英语人>词典>汉英 : 肠周围的 的英文翻译,例句
肠周围的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
circumintestinal  ·  perienteric

更多网络例句与肠周围的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Allantois and surrounding tissues of 8.5 day post coitum embryos, the hindhut and surrounding tissues of 9.5 dpc and 10.5 dpc embryos, the gonadal ridges and surrounding tissues of 11.5 dpc and 12.5 dpc embryos were collected and digested with 0.25%pancreatin-0.02%EDTA, then the cells were cultured in the plastic petridishes which are pretreated with 0.1% gelatine.

实验方法:取胚龄8.5 d胎鼠尾端尿囊及周围组织,取胚龄9.5~10.5 d胎鼠后肠及周围组织,取胚龄11.5 d,12.5 d胎鼠生殖嵴及周围组织,分别经0.25%胰酶-0.02%EDTA消化并接种于0.1%明胶包被的培养皿中。

A certain spot in the gastrula begins to act on surrounding cells, thus inducing fast cell division, local expansion, folding, invagination, tubular structures, inclusions, etc.


Conduits absorption and surrounding tissue cicatrization were observed at 1、2、4 weeks after neurotomy. And the nerve regeneration and functional recovery were evaluated by electrophysiology, histological changes, morphometric analysis, and weighing of gastrocnemius muscles at 6, 8 weeks afterneurotomy.


Results:X-ray Barium Enema findings of AMC:No filled appendical image;widening the interval up to 2cm~3cm and forming 40~55 angles between the end of ileum and the cecum;there were half-moon impressions on the cecal paries medialis and/or the paries lateral of the end of the ileum;CT findings of AMC There were...

结果 :AMC钡肠X线征象:阑尾不显影;盲肠与回肠末端间距增宽达 2cm~ 3cm ,并形成 4 0~ 5 5度夹角;盲肠内侧壁或/和回肠外侧壁半弧形压迹,形态固定;AMC的CT征象;右髂窝区"多个"囊性病灶,呈圆形和索条状;囊壁光滑;病灶周围结构清晰。

Results: Large number of immunoreactive fibres was detected in lamina propria and muscularis mucosae. Strong staining of ganglion cells in the Auerbach's and the Meissner's plexus were observed on the normal specimens. There was very little or no immunoreactive fibre in the lamina propria and muscularis mucosae of the aganglionic bowel. However there was strong immunoreactivity in the perineurium of the hypertrophic nerve trunks in the submucosal and intramural layers of aganglionic segments.

结果: 正常肠段的粘膜固有层和粘膜肌层中有大量的P75NGFR阳性纤维,粘膜下和肌间神经丛中神经节细胞表现为P75NGFR强阳性,痉挛段肠管粘膜固有层和粘膜肌层中P75NGFR阳性纤维明显减少或缺如,粘膜下和肌间粗大神经纤维的神经束膜表现为P75NGFR强阳性,象一个环包绕在周围。

Strong staining of ganglion cells in the Auerbach's and the Meissner's plexus were observed on the normal specimens. There was very little or no immunoreactive fibre in the lamina propria and muscularis mucosae of the aganglionic bowel. However there was strong immunoreactivity in the perineurium of the hypertrophic nerve trunks in the submucosal and intramural layers of aganglionic segments.

结果: 正常肠段的粘膜固有层和粘膜肌层中有大量的P75NGFR阳性纤维,粘膜下和肌间神经丛中神经节细胞表现为P75NGFR强阳性,痉挛段肠管粘膜固有层和粘膜肌层中P75NGFR阳性纤维明显减少或缺如,粘膜下和肌间粗大神经纤维的神经束膜表现为P75NGFR强阳性,象一个环包绕在周围。

Peripheral parenteral nutrition is often viewed as the stepchild of parenteral nutrition infused via a central venous catheter.


Results:X-ray Barium Enema findings of AMC:No filled appendical image;widening the interval up to 2cm~3cm and forming 40~55 angles between the end of ileum and the cecum;there were half-moon impressions on the cecal paries medialis and/or the paries lateral of the end of the ileum;CT findings of AMC There were...

结果 :AMC钡肠X线征象:阑尾不显影;盲肠与回肠末端间距增宽达 2cm~ 3cm ,并形成 4 0~ 5 5度夹角;盲肠内侧壁或/和回肠外侧壁半弧形压迹,形态固定;AMC的CT征象;右髂窝区&多个&囊性病灶,呈圆形和索条状;囊壁光滑;病灶周围结构清晰。

Methods 7 patients with peripheral neuropathies undergoing skin biopsy, electrophysiology, as well as sural nerve biopsy were observed.


After forty-five days,the broilers were killed and the distribution and quantity of IgA~+-cell and IgA positive reaction substance in the gut were observed by immunohistochemistry.


更多网络解释与肠周围的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


亦可在人和动物肠内发现. 有时列入不同的领鞭虫,单根鞭毛周围具有一捕捉食物的领圈. 波豆虫属(Bodo)的一些种类具24根鞭毛. 锥体虫属(Trypanosoma)细长形,为人类和动物血液寄生虫. 脊椎动物中寄生的利什曼原虫属(Leishmania)成员可致病.

visceral peritoneum:脏体腔膜

蚯蚓一些体节的纵肌层收缩,环肌层舒张,则此段体节变粗变短,着生于体壁上斜问后伸的刚毛伸出插入周围土壤;此时其前一段体节的环肌层...体壁内的壁体腔膜(parirtal peritoneum)明显. 而肠壁的脏体腔膜(visceral peritoneum)退化. 中肠的脏体腔膜特化成黄色细胞...

acrodermatitis enteropathica:肠病性肢端皮炎

肠病性肢端皮炎(acrodermatitis enteropathica)是一种少见的常染色体隐性遗传性疾病,以腔口周围、四肢末端之皮炎、腹泻、秃发为其临床特征. 本病主要发生于婴儿期,男女发病率相近,常于1岁左右开始发病,尤其在断奶前后发病率最高,严重病例不治可致死亡.


circumhorizontalarc 环地平弧 日承 | circumintestinal 肠周围的 | circumintestinalsinus 围肠窦


腔肠动物(Coelenterata)门是比海绵动物稍高等的后生动物. 体壁内、外两胚层间,有一层非细胞质的中胶层. 水和食饵以及不消化的残屑经顶端的大孔(口)出入于内腔(腔肠). 口的周围环生一定基数或其倍数的触手. 外胚层及触手上有一种特殊的刺细胞,



myenteric plexus:肌间神经丛

神经胞体成簇聚集,通过神经细胞突起的联系,肠神经节形成两类主要的节神经丛,即肌间神经丛(myenteric plexus)和粘膜下神经丛(submucous plexus). 1.3 肠神经系统的超微结构 肌间神经丛及粘膜下神经丛在超微结构上不同于周围神经系统的神经节,


periencephalography /脑膜造影术/ | perienteric /肠周围的/ | perienteritis /肠周炎/


perienteric /肠周围的/ | perienteritis /肠周炎/ | perifocal /病灶周的/


sausage stick washer 挂(香)肠杆洗涤机 | peroral 经过口的,口周围的 | retirement table 退休表 资产报废表