英语人>词典>汉英 : 肿胀性的 的英文翻译,例句
肿胀性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与肿胀性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Effects of natural cow-bezoar,cultured cow-bezoar with different bilirubin content and chicken bile on rat paw edema induced by carrageenin and formaldehyde and the postaglandin E2 (PGE2) content of inflammatory tissues of rat were determined by foot-digitoplantar turgorneter and UV spectrophotometry.


RESULTS Xiaocuoling at the concentration of 2.5、5.0、10.0g.kg-1 obviously inhibited the paws swelling induced by carrageenin in mice and the granuloma with cotten pellet in rats,decreased the penetration of blood capillary caused by histamine,increased the activity of peroxide hydrogenase in RBC,reduced the reaction of the torsive body induced by acetic acid in mice,and had no effects on the serum concentrations of testosterone of serum in male rats.

结果:消痤灵颗粒 2.5、5.0、10.0g.kg-1可显著抑制角叉菜胶所致的小鼠足趾肿胀和大鼠棉球肉芽肿,降低由组胺诱导的小鼠皮肤毛细血管通透性的增加,提高红细胞过氧化氢酶的活力。对乙酸致小鼠扭体反应有抑制作用。对雄性大鼠血清睾酮含量无影响。

Results Hushigutong Granule 30 and 60 mgkg^(-1 had significant inhibitory action on auris swell induced by dimethylbenzene in mice, foot swell induced by egg white and carageen glue, gasbag swell induced by croton oil and penetration of capillary vessel in rats.


In the health condition tired infirmity or the heavy disease, the bactria causes of the impatient inflammation reaction is more severe, light result in peripheral and red wisdom teeth heat's swelling, the ache is unbearable, Zhang Kou, swallow, chew a difficult and lymphoid swelling of gland etc., heavy cause the big scope infection swells of the beehive knit ingluvitis, the suppuration swells and gets a fever bad cold wait whole body of symptom, if have never given adequacy handle(antibiotic and cut open to lead to flow surgical operation), even will have fatal dangerous.


The mice were orally given correspondence drug for 7 days in every group, and after the seventh day of giving drug the mice were experimentized. Hot board method and vinegar twist body method were used to observe the analgesia effect, and experiments of dimethylbenzene inducing tumefaction of ears and osmosis of abdomen capillary vessel were done to obseve anti-inflammatory effect.

各组小鼠分别连续灌胃7 d,分别在末次给药后做热板法实验和醋酸扭体法实验两种疼痛模型观察镇痛作用;二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀实验和小鼠腹腔毛细血管通透性的实验,研究抗炎作用;并且与阳性对照组及空白模型组作对比观察。

Objective To study the effects of Danggui Niantong pills on the degree of swelling of rats acute feet swelling induced by sodium urate,and to probe into its pharmaceutical basis of treating gouty arthritis.


Objective The effect of 20% mannitolum on reducing traumatic swelling in maxillofacial region was studied.

目的 观察20%甘露醇在消除颌面部创伤性肿胀中的作用。

Ultrasonographic study identified hypoechoic subdeltoid bursa and hypoechoic fluid surrounding the hyperechoic lesion, a possible conglomerate of urate, within the bulging acromioclavicular joint.


Record and compare the developing degrees of the limb swelling,vanishing rate,requiring time for stopped using analgesic,cases of large-area tension bullae and the cases of Osteof ...


Method] Observe its influence on the pain tolerance of mouse hot plate method, on mouse ear swelling caused by xylene, on the cut-tail blood time of mouse, and on rats' hemoglutination platelet collection.


更多网络解释与肿胀性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

allergic purpura:过敏性紫癜

过敏性紫癜(Allergic Purpura)是常见的毛细血管变态反应性疾病主要病理基础为广泛的毛细血管炎,以皮肤紫癜,消化道粘膜出血关节肿胀疼痛和肾炎等症状为主要临床表现,少数患者还伴有血管神经性水肿.部分病人再次接触过敏原可反复发作肾脏受累的程度及转归是决定预后的重要因素.过敏性紫癜可发生于任何年龄,

traumatic asphyxia:创伤性窒息

创伤性窒息(traumatic asphyxia)是指胸部或腹上区突然受到钝性暴力作用所引起的上半身皮肤、粘膜、末梢毛细血管广泛破裂出血而产生的综合病征. 常累及到胸、颈及头面等多个部位,临床上以上胸部、颈及头面部肿胀,皮肤青紫及淤血斑,

Asthmatic bronchitis:喘息性支气管炎

喘息性支气管炎(asthmatic bronchitis)又称喘息样(或哮喘样)支气管炎,是指一组由多种病原引起的.以喘息症状为主的婴幼儿支气管炎. 病原体多为病毒,病理特点是支气管黏膜充血肿胀,分泌物黏稠,致使支气管阻力增加,肺实质受累很少.

acute salpingitis:急性输卵管炎

急性输卵管炎(acute salpingitis)多发生于分娩后、流产后或刮宫术后感染. 常由化脓菌感染引起. 病变常为双侧性. 输卵管充血、肿胀、浆膜面可见纤维素性及脓性渗出物. 及时治疗可完全治愈...输卵管炎症是妇科临床常见病,是引起女性不孕的主要原因之一.


) 增加皮肤的光滑(smoothness) 防治牛皮癣(psariasis) 保护阳光照射伤害 过敏反应 防治登革热(hay fever)特别有效 炎症 消炎 增加关节的灵活性 减缓关节肿胀的疼痛 糖尿病 减轻糖尿病性视网膜症 眼疾 减少视网膜症 防治毛细管出血及发出浮动物 肠胃系统 防治胃溃疡及胃炎 [葡萄籽] 葡萄籽是一种富含生物类黄酮 opc 的浓缩精

Superficial Thrombophlebitis:血栓性浅静脉炎

(一)血栓性浅静脉炎(superficial thrombophlebitis)多发生于四肢表浅静脉,如大、小隐静脉,头静脉或主要静脉. 急性期时患肢局部疼痛、肿胀,沿受累静脉的行径可摸到一条有压痛的索状物,其周围皮肤温度增高、稍红肿. 一般无全身症状. 1~3周后静脉炎症逐渐消退,

decubital ulcer:褥疮性溃疡

1.褥疮性溃疡(decubital ulcer) 褥疮性溃疡是持久性机械刺激引起的一种口腔粘膜深溃疡. 多见于成年人,尤其是老年人残根、残冠和不良义齿的长期慢性刺激可在邻近的部位发生病损,多见于舌缘和唇、颊粘膜. 早期受刺激处粘膜发红,有轻度的肿胀和疼痛,

trichorrhexis nodosa:结节性脆发病

2.结节性脆发病(trichorrhexis nodosa) 又名脆发症(trichoclasia). 结节性脆发病是毛干呈结节性肿胀,沿毛干有单个或多个膨出肿胀的结节. 此结节实为发干不完全的横折,有的已断,有的未断,因而呈结节状. 显微镜检查可见结节状发干及在结节处折断可确诊.


肿胀的oncooticturgent | 肿胀性的tumescent | 重安排rescheduling


tumescence /肿胀/ | tumescent /肿起的/肿胀性的/ | tumid /肿胀的/