英语人>词典>汉英 : 联合会 的英文翻译,例句
联合会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
league  ·  leagued  ·  leagues  ·  leaguing  ·  federations

joint association
更多网络例句与联合会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As I cannot accept the current policy of the IDSF towards the World Dance Council, I will not make use of my IDSF Adjudicator License.


In 1955,the American Federation of Labor joined with Congress of Industrial Organizations.


Not content with this triumph, Randolph brought the Brotherhood into the American Federation of Labor, where it became the equal of the Federation's 105 other unions.


American unions had their greatest influence in the fifties and sixties. In nineteen fifty-five, the American Federation of Labor joined with the Congress of Industrial Organizations.


Congress failed to act on this proposal. But its lack of action did not stop the rise of a labor organization that had been formed a few years earlier. The group soon would become the most important labor union in the United States. It was the American Federation of Labor, or A.F.L.

国会未能就总统的这项建议有所作为,但国会的不作为并不能阻止几年前成立的一个劳工组织的兴起,这个劳工组织很快就成为美国最重要的工会组织,这个工会组织就是美国劳工联合会(the American Federation of Labor,简称A.F.L),美国劳工联合会由塞缪尔。

The Olympic Philately, Numismatic and Memorabilia Commission is comprised of the International Federation of Olympic Philately, the International Federation of Olympic Numismatic, and the International Olympic Memorabilia Federation. The OPNMC in conjunction with the FIPO, FINO, and FIMO share the same goal: to increase awareness of all Olympic collections by linking them to the cultural activities of the Olympic Movement.


Higher educational Intermediary organizations in Canada ,which roots in special political andhistorical environment ,have many and varied forms ,such as The Council Ministers ofEducation ,Canada, The Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission ,The Association of Canadian Community Colleges , CanadianAssociation of University Teachers, Canadian Interuniversity Sports etc . With variety of functions in consulting, assessing, supervising, coordinating and service,educational Intermediary organizations act as both a bridge connecting institutions of higherlearning, governments and society as well as a buffer in coordinating conflicts between them.


A blue Vandenabeele hen bred in May 2000 - GB00Z59057 direct daughter from Joe Jones, out of six races she won three second federations and two twenty third federations as a young bird and she came and topped the federation as a yearling.


It has joined in URSI (Union Radio-Scientific International), IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), IMIA (International Medical Information Association), and ICCCS on behalf of China.


Even the vaunted 法师联合会 does little more than refine that which is already known.


更多网络解释与联合会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ARMENIA ARM:亚美尼亚共和国田径联合会

9 ARGENTINA ARG 阿根廷田径联合会 | 10 ARMENIA ARM 亚美尼亚共和国田径联合会 | 11 ARUBA ARU 阿鲁巴田径联合会

BELGIUM BEL:比利时田径联合会

19 BURUNDI BDI 布隆迪田径联合会 | 20 BELGIUM BEL 比利时田径联合会 | 21 BENIN BEN 贝宁业余田径联合会


42 IVORY COAST CIV 科特迪瓦田径联合会 | 43 CAMEROON CMR 喀麦隆田径联合会 | 44 DEM. REP. OF THE CONGO COD 刚果(金)田径联合会

ECUADOR ECU:厄瓜多尔田径联合会

57 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOM 多米尼加田径联合会 | 58 ECUADOR ECU 厄瓜多尔田径联合会 | 59 EGYPT EGY 埃及田径联合会


会(CIB) 国际电信联盟(ITU) 国际照明委会员(CIE) 国际理论与应用化学联合会(IUPAC) 国际内燃机会议(CIMAC) 国际毛纺组织(IWTO) 国际牙科联合会(FDI) 国际动物流行病学局(OIE) 国际信息与文献联合会(FID) 国际法制计量组织


MIKASA为全世界的篮球,排球,足球,水球和手球运动提供广泛的高质量运动比赛用球,制造技术及全部设计得到下列领导世界球类运动的国际理事会核准: 国际排球联合会(FIVB) 国际业余游泳联和会(FINE) 国际篮球联合会(FIBA) 国际足球联合会(FIFA) 国际手球联合会(


79 GRENADA GRN 格林纳达田径联合会 | 80 GUATEMALA GUA 危地马拉田径联合会 | 81 GUINEA GUI 几内亚业余田径联合会

IULA;International Union of Local Authorities:国际地方当局联合会(地方当局联合会)

*IUHE;International Union for Health Education; 国际卫生... | *IULA;International Union of Local Authorities; 国际地方当局联合会(地方当局联合会) | *IUMI;International Union of Marine Insurance; 国际海运...

ITALY ITA:意大利田径联合会

95 US VIRGIN ISLANDS ISV 美属维尔京群岛田径联合会 | 96 ITALY ITA 意大利田径联合会 | 97 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS IVB 英属维尔京群岛业余田径联合会

International Booksellers Federation:国际书商联合会(书商联合会),IBF,书商联合会

International Book Year,国际书年,IBY, | International Booksellers Federation,国际书商联合会(书商联合会),IBF,书商联合会 | International Boreal Forest Research Association,国际北方森林研究协会,IBFRA,