英语人>词典>汉英 : 胀 的英文翻译,例句
胀 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
bulge  ·  bulged  ·  bulges

更多网络例句与胀相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The calculations show that the frost-heaving zone causes damage directly to an embankment, different sensitivity of frost-heaving zone will bring different damage, and the freezing zone under a pavement is a sensitive frost heaving zone.


The research of swelling dynamic behavior shows that the electrolytical ions in swelling media have a great effect on the swelling behavior of PVA gel and the equilibrium swelling ratio in physiological saline is less than that in aqueous media.


One, from the breast as well as neonatal胀满Hypopharyngeal voices on the judge.


Results: Breast pain: Thirty two women (60.4%) experienced cyclicpremenstrual mastalgia, lasting 4 days. Average serum 〓 level and serum progesteronelevel of women with cyclic breast pain in luteal phase were higher than that of womenwithout breast pain.


Materials Methods: Beast ultrasound was performedduring luteal phase and late follicular phase in 50 women, aged 25~45, with normalmenstrual cycle and no distinct breast disease; Serum estradiol and progesteronelevel were measured by enzyme immunoassay on the day of ultrasound performed. Onehundred of twenty nine menopause transition women and 318 menopause women wereselected. All of them had ultrasound of breast and serum estradiol report. Breast pain wererecorded. Sixty menopausal women aged 56.8 yr. and menopausal aged 8.2 yr. participated1-year double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled and 2mg 17β-estradiol continuouscombined with 1mg norethindrone acetate clinical study. Mastalgia was diaried. Breaststructure changes tested by high-resolution ultrasound at the 0 and 12 M.

资料和方法:征集身体健康,没有明显乳腺疾病的正常月经妇女53名,分别在月经的晚卵泡期和黄体期进行超声检查和测血清雌二醇和孕酮水平;收集有HRT前乳腺超声检查和血清雌二醇水平结果的绝经过渡期妇女129名和绝经后妇女318名,记录既往乳腺疼、过渡期乳腺疼、绝经后乳腺疼和既往乳腺病史。17 β-雌二醇2mg加醋酸炔诺酮1mg连续联合治疗和安慰剂随机双盲平行对照临床研究1年的60名参加者,分别在用药前后各进行一次乳腺超声检查,乳腺症状按同一表格由病人日记及经培训的一名医生定期随诊记录乳腺疼出现、消失的日期及持续的天数;超声检查用同一方法测量乳腺腺体层厚度、导管宽度、乳腺腺体结构及血流。

The applications,such as preparation of microcellular polymeric foams and impregnation and polymerization ,are given.

本文介绍超临界CO2 溶聚合物的研究及其应用,包括聚合物与超临界CO2 相互作用,溶行为的理论模型以及溶后的聚合物的用途,如制备微孔聚合物材料、渗透小分子和超临界溶聚合

The apparent degree of network chains for the different swollen extent of the same unswollen hydrogel sample increased linearly with the increase of swelling ratio, however, the apparent modulus did not decrease monotonously with the increase of swelling ratio. Furthermore, the dependence of apparent degree of network chains on swelling ratio had nothing to do with the swelling agent. The above results reflected the changes of entanglement and the contribution of entanglement under different swelling ratio, and the results could be explained with the theory of Flory-Erman's constrained junction model and LangleyGraessley relation.

发现同一水凝胶样品的不同溶程度试样经应力应变测试得出的表观网链密度随体积溶率的增加而线性增加,等效模量并不随溶程度的增加而单调减小,而表观网链密度的溶程度依赖性与所选用的溶剂无关,该结果反映了不同溶程度下缠结的变化及缠结对弹性的不同贡献,并可由Flory-Erman的constrained junction模型及Langley-Graessley公式得到解释。

The simulation results shows that when the hydroforming for real axle housing needs two bulge processes and the specific value of the two bulge ratio is about 1, the result is the best one; To obtain an appropriate route of loading force need adjust internal pressure and axial compression force for many times and according to the failure, the size of the two forces which has been mentioned can be rapidly and rationally adjusted; Because of good greasing conditions influencing largely, reducing the friction between tube blank and die inside surface as well as possibly not only makes more materials flow into the bulge area but effectively diminishes the axial compression force; The good or bad characteristics of tube blank material is also one of the decisive factors and when material is selected, we first consider its' formability.


According to the new bridge town ceramic bay village villagers which separates with this factory only one river reflect, often the prosperous chemical company emits the ill-smelling ozone after the standing committee platoon, within one hour which reporter interviews, continuously hears irritates the nose to one the unusual smell, soon feels the forebody 胀 pain.


The company's products varieties Qi, has all kinds of SOLAS Convention in line with the 96 amendments to the rules of international life saving appliances and MSC resolution MSC. 81 (70) life-saving equipment required to run tests inflatable life raft type cast may be suspended-type inflatable life raft, inflatable life raft open, since Fuzheng inflatable liferaft, since the centralizer can render type inflatable life raft, etc. various types of products, and CCS, EC, BV, DNV, ABS, NK, such as ship and community certificates, in particular, is the company's own design and manufacture of access to national patent 3-20 m offshore evacuation systems×èfill the domestic blank, and further demonstrates the remarkable strength of the Company,úlicense life-saving equipment is the best choice for you!


更多网络解释与胀相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


确地模拟土的剪性(dilatancy).经典的应力剪性(stress dilatancy)理论无法做到这一点.与状态相关的剪性(state-dependent dilatancy)理论认为剪性必须既与材料的应力状态而且还与材料的内部状态有关.利用与状态相关的剪性理论和临界状态理论能够做到只用一套材料参数即可在相当大的材料和应力状态范围内,


flatulence /胃气/空虚/虚张/ | flatulency /胃气/空虚/虚张/ | flatulent /肠胃气的/空虚的/浮夸的/

frost heaving:冻胀;冰冻隆胀

front teeth 门牙 | frost heaving 冻;冰冻隆 | full authority 全权

frost heaving ratio:冻胀率

盐-冻:salty and frost | 冻率:frost heaving ratio | 抗冻:frost heaving resistant

fulling machine:胀绒机

fulling agent 绒剂 | fulling machine 绒机 | fulling mill 绒机

flatulence due to immoderate drinking:酒胀,酒胀

flatting mill 压扁机,压平机 | flatulence due to immoderate drinking 酒,酒 | flatulence in the lower abdomen 下腹

inflatable life jacket:气胀式救生衣

inflatable life jacket 气救生衣 | inflatable life jacket 气式救生衣 | inflatable life raft 气式救生筏

inflatable life jacket:气胀救生衣

inflatable life belt 气救生带 | inflatable life jacket 气救生衣 | inflatable life jacket 气式救生衣


在个体发育特定阶段,多线染色体上有的带纹疏松而膨大,形成泡(puff),更大的泡被称为巴尔比尼氏环(Balbianiring),是基因转录的形态指标. 用3H-尿嘧啶掺入多线染色体,泡区被标记,表明该区活跃合成核糖核酸(RNA).


(70)溶(Swelling)高聚物吸收溶剂分子而发生体积膨的现象,称为溶. 溶又分为有限溶和无限溶,无限溶即是溶解. (71)乳化(Emulsion) 在乳化剂存在下,使一种难溶的液体,分散于另一种液体的现象叫乳化.