英语人>词典>汉英 : 肉欲性 的英文翻译,例句
肉欲性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与肉欲性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is probably one of the most obvious carnal manifestations of Satan's control of this planet.


Week ,i dreamed that he married.after that dream ,suddenly ,I,normally not that fleshliness,all of a sudden,feel sure that i become sexless, frigid,even dont need to have sex with a man to testify it.dont want to kiss ,even lose interest to talk about sex on internet world ,let alone DIY.sexless to that i feeel i need to see psychologist..sexless to that fear to have physical sequela ever after ..

那个梦之后忽然从原本自己都感觉的平常肉欲的自己,顷刻间就算没有跟男人上床去验证,也已然确定自己开始了性冷淡。不想同人亲吻,连跟人在网络世界里头谈性说爱也没有兴致,更别说DIY 。冷淡到自己害怕自己需要去看心理医生,冷淡到害怕以后生理上产生后遗症一样的缺陷。

The example which will not be discussed in the text concerns the conflict between eroticism and all impersonal or supra-personal values: a genuine erotic relation between a man and a woman can be regarded,"from a certain point,""as the sole or the most royal road "to a genuine life; if someone opposes all saintliness or all goodness, all ethical or aesthetic norms, everything that is valuable from the point view of culture or of personality, in the name of genuine erotic passion, reason has to be absolutely silent.

这段话里是两个主要意思:一是,韦伯的价值相对主义使他或使我们无法或不肯分辨甘泪卿和杜十娘;二是,这种价值相对主义可能是连韦伯自己都受不了的:知识分子象木匠和屠户一样,深受社会分工和专业化之苦,以肉欲沉湎和婚外性恋来补偿,将用不着兑现为婚姻的性生活(marriage-free sexual life)与一切生命的自然之源相联系,当作回归和拯救。

He uncoiled lazily, fairly exuding sensuality, creeping with predatory grace towards Ken and Jun.


As the Apostle says: The circumcision you have undergone is not an operation performed by human hands, but the complete stripping away of your unregenerate nature.


The Plum in the Golden Vase offers male-centered descriptions of the indulgent, lewd and abnormal sex, and embodies a worldly spirit of flesh carnival with an emphasis on the purpose of abstention from lust and expostulation on kindness, thus reflecting a contradiction between the author's purpose and his lustful and leching description of sex.


更多网络解释与肉欲性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carnality:肉欲 (名)

carnal knowledge 性关系; 性交 | carnality 肉欲 (名) | carnally 肉体地; 好色地; 世俗地 (副)


fleshings /紧身衣/削掉的肉片/ | fleshless /瘦弱的/无肉体的/ | fleshliness /肉体性/肉欲性/肉欲/


fleshless /瘦弱的/无肉体的/ | fleshliness /肉体性/肉欲性/肉欲/ | fleshly /肉体的/肉欲的/耽于声色的/


fleshless 无肉体的 | fleshliness 肉体性 | fleshliness 肉欲性


fleshliness 肉体性 | fleshliness 肉欲性 | fleshly 耽于声色的


fleshliness 肉欲性 | fleshly 耽于声色的 | fleshmuscle 肌


fleshliness /肉体性/肉欲性/肉欲/ | fleshly /肉体的/肉欲的/耽于声色的/ | fleshpot /煮肉锅/


据说,传统中的爱分成四种经历或感情:第一种是性(sex)-或是我们所称作的肉欲(lust)或性欲(libido), 其次是爱欲(Eros)-或是进入一种感情的更高阶段, 第三种是友爱(filia),或者说是友情, 第四种是同胞爱(Agape,


至于"感"和"性"合而为"感性"一词,古代汉语中没有这种用法,它是一个外来词汇,大约在近代以 后传入中国,主要指感性认识,即认识的初级阶段,与理性认识相对. 在西方,英语中"感性"( sensuousness)与"肉欲"(sensuality)具有相同的词根(sens...


sensual 肉欲的, | sexpert 性学大师 | SHAFT 杆状物,可指"阴茎