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背与腹 的英文翻译、例句


back and belly
更多网络例句与背与腹相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In model plant, Antirrhinum majus, CYCLOIDEA and DICHOTOMA have been shown expressed in dorsal petals and co-activate RADIALIS.

再加上RAD与腹侧花瓣促进基因DIVARICATA 相互拮抗,而使DIV无法作用在背侧花瓣,最后促成金鱼草成为两侧对称花型。

It's carapace and plastron directly connected, with no ligament,...

它的 背甲与腹甲直接相连,其间没有韧带组织,。。。

The flesh in juvenile milkfish was about 52.9% to the whole body weight and contains almost the same amount of moisture and protein in dorsal and belly portion, which was 75 and 21% respectively. Belly flesh contained 4.2% lipid, which was higher than 2.0% in dorsal flesh. Dorsal flesh contained more ash than belly, which was 1.5 and 1.3% respectively.


ResultsAfter the first injection,the excellent and good results was obtained in 78% of the patients and after second treatment, the excellent and good results reached 9 8%.ConclusionFor the treatment of this condition,the points of injection should be selected a t the junction between dorsal part and f acies ventralis of wrist in slight flexi on,just at the middle of retinaculum and 2mm towards facies ventralis from above the point.


Move the transducer dorsally and ventrally beneath the ribs so that you see all of the liver parenchyma on the left side.


Quantitative analysis revealed that the intensity of SERT immunoreactivity was significantly lower in median raphe nucleus, caudal part of dorsal raphe nucleus, interfascicular part of dorsal raphe nucleus, ventral part of dorsal raphe nucleus and dorsal part of dorsal raphe nucleus of alcoholic group compared with that in corresponding nuclei of control group.


The result showed that, the body wall most outer layer cuticle assumesthe translucent porodine, the surrounding entire body wall; Close isconnected with the cuticle 表皮层 for 合胞体 the structure, inthe back, the abdomen and its two sides separately adds thick to inprominent Cheng Jizhuang, separately contains the back side,腹侧the nerve and compares to the developed back, the abdomen nerve; Themyo- position to the body wall most inner layer, has the muscle cellto arrange becomes; Between the body wall and the digestive tractcavity is a body cavity; Digestive tract for 肌质 structure, afterinference for roundworm's esophagus.


For the pentagonal, the fifth block fan-shaped, and the remaining three triangular rib angle plate on each side 4, edge angle plate 11 on each side; carapace brown, with three black longitudinal edges; shell and black, its edge angle plate with yellow; both sides of the carapace and the plastron to ligaments connected plastron in the chest, abdomen corner cubicle of the ligaments connected to the Trans-Yi Yi; means, and between the toes with webbed; tail short and pointed.


After verification of FEM, 45 species of 15 series are computed. The major parameters including slippage coefficients, pretensions forces, dimensions of angles, arrangement of bolts, connection method among angle, beam web, column flange, and so on are studied. Some important conclusions are drawn.


When aborted rats in group E were treated with the dose of 50 IU/g IFN-γ, expression of TNF-αin this group was compared with the other four groups, the results were as follows: Compared with group A, the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus pre-opticus mango celluaris, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami and pars intermedia had a highly expression of TNF-α, in the other nuclei of hypothalamus, neurohypophsis and adenohypophysis, the change was not significantly, the expression of TNF-αin follicle and corpus luteum were decreased distinctly, the variation in uterus was slight and no difference was exsited; Compared with group B, the expression of TNF-αin nucleus nucleus lateralis hypothalami, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami, adenohypophysis and uterus presented a remarkable enhancement, conversely, the TNF-αexpression in the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus pre-opticus suprachiasmaticus, nucleus supra-opticus, nucleus pre-opticus mango celluaris, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami, neurohypophsis, follicle and corpus luteum had been significantly decreased; Compared with group C, the nucleus pre-opticus medialis, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, nucleus arcuatus hypothalami, adenohypophysis, pars intermedia and uterus had upregulated the expression of TNF-α, however, it was decreased in the nucleus periventricularis hypothalami and corpus luteum; When compared with group D, the expression of TNF-αin nucleus lateralis hypothalami, nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami, nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami, pituitary, follicle and ovary stroma were obviously enhanced, while in the nucleus supra-opticus and nucleus arcuatus hypothalami, the situation was definitely opposite, in the other parts, the change was not significant.

