英语人>词典>汉英 : 肿瘤病 的英文翻译,例句
肿瘤病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
oncosis  ·  phymatosis

更多网络例句与肿瘤病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I changed my work schedule, found transportation, an oncologist, cardiologist, hospice care , medical equipment, a care giver and bather.


I changed my work schedule,found transportation,an oncologist,cardiologist,hospice care,medical equipment,a caregiver and bather.


Exfoliated cells from nasoparynx of patients with definite or suspected nasopharyngeal carcinoma were examined for EBNA by anticomplement immunoenzymatic method.


The image-guided procedure involves freezing the tumor with a needlelike probe inserted through the skin and has a very high success rate when used on tumors that are 4 cm or smaller in size, said Christos Georgiades, MD, PhD, from Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland.

March 25, 2008 —冷冻治疗法提供无法接受手术和微创腹腔镜手术等方式的小肾脏肿瘤病患一个治愈选择;约翰霍普金斯大学的Christos Georgiades博士表示,这个影像导引技术利用一个探针穿过皮肤冷冻肿瘤,当肿瘤大小在4公分以下时,有很高的成功率。

The image-guided procedure involves freezing the tumor with a needlelike probe inserted through the skin and has a very high success rate when used on tumors that are 4 cm or smaller in size, said Christos Georgiades, MD, PhD, from Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland.

March 25, 2008 —冷冻治疗法提供无法接受手术和微创腹腔镜手术等方式的小肾脏肿瘤病患一个治癒选择;约翰霍普金斯大学的Christos Georgiades博士表示,这个影像导引技术利用一个探针穿过皮肤冷冻肿瘤,当肿瘤大小在4公分以下时,有很高的成功率。

8Neoplastic bone or neoplastic calcified cartilage: the former demonstrate ill-defined patched, radial or conglomeratic high density area in CT; the latter demonstrate spotty or circled high density in CT.

MR检查显示软组织肿胀I度2例,n度6例,nl度6例。3例显示脓肿样囊腔,在MR DWI上均呈明显高信号。1例显示脂液平面。1例显示软组织肿块。14例MR检查均未见软组织内气体。70例恶性骨肿瘤病人中,54例行CT检查,49例行MR检查。

Purpose: To report a case of ophthalmoplegia and optic neuropathy developed after embolization of the external auditory canal tumor.


In most cases, the diagnoses were based on the histopathologic examination of tissue obtained via laparotomy (7 patients, including 3 for failed medical treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease, 3 with assumed mucinous ovarian tumors, and 1 with an ovarian tumor) or peritoneoscopy (6 patients); cytologic examinations diagnosed TB for the others (3 patients).


In most cases, the diagnoses were based on the histopathologic examination of tissue obtained via laparotomy (7 patients, including 3 for failed medical treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease, 3 with assumed mucinous ovarian tumors, and 1 with an ovarian tumor) or peritoneoscopy (6 patients); cytologic examinations diagnosed TB for the others (3 patients).


In most cases, the diagnoses were based on the histopathologic examination of tissue obtained ia laparotomy (7 patients, including 3 for failed medical treatment of pelic inflammatory disease, 3 with assumed mucinous oarian tumors, and 1 with an oarian tumor) or peritoneoscopy (6 patients); cytologic examinations diagnosed TB for the others (3 patients).


更多网络解释与肿瘤病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


20%~40%淋巴瘤尚可引起胸膜病变,非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)较 霍奇金病(HD)多见,可继发于淋巴血流受阻,少数为肿瘤侵犯胸膜所致. 表现为单侧或双侧的胸腔积液或胸膜软组织增厚. 当肿瘤生长迅速,坏死破溃,侵犯胸膜时,胸水常为血性.

neoplastic:新生物的 肿瘤的

neoplasmocide 新乐君 | neoplastic 新生物的; 肿瘤的 | neoplastic disease 肿瘤病

Tumor formation; Formation of neoplasm; Neoplasty:肿瘤形成; 新生物形成

Tumor disease 肿瘤病 | Tumor formation; Formation of neoplasm; Neoplasty 肿瘤形成; 新生物形成 | Tumor in medulla oblongata 延髓肿瘤

cerebral schistosomiasis:脑型血吸虫病

脑型血吸虫病(cerebral schistosomiasis)在临床上较少见,特异性不强,神经内、外科和放射科医生往往对该病认识不足,重视不够,易误诊为脑肿瘤,特别是脑瘤型脑血吸虫病更易误诊为脑肿瘤.

Ebola Virus Disease:埃博拉病毒病

肿瘤病引起的其他肌无力综合症 Eaton-Lambert syndrome | 埃博拉病毒病 Ebola virus disease | 爱伯斯坦氏异常[埃布施泰因异常] Ebstein's anomaly

Eichstedt's disease; Versicolor microsporosis:变色小芽胞菌病; 色癣菌病; 变色糠疹; 斑点霉菌病; 褐黄斑; 糠粃样皮霉菌病

Effusional skin-disease 渗透性皮病 | Eichstedt's disease; Versicolor microsporosis 变色小芽胞菌病; 色癣菌病; 变色糠疹; 斑点霉菌病; 褐黄斑; 糠粃样皮霉菌病 | Eiloid tumor 肠蟠样肿瘤


oncometer 脏棋积计 | oncosis 肿瘤病 | oncotherapy 肿瘤治疗


\\"致癌性核糖核酸病毒\\",\\"oncornavirus\\" | \\"肿瘤病,瘤病\\",\\"oncosis\\" | \\"肿癌治疗法\\",\\"oncotherapy\\"

phymatosis:肿块病 肿瘤病

phymatorrhysin 肿瘤黑素 | phymatosis 肿块病 肿瘤病 | phymosisdilator 包茎扩张器

Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis:肿瘤病引起的多发性颅神经麻痹

分类于他处的其他疾病引起的其他颅神经疾患 Multiple cranial nerve palsies in ... | 肿瘤病引起的多发性颅神经麻痹 Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis | 多处挤压伤 NOS Multiple crushing injuries u...