质性肿块;癌性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔胸腔积液无回声区内充满细小光点,透声欠清,胸膜多呈非均匀性增厚,液性暗区内可见有实质非均质性肿块。

Ultrasonic examination of cancerous hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone filled with full of thin light spots;sound transparent was not very clear;pleura showed uniform thickening;opaque dark area of fluid had parenchymatous uniform phyma.

结果 结核性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔胸腔积液无回声区透声清,胸膜均匀性增厚,液性暗区内未见实质性肿块;癌性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔胸腔积液无回声区内充满细小光点,透声欠清,胸膜呈非均匀性增厚,液性暗区内可见有实质非均质性肿块。

(1)Bullae of lung ruptured spontaneous pneumothorax is the best indication for VATS,which has the advantages of less trauma and ache,short operation time,quick recovery and small incision;(2)Recurrent unilateral spontaneous pneumothorax with contineous air leakage of 7 days after closed thoracic drainage,bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax should be treated by VATS;(3)Spontaneous pneumothorax with pleura adhesion can be treated by pneumonolysis and bullae of lung excision under thoracoscopy assisted small incision operation.


Methods Video-assisted thoracic surgery,indispensable using supplementarily small-sized incision were performed pleural effusion,pyothorax,spontaneous pneumothorax,hydatid disease of lung,the diseases such as chest trauma and so on under twin cavity single lungs of trachea intubaing of gen-eral anesthesia.

目的 探讨电视胸腔镜手术诊断和治疗高原地区胸内各种疾病及其优越性。方法采用电视胸腔镜下手术,必要时胸腔镜辅助小切口对胸腔积液、脓胸、自发性气胸、肺包虫病、胸外伤等疾病在全身麻醉双腔气管插管单肺通气下进行手术。

Methods Video-assisted thoracic surgery,indispensable using supplementarily small-sized incision were performed pleural effusion,pyothorax,spontaneous pneumothorax,hydatid disease of lung,the diseases such as chest trauma and so on under twin cavity single lungs of trachea intubaing of gen-eral anesthesia.

目的 探讨电视胸腔镜手术诊断和治疗高原地区胸内各疾病及其优越性方法采用电视胸腔镜下手术,必要时胸腔镜辅助小切口对胸腔积液、脓胸、自发性气胸、肺包虫病、胸外伤等疾病在全身麻醉双腔气管插管单肺通气下进行手术。

更多网络解释与胸腔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pleural effusion:胸腔积液

胸腔积液(pleural effusion) 是指在病理情状况下因各种全身性疾病或胸肺疾病本身造成的胸膜腔内贮存过多的液体. 对胸腔积液要作出一个准确和全面的病因诊断,必需懂得病人的胆囊炎由什么引起的、症状和体征,并进行必要的实验室和特殊检查,


胸腔感染infectionofthoraciccavity | 胸腔积液hydrothorax | 胸锁关节损伤injuryofsternoclavicularjoint

intrapleural instillation:胸腔内滴注

intraperitoneal therapy 腹腔内治疗 | intrapleural instillation 胸腔内滴注 | intrapleural therapy 胸腔内治疗

intrathoracic drain:胸腔引流管

intrathoracic cannula 胸腔插管 | intrathoracic drain 胸腔引流管 | intrathoracic goiter 胸内性甲状腺肿

Thoracic surgery:胸腔外科

Thoracic Oncology 胸腔肿瘤科 | Thoracic Surgery 胸腔外科 | Thoracoscope 胸腔镜,为诊断之方法

thoracic trocar:胸腔套针

thoracic tourniquet 胸腔止血器 | thoracic trocar 胸腔套针 | thoraco- 胸,胸腔

thoracic tourniquet:胸腔止血器

thoracic tissue forceps 胸腔组织镊 | thoracic tourniquet 胸腔止血器 | thoracic trocar 胸腔套针

Abnorm find in spec from resp org & thorax abnorm lev enzym:呼吸器官和胸腔标本的异常所见

脑脊液内发现异常激素 Abnorm find in cerebrospinal f... | 呼吸器官和胸腔标本的异常所见 Abnorm find in spec from resp org & thorax abnorm lev enzym | 呼吸器官和胸腔标本的异常所见 Abnorm find in spec from...


Thoracic Surgery 胸腔外科 | Thoracoscope 胸腔镜,为诊断之方法 | Thoracoscopy 胸腔镜检查

Malignant pleural effusions:恶性胸腔积液

关键词 恶性胸腔积液 (malignant pleural effusions);滑石粉胸膜剥脱术 (talc pleurodesis);胸腔镜 (thoracoscopy)目的 我们选择类肺炎的胸腔积液患儿,对其胸膜炎症的生化和炎性标记物进行评估,检测复杂性胸腔积液中可能存在差异的白介素-8(IL-8)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF- a)浓度.