外源腹腔注射50 IU/g IFN-γ后,同A组相比:E组TNF-α免疫阳性产物在下丘脑视前内侧核、视前大细胞核、室周核、腹内侧核、背内侧核、弓状核、垂体中间部显著增高,在下丘脑其它核团、神经垂体、垂体前叶较A组差异不显著,在卵泡、黄体中阳性产物表达均较A组显著降低,在子宫中表达较A组变化不明显;同B组相比:E组TNF-α免疫阳性产物在下丘脑外侧核、腹内侧核、弓状核、垂体前叶、子宫均显著增高,在视前内侧核、视交叉上核、视上核、视前大细胞核、室周核、室旁核、神经垂体、卵泡、黄体中阳性物质表达均显著降低;同C组相比:E组下丘脑视前内侧核、腹内侧核、背内侧核、弓状核、垂体前叶与中间部、子宫均显著增高,在室周核、黄体中均显著降低;同D组相比:E组下丘脑外侧核、背内侧核、腹内侧核、垂体各部、卵泡、卵巢基质均显著增高,在视上核、弓状核显著降低,在其它部位表达变化差异不显著。

更多网络解释与背与腹相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




此时胚胎具备内外两层细胞,贴着原肠腔的一层细胞,称内胚层(endoderm),与外界相接触的一层细胞,称为外胚层(ectoderm),此阶段称原肠胚(gas- trula). 以后胚胎逐渐延长,原口逐渐缩小,此时胚胎的前、后、背、腹已能区别.

Funiculus lateralis:側索

白质可划分为3对索:背侧索(Funiculus dorsalis)为背正中沟至背外侧沟之间的白质;外侧索(Funiculus lateralis)是背外侧沟与腹外侧沟之间的白质;腹侧索(Funiculus ventralis)是腹外侧沟至腹正中裂之间的白质.

oral sucker:口吸盘

形态与功能 大多数的复殖吸虫的成虫外观呈叶状或长舌状,两侧对称,背腹扁平,通常具口吸盘(oral sucker)与腹吸盘(acetabulum),内部结构如下:体壁组织吸虫成虫体表有凹窝、凸起、皱褶、体棘、感觉乳突等,其形态、数量、分布等随虫种与虫体部位而异.




(3)螺旋式(trochospiral)壳螺旋式壳有背(dorsal)和腹(ventral)之分. 在背侧(旋侧),初房和各壳圈均可显现,与平旋地露旋壳相象. 在背侧常形成突出地壳顶在腹侧(脐侧),只能看见终壳圈地各房室,类似于平旋地包旋壳.


蜴蜥亚目(Sauria)蛇蜥科(Anguidae)蛇蜥属(Ophisaurus)的爬虫类. 因尾易断而得名. 东方脆蛇蜥(O. ventralis)产于北美洲东南部,体长约105公分(41吋),无足. 与蛇不同的特徵是有耳,眼睑可活动,上、下腭可扩大,背、腹鳞片大小相同;


简介 在板鳃类各鳃弓从背向腹与咽鳃节(pharyngobranchial,内侧端达脊柱)、上鳃节(epibranchial)、角鳃节(ceratobranchial)、下鳃节(hypobrainchial)相连,两侧的下鳃节由纵行排列于腹侧正中线的底鳃节(结合节)相连接.


代表性的种类有(图18-33):(一)平胸龟科(Platysternidae)本科仅1属1种,即平胸龟(Platysternon megacephalum). 头大颌强,上喙钩曲呈鹰嘴状,俗称大头龟或鹰嘴龟;尾长,约与腹甲长相等;头、肢及尾不能缩入龟壳内;龟壳扁平,背、腹甲以韧带连接.

