英语人>词典>汉英 : 胃灼热 的英文翻译,例句
胃灼热 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brash  ·  heartburn  ·  pyrosis  ·  brasher

更多网络例句与胃灼热相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the effective relief of acid indigestion, nervous indigestion, heartburn, upset stomach, uncomfortable bloating, biliousness, flatulence, painful trapped wind, and indigestion and heartburn during pregnancy.


Other herbs traditionally used to treat reflux and heartburn include digestive demulcents such as aloe vera , slippery elm , bladderwrack , and marshmallow .

其他传统草药,用于治疗返流和胃灼热包括消化道demulcents ,如芦荟,滑榆木, bladderwrack和棉花糖。

One of these is to take vinegar treatment for heartburn, especially apple cider vinegar.


Others have also said that daily intake of apple cider vinegar for heartburn treatment might be useful.


Study co-author Janet DiPietro, a developmental psychologist at the J.H.U. Bloomberg School of Public Health, cautions that the study was small and does not establish a definitive link between heartburn and fetal hair.

研究的合——J.H.U。彭博公共卫生学院发展心理学家Janet DiPietro警告说,这个研究的个体数量太少,不能确切证明头发多少与胃灼热的关系。

Are you doing all you can do to treat your heartburn?


Many people would like to know what causes heartburn and what to do to find relief from it.


It was developed to bring relief to people that have heartburn two or more days during the week.


There is one milepost that many recognize when they pass it, and that is heartburn.


Sometimes the liquid and the semi-solid content which contain some acid from the stomach, regurgitates or refluxes back up the food pipe and esophagus, and causes Heartburn and one of the Symptoms of Acid reflux.

有时,液体和半固体状的内容,包含了一些酸胃, regurgitates或返流回了粮食管和食管,导致胃灼热和的症状之一胃酸倒流。

更多网络解释与胃灼热相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Water Brash:胃灼热反酸

warm up phenomenon 加(预)热现象 | water brash 胃灼热反酸 | water-electrolyte balance 水电解质平衡


brashing /修低枝/ | brashness /胃灼热/骤雨/ | brasier /火盆/黄铜匠/


食管部位(TheEsophagalArea)[1]胃灼热(Heartburn)食道(esophagus)是一条长而薄的肌肉管道,位于支气管树(bronchialtree)的后方. 它的主要功能是在胃食管瓣膜(gastroesophagealvalve)允许通过的情况下将在口腔内咀嚼过的食物传送到胃部.

heartburn, pyrosis:胃灼热

胃潴留, gastric retention, | 胃灼热, heartburn, pyrosis | 吻合[术], anastomosis

Heartburn Reflux:胃灼热

Heart valve infection Endocarditis 心瓣膜发炎 Xinbanmo fayan | Heartburn Reflux 胃灼热 Weizhuo re | Heel Heel 脚后跟 Jiao hougen


pyrophotometer 光学高温计 | pyrosis 胃灼热 | pyrostat 高温传感器


pyroschist /沥青页岩/ | pyrosis /心口灼热/胃灼热/ | pyrosmalite /热臭石/


胃主细胞[医]chief cell | 胃灼热[医]heartburn;pyrosis;Waterbrash | 胃灼热反酸[医]Waterbrash

Ran F.C. Tablets:胃灼热,消化 ,胃酸过多

Cla F.C. Tablets 生素,抗忧门氏杆菌 巨环 抗BE product | Ran F.C. Tablets 胃灼热,消化 ,胃酸过多 BE product | Cip Tablets 胃肠蠕动促进剂 BE product

Ran F.C. Tablets:胃灼热、消化 、胃酸过多

Cla F.C. Tablets 生素,抗忧门氏杆菌 巨环 抗 BE product | Ran F.C. Tablets 胃灼热、消化 、胃酸过多 BE product | Cip Tablets 胃肠蠕动促进剂 BE product