英语人>词典>汉英 : 胶画 的英文翻译,例句
胶画 的英文翻译、例句


tempera painting
更多网络例句与胶画相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thanka is an art of painting unique to Tibetan Buddhism.it is usually done on linen,or on coarse wool cloth,and sometimes on silk for precious ones.The base of the painting in prepared using a paste of animal glue and fine lime.After the paste dries,carbon and paints using natural mineral and plant colors,such as yellow,mineral green,azurite and cinnabar,are applied.


To copulate with a ewe .To paint in distemper .


" Casein, or "cheese painting,"is a medium in which pigments are tempered with the gluey curd of cheese or milk precipitate."


Jet circulation precision dryer is a specilized equipment for heat treatment to the finished and unfinished clothing which have been printed, or in transfer printing, or after screen printing.It is suitable for binder,water-based binder,plastisol ink, solvent-based ink.Also suitable for even drying to unprinted cloth, and screen printing advertising's post- processing.


Gouache ,Also known as poster paint, designer's colour , and body colour , it differs from transparent water colour in that the pigments are bound by liquid glue, which is used as a thinner.

广告色画亦称poster paint、designer's color或body color。一种不透明水彩画,与透明水彩画的差异在于:水彩由稀释用的液态胶包覆。

Gouache ,Also known as poster paint, designer's colour, and body colour, it differs from transparent watercolour in that the pigments are bound by liquid glue, which is used as a thin ner.

广告色画亦称poster paint、designer's color或body color。一种不透明水彩画,与透明水彩画的差异在于:水彩由稀释用的液态胶包覆。

When the business card printing and membership card up later, additional business card printing and membership card making accompanied by cutan of the above, and then will be pre-populated the pressure plate that is, from machinator via photograghic seihan of concavo-convex Sciences) in business card printing and membership card making work on accelerated, will be able to machinator the same made and the beauty of reproduction.


Overview Main Products containing the following: pad printer series 1, paragraph 58; monochrome to eight-color 2 screen printing machine series 38; cap / bottle / barrel surface silk screen printing machine automatic bottle machine hoses UV printing press 3 tipping machine, heat transfer machine Series 28 paragraph: fully automatic bottle cap shaped bottle gilt, gilt barrels / heat transfer machine 4 surrounding equipment series: 68 paragraph Air compressor Flame processor machine UV light solid metal etching machine net machine plate screen washing machine oven / Board furnace cabinet plastic injector sandblasting machine polishing mechanism grinder plate printing head scratching equipment grinding machine plastic ink viscosityframe transfer device beater trademark printing machine ink dye transfer gas water coated paper transfer equipment to hot / water transfer paper printing machine conveyor equipment / Heat Transfer Machine 5 Agents for sale:: imported ink - Germany Marabu MA to Po; French Dolby Dubuit; British Apollo Apollo; British Coates Gaoshi, etc.; France T3, Switzerland Sefar tournament yarn hair net;France watts, such as plastic scraper.

主要产品含概如下: 1移印机系列 58款;单色至八色 2丝印机系列 38款;瓶盖/瓶子/桶面丝印机全自动印瓶机UV软管印刷机· 3烫金机、热转印机系列 28款:·全自动异形瓶盖烫金·酒瓶盖、桶烫金/热转印机· 4周边设备系列: 68款空气压缩机·火焰处理机·UV光固机·金属蚀刻机·拉网机·晒版机·网版清洗机·烤箱/局炉·喷油柜·塑胶喷砂机·钢板研磨机·抛光机·制移印头设备·磨胶刮机·凉干架·油墨粘度器·调油墨机·打浆机·商标印刷机·气染转印·水披覆纸转印设备·热转/水转印纸印刷机·分切机·输送带设备/烫画机 5代理销售::进口油墨--德国Marabu马来宝;法国 Dubuit杜比;英国Apollo阿波罗;英国Coates高氏等;法国T3、瑞士Sefar赛发网纱;法国watts威特斯、胶刮等。

Ming-Friends of Golf can provide you golf products are as follows: 1, trainer supplies: putting practice, and automatically back to the ball, and putt-hole plate, with the flag hole, swing trainer, swing rod, swing practice cage, the target practice net equivalent magic rod, super rod weight, ultra-light exercise ball, hand movements, such as corrective belt; 2, for personal use: Golf (14 species), fish ball device (16 species), small bags, paint ball, and printed the ball, and suction tee, golf shoes , nailed, get nailed, and hats, gloves, towels, umbrella, binoculars range finder, gun range finder, bag, ice bag, the ball cradle, the ball is entrusted TEE (8 species), golf tools, with emphasis on lead Article ball display cabinets, etc.; 3, golf gifts: Gift Set putter browser, or stroke hardcover, golf wall charts, incense table seat, table supplies, trophies, golf paintings, etc.; 4, ancillary equipment and related parts: the ball equipment, characteristics rod, grip, plastic, wood, iron frame, the ball is a frame, putting folders, ball, ball caps, bags, bags listed, gun bag, the ball package jacket, his bag rain cover, etc.

