英语人>词典>汉英 : 考场 的英文翻译,例句
考场 的英文翻译、例句


examination hall · examination room
更多网络例句与考场相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But in front of their soon-to-be-EEing daughter, they have displayed nothing but aplomb and affection.


Domestic entrance, adult college entrance examination, self-examination and the examination of various institutions, some criminal elements to use cell phones to cheat; in the test set MDPB-04-based mobile phone signal isolator, can be effective in blocking the process of examination of the types of mobile phone signal transmission, because cell phone signals within the scope of the test was cut off, any test can not answer the phone, view from outside the examination room phones, text messages; can not make calls, send text messages; guarantee test the order of category 2 intermediate and high school students to use cell phone text messages during school hours in the classroom hair set edsun-2008-type devices to block mobile phone signals, through the mobile phone signal blocking devices to block mobile phone signals, the mobile phone so that students can not receive text messages, send text messages to ensure that students can concentrate on in the classroom full time in a limited guarantee that the quality of teaching.


You must not leave the examination room until the invigilator tells you to do so.


This allows you to slow down tension, heart rate gradually to achieve calm; Secondly, the memories of their most successful by a single examination process, including the kind of success when心花怒放, cheerful scene intoxicated state of mind as well as their own access to the examination due to good results, and teachers have been a happy mood at the time of recognition, so that can achieve the elimination of tension anxiety, pleasure participating purpose; again, assuming that in the examination room are familiar with their teachers in the invigilator, students take the exam is also their classmates, the tension imagination into the examination room relaxed and happy occasion, so easy to maintain normal natural, so tense anxiety disappear naturally.


In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education Examination Center, during the college entrance examination confirmed cases of influenza H1N1 Type A areas, the departments concerned in accordance with national requirements, in each of the candidates before the exam, the examination staff to carry out temperature testing, increased testing twice daily disinfection, isolated test set up to ensure that the isolation test materials come into contact with the candidates placed before disinfection, such as marking.


Use of any surface other than the exam book as scratch paper violates the exam rules and regulations and may result in the voiding of exam results and disciplinary action.


If proctors or security personnel find items that are not permitted in the testing room, you will be required to place them in a designated area away from the testing room during the examination.


Unlike thetoefl, the sat is only offered in hong kong and its proctors adhereto much stricter standards.


Unlike the TOEFL, the SAT is only offered in Hong Kong and its proctors adhere to much stricter standards.


Candidates shall comply with test center rules and examination rules, the answer may not copy others, teicoplanin, disrupting the examination room order, fraud and other irregularities.


更多网络解释与考场相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

it is all too often:司空见惯

把...推向考场 push ... through exams | 司空见惯 it is all too often | 我深信 I am deeply convinced that ...

Financial accounting:金融会计

她考了整整两天,四个部分,捱到最后的"金融会计"(Financial Accounting)那套题,窗外电闪雷鸣,暴雨似乎打进了考场,淋湿了她的头发,眼睛里的字母全在水波中浮荡.

go off:下场

①下场(go off)指从舞台、比赛场、考场等退场. 洪深 >上篇三:"譬如自然主义话剧的用'三面墙'布景,与剧终时演员不下场而闭幕. "


从家庭(Family)聊到学校(School), 从残疾人(Handicapped)谈到少数民族(Minorities),我俩口若悬河用英语聊了二个多小时,大有相见恨晚之感. 她惊叹我这个考场唯一妈妈级参赛选手的热情和勇敢,我则好奇是什么激励她一个外表文静的女孩子一次次站在"希望之星"演讲台上?

Parallel parking:平行泊车

温哥华考场不管5级还是7级都考平行泊车(PARALLEL PARKING),其它考场5级多考三点调头(THREE POINT TURN). 路考车速控制也很重要,一般市区有黄线的主干或次主干道在无特殊情况下可开50公里/小时左右(误差控制在5公里以内,和平时路上开车有很大差别),


这门课没有课本,教授(Prof)在黑板上写笔记(我想十几年来,他拿着的备课本都没怎么改动过),我们抄. 大家都要用规定买的笔记本,因为它们是我们平时小测,期末考试的救命稻草(我们可以带着这本十分珍贵的笔记本进考场).



Africa Weeps:非洲在哭泣

In the Test Room在考场里 | Africa Weeps非洲在哭泣 | To Tell a Lie撒谎

be ruled by:受...摆布

... 的惩罚如同死刑一般,使人永世不得翻身 the penalty for ... is as final as death sentence | 受...摆布 ... be ruled by ... | 把...推向考场 push ... through exams


美国一项调查发现,热衷于网络交友的学生往往会牺牲学习时间沉迷于社交网站,因此社交网站得意可能意味着考场失意. 考场失意 "脸谱"(Facebook)等社交网站已经成为一些学生生活..