个人用品:高尔夫球(14种)、捞球器(16种)、小球袋、画球器、印球器、吸球座、高尔夫鞋、鞋钉、取钉器、帽子、手套、毛巾、伞、望远镜测距仪、测速测距仪、手提袋、冰袋、球托架、球托TEE (8种)、高尔夫工具、配重铅条、球展示柜等;3、高尔夫礼品:推杆器礼品套装、折合杆精装、高尔夫挂表、香表座、桌上用品、奖杯、高尔夫画等;4、球具及相关配套件:球具、特色杆、握把、胶套、球杆、铁杆架、球具架、推杆夹、球头、球头套、球袋、球袋挂牌、枪袋、球包外套、球包雨罩等;5、球具检测维修生产设备:假平衡秤、级数板、扭力测量器、退杆机、磨杆机、球头烤箱、球杆烤箱、喷漆台、装握把机等

Huang Plastic Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province is located in beautiful scenery and is known as Wakayama draw draw water known as Town Creek East Industrial Zone, convenient transportation.


更多网络解释与胶画相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carob bean gum:角豆胶

、动物胶、角豆胶 (carob bean gum)和山羊刺树胶(tragacanth gum)) (3) 呈色反应:本品0.5 g 加入50 mL水 ...本计画探讨不同卡德兰胶浓度(4%-8%)、甲基纤维素钠添加量(0-1%)与银杏叶及黄耆之药膳粉比例(0-2%)等加工配方条件对制作低热量粉条产品品质之影响,


distasteful /味道差的/不愉快的/讨厌的/ | distastefully /味差/不愉快地/ | distemper /大瘟热/病异状/不高兴/用胶画颜料画/使发狂/


(1)内部、外表、商业用以及汽车的表面涂装配料(surfacecoating composition) 着色,包括有树脂(油料)漆,乳化剂漆,以及喷漆(lacquer) ,还有天然皮革和人造皮革的整理(finish),胶画颜料(distemper),以及加灰着色(limecolor).


>这幅大型画作,是陈瑞献首先以油彩及胶彩创作,然后把原画运到英国伯明翰的工厂,以特殊丝印技术,把搪瓷(enamel)烧到钢板上. 为了准确复制画中鲜艳色彩,工厂用了7个版的工序,是技术的新突破.


按颜料粘结剂的类别,水粉画可分为树胶水彩画(Gouache),即通常所指的水粉画、一般胶彩画(Distemper)和酪彩画(Casein),即酪蛋白画. 长期以来,在材料运用和画法上,人们又打破了水彩画和水粉画的界限,并习惯于将水彩画和水粉画统称为水胶画或水彩画,

tragacanth gum:山羊刺树胶

rob bean gum)和山羊刺树胶(tragacanth gum)) (3) 呈色反应:本品0.5 g 加入50 mL水 ...本计画探讨不同卡德兰胶浓度(4%-8%)、甲基纤维素钠添加量(0-1%)与银杏叶及黄耆之药膳粉比例(0-2%)等加工配方条件对制作低热量粉条产品品质之影响,

group leader:小组长

女儿在班里进步很快,不久老师就让她担任了小组长(Group Leader),负责管理6-7名同学的学习和生活琐事. Q全班大约有5名学生,分成4个组,各设名小组长,各组长在每天的各项指标评比中都要认真负责,要不然就可能使该小组拿不到奖励(奖品一般是一种带不干胶的各种图案的粘贴小画,

tempera painting:胶画

painting in fresco 壁画 | tempera painting 胶画 | gouache 树胶水彩画

collagenous:成胶的, 产生成胶的

collagenous tissue | 胶原组织, 白纤维组织 | collagenous | 成胶的, 产生成胶的 | collagraph | 抽象派美术画


heliotropism 向日性 | heliotype 胶版画 | heliozoan 太阳虫目动物